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This was made to remind everyone and myself that Applebloom still goes to the old folks home and volunteers.  This was part of a idea we had a long time ago, but never did the planned story because we thought it would be too boring to build up.  I still want to do that story really badly, but I don't think there is a deep connection with fans and Applebloom, and with the characters we see from the old folks home.  It doesn't help I don't even remember the stallion who is beside Applebloom in this episode, and he's the one I want people to remember.  

Maybe someday. ;-)  

We decided the official nurse of this old folks home from now and into the future will be Nurse Sweetheart, who is a real character from the show, as are the oldies.

The episode title, "Sounds Sound" is from a line in a little played video game called, "Landlord's Super."  One of the character you get deliveries from always says "Sound" when agreeing with you in his thick 'Briiihh-ishhhh' accent. 

Sorry I've been away.  I've been prepping my taxes and did taxes, and tax stuff.  Death and taxes.  




She's such a sweet pea. :)