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Done and doing- 

- Finished the "more than one" girl scene.

- Finished half of the endscene.

- Working on some love for Mai(finally, right?)

- Working on spicing up the endscene with something extra

- Working on a couple of idles for characters related to the  endscene.

- Working on a scene winner's scene.

Just like with Katara(book1) we wanted to put a little more "oompf" into the last scene. That basically means extra frames in an animation, but I also added a little extra right before the endscene with some more than the usual amount of frames. 

It's really a joy to see a character come to life when you've put it all together and watch it move for the first time. It's a lot of work, but worth it. The trick to it all is making absolutely sure you got the first pic right, because if you have to start changing stuff halfway through, you'll naturally have to change all the frames and lose a lot of time. Another part is just trusting yourself enough to want to put in the necessary time.

I've been brute forcing my way through these animations trying to get better and more efficient at making them, and I'm seriously wondering about the stuff we'll be able to put in when we reach the end of this game. Sure, we'll always be restricted in what we can do timewise, but if'd shown me some of the latest animations I made when we were still just at the beginning of book1 I'd be pleasantly surprised. So... here's hoping I have some extra room to improve!

I think at some point in time we've all wished we could multiply ourselves to get something done better or faster and if you'll wake me up in the middle of the night and give me three wishes I'd absolutely wish for ...... worldpeace... ;)  and then the ability to multiply myself(and get more work done). Third would be extra wishes(of course).

Btw, we've received a couple of extra bugreports(thanks!) with nothing too major mentioned so that's always nice. The public build should be available this weekend so you $2 tier people will finally be able to see what we've been talking about in these art updates!

If all goes well, I'll soon finish work on this route and start working on the unique scenes and other art for the Love route. Or rather the "Zuko" route!




Seems like Book 2 is finishing up. Are there still any plans for how 'Morality' plays into this? Having the character be good or evil doesn't seem to matter too much...


Your morality points will mostly come into play at the end. Not using people as your stepping stone will absolutely have it's reward.


is the Zuko route going to be the only love route? i feel its a bit weird with the brother :/


Morality will matter?! Crap, hope I have a really early save somewhere. And I owe that poor starving prison chick an apology. Basically so far going high-moral just meant you saw less sex. Any hint who the girls in the multi-girl scene are?

Josh Spicer

Lia is obviously the Spirit Lady. Will probably do a double story where I fuck morality (because who the fuck is playing a trainer game for the morality) and one where I actually am an nice guy.


We hope we can make it good enough for you to be swayed to the "dark side", despite having initial doubts. We've always wanted to cover a nice range of situations(fetishes) but don't want to take forever to finish the game so we'll have to combine some stuff which not everyone will like. That means two routes for each book is the max.


Sorry, no hints. We may not always be able to surprise the player, but we sure want to try!

sean lara

Is there more to giving food to lei and hand job or conversations