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Here are some ideas we are mulling around not including the new ideas you gave us a few days ago in a blog post.  Some have been written, some are still just basic ideas. These are all extremely vague on purpose.  I don't want to give anything important away.

  • Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo camping.
  • Fluttershy and Twilight go to a Thrift Shop.
  • Twilight and Lawrence get into a weird situation at the library.
  • Zephyr and Fluttershy are generous to each other.
  • Spike and Lily eat cake.
  • Starlight hangs out with Co-Workers and talks about bois.
  • Pinkie, Moondancer, and Spike hang out.
  • Lotus and Aloe make a move.
  • Starlight has to make an important choice after coming to a realization about herself.
  • Apple Bloom deals with loss.
  • Sweetie Belle and Officer Connor take down a Criminal.
  • Rodney reveals why he is working for Applejack.
  • Vinyl and Spike go to a go-kart track.
  • Twilight and Lawrence do stuff together.
  • Bonbon seeks Moondancer's advice.
  • Lily puts on lipstick.
  • Vinyl's livestream reaches a key moment.
  • AT&F crossover with Teletubies (okay maybe not).
  • Rarity teaches Twilight how to flirt.
  • Sunburst realizes he's a loser.
  • Twilight creates a book about sparkling hunky vampires called "Eventide."
  • Vinyl and Spike share a moment.
  • Lily's secret.
  • Lily creates a phone app called "Lily's Garden" and makes great advertisements (uh... also not this).
  • Twilight masters a form of art and is happy with herself.
  • Twilight's art lands her a spot in a local art fair where they is a divide she has to deal with.
  • Twilight helps Coco and Greg move.
  • Spike eats meat in front of ponies. 
  • Wake up, socks then shoes, breakfast, become business man, become rich.  Fill a need, expand, grow, take over the country, then the world.  Make cheese a currency and a law forbidding polo shorts. 

What interests you?  Any more ideas yourself?  We have no shortage of storylines. 
