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I absolutely loved the feedback from others on the previous post about AI.  Maybe this episode will get a similar response.  Zephyr Breeze doing Zephyr Breeze things when he stumbles upon something online.  Oh my!  Now it makes sense why we had to introduce Zephyr and Vinyl in that earlier comic!!!   So what are your thoughts?  Is Zephyr doing the right thing?  Should he not be telling Spike?  Does Lily have the cutest cheeks ever?  




I'll take the contrarian stance and say that no, Zephyr was not doing the right thing given what he knew, even if it did work out for the best. He doesn't know Vinyl well enough to have any basis to suspect she doesn't want to be doing adult streaming, and without that element he doesn't have a solid justification for outing her involvement in a stigmatized industry. I sympathize that he was reacting out of surprise and thought Spike would want to know, but it wasn't his place to say.


Lily's face is as legendary as her ability to use chopsticks with hooves