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It has been awhile since we've seen Colgate let alone Twilight going to the dentist, so lets do it!   Just a simple comic that points out how bad most of us probably are at this type of mouth hygiene.  ;-)  And of course this was a chance to draw shapely Colgate, we couldn't NOT have fun drawing her. 

I'm going to go floss now... 



Borg Lord

I have to floss every day because my molars are pros at collecting food. If I don't floss it'll just stay there irritating my gums until it starts to hurt to chew.


I tend to be good for a week or two then bad for an equal amount of time.

Harmless Kitten

Oy, bad memories with this one. I swear my old dental hygienist was trained by the KGB or Air America. She would use her thumbnail (which you could feel through the glove) to anchor her hand in my gums as a way to steady herself. You'd sit there in the chair, writhing, and the whole time she would chastise you for not flossing enough. It was so bad that my mother and I would take pain pills before going in for our six month checkups. And it wasn't even that we had bad dental hygiene; my mother brushed and flossed twice daily, and I've never had a cavity in my life. This woman just didn't understand that her actions could cause pain, I guess.