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Battle map dimensions - 15 x 18 squares

Image resolution - 3000 x 3600 px

1 sq - 5 ft

DPI - 200

"The bars clang as the door swings back into place, keeping the intimidating display of personal safety hidden away in this dark and dingy market. Your skin itches as you browse the wares, unsure if it's the heat and spent rounds doing it or the sight of so many tools devoted to killing your fellow man.

The owner glares at you from behind his counter, the scars etched on to his body either a testament to how effective his merchandise is or a perfect example of why you should buy as much as possible and leave quickly. The rows of rifles behind him look especially deadly, although not quite as bad as the look he's giving you right now.

A couple of muffled honks draw him away form his staring, as clearly some sort of delivery has eclipsed his interest in staring a hole through your skull. Looking around further you spot a shooting range tucked off to the side, in case you weren't adequately impressed with the doomsday aesthetic of the weapon you've picked out. An attendant nods to you as he lights up a cigarette, and you try to ignore the smears of dried scarlet against the wall where the targets are lined up.

You settle on just grabbing a pistol and some extra rounds to fill it with, hurrying over to the counter to complete your transaction as quickly as possible. The delivery has been unloaded whilst you've been browsing, large pallets covered in opaque plastic. It could be dirty bombs, hijacked military surplus, or enough ammo to level a skyscraper. But you're not sticking around to find out, as you practically throw your cash at the owner and get out fast.

Whether it's the new piece tucked into your coat or finally being back out in the not so fresh air, you feel much safer now."

~ SlappinFace

Hi everyone!

Here’s a new cyberpunk battle map for y’all - a guns marketplace! A place where your players can go buy their weaponry essentials and ogle at the cyberpunk gear they cannot afford.

This is yet another battle map that has been highly requested for a while now. Initially, it was meant to be a typical single guns store. But as I started drawing, I just was not feeling the smaller space - don’t ask me why, it’s just a gut feeling.

So as I started expanding the size of the shop, a few of you on the Discord server asked for a shooting range to be included so players can test out the hardware. And so I decided to add multiple vendors and a weapons repair shop, complete with a target practice shooting range to make this a full-fledged guns market instead.

I really had a good time drawing and painting this map. Adding a lot of dirt and texture to the map’s canvas really made me smile. These really accentuates that Cyberpunk mood and ambience (in my opinion anyway).

Alright then, let’s look at what variants we have in store today…

Map Variants

Display Cabinet Raid

In the middle of the room, we have two separate display cabinets showcasing some expensive weaponry and tech. The contents of which are secured via metal grilled cabinet doors.

In this variant, someone had performed a well-executed heist and raided the cabinet for something. Your players arrive at the scene to discover the remnants of what wasn’t stolen.

New Stock Arrival

Once a week (or month, or whatever you deem ideal), the vendors get new stock delivered. Sometimes, it’s just restocking the same old hardware, but at other times there’s exciting new tech to be had.

Off to the side of the back delivery door are two trolley carts of new products, ready to be unpacked.

Delivery Day

This variant gives the players a day-time view of a potential parking lot behind the guns marketplace. There is a white delivery truck parked, ready to offload some new stock.

Target Practice

At the shooting range, your players discover a dead body of a male with his head blown off and cranial fragments splattered against the wall. Someone had one hell of a weapon to take a head off in one shot. Time to investigate!

Patreon Supporter Downloads


  • Guns Marketplace - base map (watermark-free, full 200 DPI resolution, grid + grid-less formats)

Go to Bronze downloads section


  • Everything above +
  • Display Cabinet Raid (tile)

Go to Silver downloads section


  • Everything above + 
  • New Stock Arrival (tile)
  • Delivery Day (tile/full map, baked version)
  • Target Practice (tile)

Go to Gold downloads section

Thank You For Your Support

As usual, I'm grateful for each and every one of you for supporting my art work. I hope you'll love this battle map.

Let me know how you like this map in the comments below!

~ Frag


gun marketplace - Cyberpunk TTRPG battle map


Lily C. (Blue Qraz)

I've already got NPCs with gun shops! This is perfect, and my players will flip when they get to walk into an actual space instead of theater-of-the-mind-ing it. Sweet map!

Dave L

This is where I would I got add a Neo GIF…”guns, lots of guns”. Nailed it as usual.