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Zephyr Breeze has been a complicated character throughout the series, often teetering between a sleazeball and relatable "trying to do right" jerk-wad.  He's been all over the board.  Sometimes he learns something, just to still do the wrong thing.  He has some sort of morale compass, but at other times he does things that makes you scratch your head in confusion.  

So what in your mind would be the best outcome for Zephyr in this series?  I will leave it completely open to your opinions.  Does he settle down with some pony?  Does he rub off his neutral self and become an upstanding citizen?  Does he get hit by a whale falling from the sky?  Let's hear your thoughts!



Dan White

He had a very sweet moment with Cheerilee earlier, when she was mocked by her date for being too old. A ship between them I think would be nice - him falling for an older woman who helps steer him right, and her flattered and boosted by a younger man who adores her. <3


Keep him "in the same state" forever. If he is redeemed for good or permanently "not a sleezeball" I think he'd be less interesting. Like, hes usually sleezy but *I like him for that* kinda like Patches from Darksouls games and whatnot


I dissaprove, he is too much of a punching back both in canon and this series, give him some happiness, maybe with a tsundere pony


Give him a mare who is into kinky stuff as an excuse to do both saucy stuff, and for Zephyr to realize he has been rather creepy to some mares


I do agree. It would be nice to give him a mare that would make him more caring, like how he was with Cheerilee or Fluttershy when she had the mushrooms. Somepony who would make him into a better pony, and show him how not to be a creep, but still being the Zephyr we love.