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Is this Lily face too saucy? What you choose is the one that will appear on Thursday's new episode! Just comment which option you like, A or B.  

We are going with A by default... but then someone drew B and... well... we push the envelope sometimes as you know.



Bernard Doove

A works fine, but Lily is Spike's girlfriend and allowed to be a bit more saucy with him, so B would be okay too.


Oh I like B, all the way. It’s okay to be a little saucy sometimes. ;-)

Loose waffles

B some sauce is just fine

Ben Berlin

A for the mane comic, B for singular stills or joke shorts.


I would agree with Ben ^


Because the main comic does go wacky at times I would say B. Plus it’s meme material and a bit of a pop culture esk reference. I also agree with the above comments a little sauce is fine plus this is lilly and spike okay there is literally a comic were he leaves a hand print on her flank also the bitting lol. I say “B”


B seems a bit too explicit in the intention. I would use A...


Ohhh no! You all are not making this easy! I think we will do version A for one of our sources and version B for another. Two versions at the same time!


I'd be fine with either, depending on the context. I'd say A conveys enough.


I'd say B is too saucy, but, I'm already a forsehucker so I may be tainted in what I deem lewd or not. A more innocent person may still just see a mare with a silly face