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EDIT: fixed a few bugs in version 0.1.  of which the most important a possible softlock in the game by paralyzing ruby too early 

Hi bughunters! I just finished the new spooky times standalone. A day later than I wanted and I'll still be working hard on it for the next couple of days, but all that I wanted in there is in.  Well, not really, because I was planning on more, but the more part is easily cut out without a big impact. I'll talk about it in the spoiler log.

For anyone not familiar with the Spooky times concept, they're standalone games situated in the FET universe and basically Halloween games. I try and change it up for every new part, which means there's no real ongoing story between part 1, 2 or 3.  Except for the overarching excuse of Tenzin telling stories to Pema and his daughters.

Anyway, I made a new one for this year and if you encounter bugs you can let me know about them in the comments or by sending me a dm. Both ways are fine(and appreciated!) If you have anything besides bugs to tell me I'm all ears too.

That's about it. Links below and a spoiler log can be found at the bottom of this post. I hope you'll like it!  Thanks!

Spooky times 3  (v0.2)      -   PC version  -   alt link  

Spooky times 3  (v0.2)      -   Mac version  -   alt link 

Spooky times 3  (v0.2)      -   Android version  -   alt link 


There will be a scene with Korra(sucking), Opal, (boobies), Pema(buttfun + pirate fun), Ty Lee(meow fun!)   And I guess Lin? nothing fullblown though. I'm keeping this cryptic. Next part of this spoilerlog will be less cryptic.

I've set it up as sort of an escape room/house. A bit like the earlier spooky times, but this might be a bit harder? I'm not certain. It seems straightforward to me but I'm never certain whether new players will get stuck in places.  There are two places where you might be scratching your head which I'll mention in the next line. The first is if you forget to return the scalpel after using it the first time on Ty Lee and the second probably not checking the boxes in the attic after inserting the brain.

besides that I think you should not have a lot of problems with this, but you can of course let me know if I'm completely wrong about that. Also the board game is something I wanted to make infinitely more involved than it is right now. I can't do it justice in the next couple of days so I'll probably keep it a stump and focus on other parts which I can improve upon.  If you can get the key to the front door there's nothing of value to be gotten out of winning which is purely a chance thing anyway.





found a minor bug which I'm not sure i can replicate either, basically when you get the boobjob scene after you have injected Opal with the syringe there's a split second after the scene ends where you can see her eyes popping up from below the sheet , I don't think that's supposed to happen


I think someone might have already mentioned this whops