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We needed two things.  More Applejack and Twilight hanging out, and more Rodney. Obviously!!! Just a little episode to piece some set up for the future and have some silly banter between these two.  We also get a decent view of Sweet Apple Acres for a change.  Also a very nice fence. ;-)  We need more fences in this comic.

Don't quote me, but I am not sure if Big Mac has ever spoken in this series until now.  If that's the case, I might edit that out, lol.  But it just fits so nicely.



AutoKnight01 (Princess Deadpool)

You’d think Rodney would be better fit to get apples off trees. Those horns are right there on his head. Good ramming devices.


Very true. More perplexing is how Rodney worked for Twilight at one time and she doesn't seem to remember him... maybe she does? I don't know.

AutoKnight01 (Princess Deadpool)

That poor girl has so much going through her mind. Like how’s she’s probably wondering if she should be one of those girls to carry a custom hanky at the off chance of sneezing in public.


It is part of who she is. She sneezes at the worst times and she's self conscious about it. We've never given her a hanky, maybe we should? lol. She shouldn't have sneezed on Applejack's wood. ;-)


Interesting idea. We'd have to have some lead up for RARITY to realize she would need to make that. I could see Rarity giving nice clothes gifts to everypony (Mane6) then when she comes to Twilight, Twilight's all excited for a dress as well and instead gets a hanky, lol.

Wireball MacCarter

Heh, it almost sounds like Applejack is parodying some r/ChoosingBeggars posts on Reddit :) "We pay in exposure" and "think of how good this will look on your resume". Come to think of it, you probably get a fair number of those requests yourself.

Harmless Kitten

Gosh I love your interactions between Twilight and AJ; Twilight's literalness and naivete plays really well with AJ's earnestness and dry sense of humor. They always bring a smile to my face!