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Summer time is time for summer themed picture sets! Ninja girl Aki (an original character I created for my Fantasy Frontier series) is ready for the supposely easy mission of watching spoiled princess Elvina during her vacation. Just relax, swimming... or not? Aki's evil twin Aku seems to have other plans for them! I hope you like this set :) I tried to add quite many many variants for you:


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For more Aki adventures, you can check PawfeatherComics' Fantasy Frontier section and more specifically, this sketchbook I did all focused on her :) Hope you like!

Thanks a lot for your amazing support! Stay tuned for more summer themed pictures!




Wonderful set! All the variants are great, thank you!


Cute idea with the box! :D


(posted a comment but seem's patreon may have bugged out so gotta try it again T_T if it unbugs with delete one) Quite the devious plan to wait and capture these cuties while on vacation but certainly a good sight for whoever order the capture of these two when the box is opened. I do enjoy the variants with Aku as with the variants it implies two different outcomes. First one where it is just the two of them it is a good way of Aku taunting Aki while the second could be a way to show who is behind capturing both of them. Each way is both equal as good as a way for this story to play out. (Also there still seem's to be room in the crate for Aku haha) Speaking of variants I do enjoy the tickling and then leading into the crate closed variant. I'm guessing once it is closed no one will be able to hear their muffled tickles and the endless tickles until it is opened T_T Was also going to suggest a mummy variant but it seem's there are quite a lot already 0.o


Aki is not my favorite of your OCs, but still love this set and the mini story setting ^^ Hope seeing more of your OCs in swimming suit :)


Liked it.....I absolutely love it! Quite enjoyed the scenario and the setup to it and hope you do more like it in the future! Especially with gals in tight spaces haha

Mark Johner

Love the crate idea :P and of course the cocoon variants any chance of head wrapped varaints on those?


Love this LoZ! One of my favorites! Love all the variants!


This was nice to see. It's been a while since we've had a "concept" image. This was a very welcome change of pace.