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We are designing Twilight's home complete with everyone's rooms and various locations in the house that we've shown in the comic series.  We are doing our best to find everything we've ever shown and put it in logical places.

But we have the freedom to do anything we want, make new rooms and show new things!  What do you want to see in Twilight's house?  For example, we have mentioned many times she has a library, but I am not sure we've ever shown it!  So we're logically going to place it somewhere in the house.

Now for your reference, the house is large.  It's not castle or mansion large, but it's larger than the average home in North America for example.  She's pretty well off in that sense.

So what do you want to see in her house?  Post ideas or obscure rooms you think we might miss below!  When done, we'll show you some of our rough ideas and sketches.  Hopefully when it's all fleshed out, we will use this as reference for when making future episodes!  Let your inner home builder free!!




Secret shrine to past love interests like flash sentry, may make fir a good bit of adorkable fun when her Coltdriend sees it.


Massage Room for Spike



Ben Berlin

Let's see...A large well-stocked library (or two). A decent-sized kitchen, a dining room or two (I'm thinking a small one for friends and family and a larger one for "official" functions). Her bedroom and other private spaces, a sitting room, maybe a small attached greenhouse/conservatory (for Spike given her allergies), a basement laboratory, an office for her official duties, several spare rooms for guests, Spike's accommodations and given the pseudo-19th century aesthetic of canon Pony then a number of storerooms for food, coal/wood, a cider cellar, etc....and that's all I can think of at this moment. Granted several of these could be combined or even eliminated if we're using your more modernistic take on Pony. Also if she's not a Princess in this design then probably get rid of the "official" spaces as well.


You gave given so many ideas! We do have an office! We have a shed for Spike and garden supplies. Haven't thought of spare bedrooms, good idea! I like the idea of a library for all house residents, and Twilight's own personal library too. Haven't thought of a basement or a cellar/attic! So many good suggestions, Ben! Love it!


I see a laboratory was already mentioned, but I still want to highlight that as an unusual room that she should have and feel slightly bad about not actually using much.


Dungeons? For... bad dragons? On second thought, maybe not... but basement for sure. Maybe the basement gets too dusty for Twilight to be able to drop by, so Spike has been the organizer and has developed a cave of his own.

Ben Berlin

Thank you, but honestly, I probably wouldn't have given nearly as much thought to this if it weren't for great artists/story writers like Baron Engel and Georg who really took the 19th century aesthetic and really delved into it beyond "ha hah funny houses have hay on them".


It could be cute to have some large chalkboards in one of the rooms for all Twilight's crazy ideas, organizing, and planning.


There will totally be room for that. When we release our rough idea, there will be blank rooms for YOU and others to decide what goes in them. :)