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People can feel blue around the holidays, but there is usually a way to fix that.  In Twilight's case, she has a good group of friend's who understand her needs.  Also would love to point out some character development in terms of Starlight's cooking!  She is cooking their big holiday feast!  Good for her!



Stefan thyr woller

Well ofc starlight is cooking... Spike is with lily and I doubt moondancer or Twilight knows how to cook 🤣 This is definitely one of my favorite episode from last year


“You had me at ‘let’s’” is one of the most heartwarming things anyone could possibly say. It doesn’t matter what he’s doing, as long as he’s doing it with her. That’s really beautiful. ❤️ Definitely one of my favorite episodes ever.


I'm so happy you enjoyed it. I was looking at the top ranked episodes by Derpibooru this year in particular, and usually I think they are more accurate then the Tumblr picked ones, but this year was the complete opposite. I don't think either choose all that good of episodes this year, so I will make my own picks soon. :)

Stefan thyr woller

Lawrence and Twilight moment have really become my favourite part of the story. I enjoy all the others stories that are happening around town like the hunt for that lady that is making all the homeowners rules.... But Twilight finding Lawrence is just so wholesome


T'is not good for ponykind to be alone.