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Hey all! It's been a few weeks since you last heard from me so let me tell you a bit about what I've been doing. Nothing you didn't already know. I've been working on this month's Spookytimes (hubpost for the earlier two)  

It's fun to  be able and do something completely different. Something where I can get a little more silly, but all that amount of creative fun/potential can have it's own challenges. Like for example having too many things you'd like to try and then doing both at once and getting something... bad... Or at least not good. 

It's like when you try and say something while still deciding which specific word you're going to use when you're already pronouncing it.  You'll end up with a weird combo word which doesn't even exist!  Have you ever had that? I kinda felt like that about eight days with Spookytimes 3 ago, so I uprooted some things I was doing and did it differently halfway through. 

Then I decided I wanted to change all the menu boxes for clickable images... which turned out to be  extra clicking for the same action and I really didn't like that, so I had to turn it back. But I hadn't stopped implementing other things so I couldn't just use an older safe version.  If all of that sounds like a chaomium  (chaos + pandemonium). It sorta was! 

Midnight oil was being burned in an effort to not let it lead to problems later on. Which is always a wild gamble with me because whenever I go beyond 2:00 AM the chance of having a headache for the entire next day is about a 25/100 thing.

I'm happy to say I un-chaomiumed things and I'm pretty happy with how things are progressing at the moment.  Which is a good thing, because a Spookytimes NEEDS to be released on the 31st or before and time marches on!

The situation above isn't why I don't  have a nice Halloween inspired pic for you (Boooo Wendy Testaburger BOooo!!)   No, it's simply because I forgot!  Which is crazy because I had opportunity enough since I've also been testdriving a new painting program and could've easily combined me testing it and drawing something Halloween inspired.

I'm currently(and since I started working on FET) using Sai, but it's animation capabilities are NULL. No onionskins, no timeline etc.  When checking whether something looks good when moving I always had to export every single pic and turn it into a gif or tell another program to turn it in a (quick) slideshow. It's terribly slow, but there are some reasons why I did it like that. 

Anyway, long story short, I've been test driving Krita since it also has a Linux version. It has issues which will make me still need to jump between sai and krita, but it has some animation capabilties and I'm playing with that to see how it works. The Toph spinkick is made in it and I'll add a tittyshake in the attachments which I did afterwards. I'm just in the testing phase right now.

And that's pretty much been my month so far.

Lastly, for something entirely off-topic, but which I found extremely interesting when seeing it, I'd like to mention gaussian splatting!  It's an efficient way to show point cloud data on your screen. Think 3d photo. I'm kinda excited to see where that can lead to in the future.  For a direct view yourself, just visit this site  gsplat.tech  and maybe try one of the smaller  files. It works in the webbrowser so it's very accessible. Even my veerry under powered pc(on purpose) was able to work with it.  Or just look it up on youtube.  Just imagine what vr would look like with something like that! 

Well, that's it for this update. May you dream of sexy vampire girls or whatever makes your tingly bits tingle! Talk to you later!




Is this app 32bit or 64bit?

Noah Salinas

Just had an idea (although its a lot more work and asset) You know how theres a Youth potion right? What if there was a Milf Potion LOL. (and it does exactly what it does, but only works on the younger cast who aren't milfs) So it could turn Someone like azula, Korra etc etc into 'milfs'. Yeah once again, probably cool idea, but maybe more work than necessary... Unless?


If you're talking adult female ATLA cast and Ikki, I'm in. Azula and Korra though? Not a fan. (To be honest, I'm not a fan of the potions at all. But then, I'm a fan of the original ATLA cast. Yea, I'm a hypocrite.)