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Hi everyone,

I need your votes for which one of these to tackle for Feb. I will be releasing 2 maps. 

The first map is a secret (for now) because it will most likely end up being part of a big collaboration project. Will let you guys know more when I can.

The second map for Feb will be up to you guys. The map with the highest number of votes will be the one I will take on. 

Thanks all,




"Dungeon Crawler Map" clarification: Generally a large map, pure 2D top down with a maze-like layout and lots and lots of walls for players to potentially spend hours exploring.


The Canal map would be an epic part of the under city sewer system. A location where your players might end up having to fight for their lives to save themselves or someone else. ~ I thought I'd clarify to make the votes fair.


I love that idea


Don’t worry if it doesn’t get voted for. I will get around to all the 3 maps listed. I just wanted to poll to find out which ones you guys wanted first.


I think the canal has the most potential to be unique. Don't get me wrong, I want more rooftops and labs, but i don't have any kind of cybersewer map in my repertoire, so that's my vote. A simple repair job gone wrong, attacked by a gang of moleman creatures who fear the light - and all we got is a box of flares. The map instantly gets my juices flowing as a GM. The others are along the lines of stuff I've encountered before (still cool though!)


Noted. But the maps mentioned above are all gonna be created consecutively anyway. I only polled for which map to go first. You’ll get that unique map. Don’t worry.


So far I have been very impressed with your work, and very much appreciate the quality of your maps. I am not concerned on the order I just love the idea of blackmarket/secret bio labs...

Alberto Calsolaro

The Canal map would be awesome!!! You can easily find chemical lab maps and rooftops as well (even if your idea to link a new map to the market street is great), but you can't find a decent canal/sewer map for a cyberpunk/futuristic setting!!!