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Hey guys,

Is that time of the month again for another content drop, but this time we have a little something different.

Since I published my first ever cyberpunk battle map three years ago, my supporters been asking me to create vehicle tokens. I had to decline this requests because most of my battle maps featured indoor locations where having vehicles present made little sense.

Times have changed and lately I've been putting out rather large battle maps (and will continue to do so down the track). Now, vehicle tokens have become quite crucial.

So I have spent the past week and a half drawing cyberpunk cars, bikes, trucks, APCs, etc. I hope you like them.

I took a break from drawing for a bit today to step outside for some sun and that good old vitamin D. I live near a main road and as I watched cars drive by, I realized right then that I don't want to see another car for a while.

Vehicle Token Sets

These are all the vehicles I drew and I've decided to distribute them to all of you in the following way:

Set 1

These are your typical cyberpunk civilian vehicles ranging from sedans, muscle cars, a motorcycle, police vehicles and SUV's.

Set 2

This set features heavy vehicles and quite a few of them have been heavily inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. These are your armored APC, Thornton Colby "Little Mule" style off-road pickups, limousine, container truck and another motorbike. You get the drift.

Set 3

This final set contains a heavy AV (aerial vehicle) seen in the Shin Tokyo map, but re-drawn to be clearer and from a pure top-down angle. Other additions include an anti-grav (Militech Basilisk-style) tank, a large drone, and vehicle variants from the Set 1.

Important Note

Also included with EACH set are the following:

- Night versions of each token

- 2 different resolutions: 140 & 100 DPI - these are the resolutions I use for my outdoor maps that support vehicles. So when you load in the tokens, use the right size variants so you don't have to resize them in your virtual tabletop software.

For the future

Let me know if you guys want to see more specialist vehicle tokens in the future, in the comments below. 

Patreon Supporter Downloads


  • Vehicle Tokens Set 1
  • 100 / 140 DPI variants
  • Night variants

Go to Bronze downloads section


  • Everything above plus…
  • Set 2

Go to Silver downloads section


  • Everything. You will have access to every single token.

Go to Gold downloads section


cyberpunk vehicles tokens - TTRPG tabletop roleplaying by Frag Maps



These look amazing! Looking forward to using these in my chase session.


I'm not gonna lie, this pack is awesome. I used it last weekend for my players, and they got out of line in public. When i dropped the Max-Tac AV on the map... they pooped thier pants.. the reaction was priceless...!!!!