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This is actually something I wrote, originally, when I was in 8th grade. (It has been massively revised since then.) You can see elements of the universe I created in order to rip off Battle of the Planets and make it a reasonable science fiction universe, but this particular one owes a lot more to Star Trek. 

The farlae are one of the only truly "alien" species in that universe. They're humanoid, but are green-skinned (literally green, not like Vulcans with green blood), photosynthesize, and require triads of two women and a man to reproduce. They're also strongly psionic. Draines, which were my clever plan for ripping off Star Trek's Vulcans, are more like a planet of people trained from infancy in stoicism; they're not very different from humans overall, except that they have even less psi than humans do, because I wanted to go in the opposite direction from Vulcans.

The original version of this had a terrible ending. Really, really bad, rendered the whole damn story pointless. I was a teenage edgelord, is what I'm saying. Read too much Harlan Ellison back then. I've learned a few things since then.


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