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Research question: What do you like seeing AT&F characters doing?

I won't judge you.




Triathlons. Colorful triathlons. ;-)

Luis_El Oso_Graciano

Mmmmh.. this is a fun concept. Okay, How about someone winning the lottery and the shenanigans that ensue. Maybe AJ?


I like seeing them have cute interactions and make silly faces? Twilight and Trevor with the box fort is way cute

Borg Lord

I feel like that "I won't judge you" is a challenge . . . but I don't think I actually want to go there. Mainly I just like seeing them being cute. And being dorks.

Rupert the Blue Fox

Hmmmmm... This will come cross as weird, but how about... somethings to do with balloons? And pool toys?

Luis_El Oso_Graciano

Yeah! Edit: I thought about this for a bit, and you know how things can get out of hand? Like I say to my friend "I won the lottery and I got the jackpot!" and that friend might tell another persona and that person might think "Oh they are loaded!" and people starts to get all sycophant with me. But whent he day comes and I show off my prize the lottery was the farmer's lottery and the jackpot was a brand new tractor.


I like to see them doing well. (Boo-)


Exactly! I was even thinking that maybe some pony buys the lottery, and gives it to another just for fun... and the ticket they give away is a winning ticket. We've already got ideas flowing from your suggestion!

Luis_El Oso_Graciano

Ooooh... What if Trevor is struggling in School and Twilight tries to help him but the only place Trevor feels comfortable interacting is in the fort?


It's fun to see the fun little parts of their life that the show got too busy to focus on later, and it's also great to see them working on little life goals like Spike and his massage business.


I'm a bit late, but it's fun watching Moondancer and Starlight getting invested in stuff. Seeing lightharted snark from pretty much everyone is also good.

Harmless Kitten

I adore Twilight and Applejack's interactions. Twilight's naivete and Applejack's dry honesty is a good mix, and leads to some fun scenarios. That, and I love seeing Starlight's jealousy. She tries so hard to hide it, and the harder she tries to hide it, the funnier it gets. The interactions between her and Lilly are a lot of fun because of it.


Like tutoring. Hmmm. I bet we could make something like this work... maybe show Trevor has some learning troubles as well that challenges Twi to teach him in a different way. :)


YES! Yes! I couldn't agree more! I'm sure you've noticed Starlight's snark had to transition some when Spike and Lily became more and more steady. But her snark will still be there. Also investing in goals, there is plenty of that to come!


I'm glad you like that! I enjoy exploring them more too. I honestly wish, if I had the means to do so, I would release this comic series every day. New episodes daily. I just have so much I want to do... but a lot of it isn't humor based.

adorkabletwilightandfriends (edited)

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