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I hope this is a joke by them.  I didn't respond.  First of all, none of us have ever said who that character was based on.  As a matter of fact, she is a completely original design.  I mean... this whole series is based off MLP... I think that's a bigger deal than an original character... and Hasbro don't care yet. ;-) Nintendo doesn't own colors or a name.  I know people named Isabelle.  There are thousands of people and original characters named Isabelle.

I left the user's name incase anyone knows who they are.  Don't contact them.  I think they are just trying to stir the pot.  Nintendo has bigger fish the fry anyways... right? Isabelle was purely created from nothing.  In fact, I've never played Animal Crossing before.  So we have no idea who this "Isabelle" even is. :D  

I know this message is probably nothing, but it still puts you in a mood why people have to be unfriendly just to be unfriendly.  Why do people do that? 



Stefan thyr woller

Why would Nintendo also care about one guy telling on you🤣😅 For making a character that kinda looks like Isabelle as a pony 🤣


Exactly! No one ever said 'our' Isabelle is based on anything. Heck... people are only recently even saying they think they look similar. :D She's such a background character, who even cares? :D

Stefan thyr woller

I noticed the similarity after I played AC new horizon.... But I just found it cute 😂 Some people are just weird 🤣😂 And get butt hurt / triggers easily 🤣


It's a joke, if not I'll eat my shorts


Yeah that’s dumb plus they have no ground to stand on with any claim. It’s just to get a response out of you. To be fair Nintendo are hawks when it comes to claims but this to be claimed is so far fetched it’s laughable. I think this person needs more adorkable in their lives! It’s much happier on this side, haha. Perhaps that is why they are prodding for a response? 🧐

Borg Lord

It could be the lead-in to a scam where someone pretends to be Nintendo and tries to shake you down for money . . . but hopefully it's just purposeless trolling.


Why do people do things like this? My answer at this moment is, maybe they're only 10 years old and has too much spare time


They are welcome to be on the happy side with us. But I also figure, they won't even know how to contact Nintendo for such a thing... much less Nintendo go actively look for it and care. I know they are hawks on their property, but a pony that has a skirt and hair that looks like ears probably isn't the top of their list to deal with. People create fan-artwork all the time anyways. I think the best response is no response.


Those blasted ten year olds.... they do things like this and made low-quality videos on Youtube easily explaining how to do complex computer things I am trying to solve!


???What's wrong with this guy?


Just your everyday troll, stay safe!