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Hi there, and thank you for signing up to support Facet! Your contribution allows this comic to grow and try out new formats and techniques as a freelance comic creator. I have lots of content for you to dive into and more is added every week! Also, I am here to respond to any suggestions or thoughts that you might have about how we can improve. Thank you again for your support, it means more than I can say, and I hope to bring you some awesome exclusive content in return!

Added: 2024-08
Hi there, and thank you for signing up to support Handbook of Heroes! Your contribution allows our comic to grow and try out new formats and techniques as freelance comic creators. We have lots of content for you to dive into and more is added every week! Unlike the main comic, where our writer Colin runs the forums, comments on Patreon are moderated by our artist, Laurel, so if you have any pressing questions about how Handbook is designed visually, you're in the right spot! Also, I am here to respond to any suggestions or thoughts that you might have about how we can improve.  Thank you again for your support, it means more than we can say, and we hope to bring you some awesome exclusive content in return!
Added: 2024-01