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Hi Guys, this is the first release of my first brushless motor device. Exciting!

I've run out of month so the Arduino code will follow in the next couple of days, but otherwise this release should be everything you will need to build the mechanism. I've included the STLs, a parts list and a description of the wiring.

Next month's release will be this same mechanism integrated into a toy.

If you are going to have a go at this build I highly recommend that you get yourself on Discord if you aren't already on there. You can share your progress with others in #maker-chat and of course feel free to @me there if you have any questions.



(The files are protected with the january password because of an ongoing Patreon security flaw. Check your email. As a $8 or $16 patron you should have received the passwords in your welcome email, but feel free to contact me if you have any trouble finding them. The files are also available on my discord server.)

(Update 2-2-23: Arduino sketch now added to this post. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. @me in #maker-chat on discord is the best way.)




Just to clarify, is this the same hardware that will be in the final version? Trying to figure out when to purchase it all.


This is the mechanism that's going in the finished SSR1. The big ticket items like the motor, encoder, motor controller, will not be changing.