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My personal favorite Top Twenty Episode of 2022.

Every year I say I want to do this, but then never do it.  Hopefully you enjoyed our annual two-day event of revealing the top voted episodes of the past year from our Tumblr and Twitter users.  Usually I side more with how Derpibooru votes, but this year I sided more with Tumblr, but overall, I didn't particularly like either's top results.  lol!  They lacked the moments I felt were far more representative of what MADE the 2022 season of AT&F.  

So I decided I will rank my top ten...uh... twenty this year.  These have a more personal connect to me I guess because, well, I had a hand in making them.  So hopefully you enjoy this!  If you want to see the results that Tumblr and Derpibooru voted, you can check them out here.   I may have gone a bit overboard and included a bunch of honorable mentions...  Feel free to tell me I am right or wrong, or share your personal favorites! 

My Personal Top Twenty

20. Hearing Instincts

19. Inspire

18. Daily Wearer

17. Kinked

16. Dating Days

15. The Big Library

14. Good Together

13. Gotta Dash

12. Mind Full

11. Kite Kids

10. Let's Eat

9. Bundle Of Joy

8. Book Horse Triggers

7. Rewarding

6. The Gourd Life

5. Long Summer

4. Better Things To Do

3. Radio Mare

2. Starlight's Gift

1. Hello Parents




Would #1 be #1 in terms of Twitter engagement?


There is no easy way to check on Twitter, but I did check and the answer is a hard resounding, no. I think the top episodes is "The Gourd Life" which would be listed as sixth on my list. "Hello Parents" isn't even in the top five for Twitter.