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Backstage for Where the Winds of Limbo Roar, #25 of the 52 Project. The title is based on "Veteran of the Psychic Wars" by Blue Oyster Cult, and that would actually have been a better title, but I used it already on an X-Men fanfic.

writing-prompt-s on Tumblr provided the prompt, "The psionics in your battalion are mocked for sitting in chairs meditating all day while the real soldiers do the fighting, until an un-repulsed enemy psychic attack shows them that psionic battles are every bit as real as anyone’s." I decided to do it as a flashback instead of real time, because I felt like the thing about a psychic attack, if you're not psionic, is that either your psionics repel it so you don't feel a thing, or you're dead or insane.

When seeking a character to tell the story, I originally thought to create someone vaguely based on Magneto, someone who might have spent their childhood and youth fighting for freedom against a murderous oppressor. But Marcus ended up being much more genial and having a much less formal speech pattern than Magneto.

I have to admit that my favorite character in this story is Falli the fowl-mouthed messenger corvid. "I'm Falli. I love bacon. No asshole." I may revisit this universe someday just to have an excuse to write Falli again.


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