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Hey guys,

Okay, good news and bad news. The good news is that we’ve taken your suggestions into consideration and are changing the setting of the game to "space jam meets the terminator", the bad news is the artist was in a brothel fire; which is why I’m posting the art update. It comes at an especially bad time, because I just got hired to be on the “Muppets LIVE” performance crew, so tensions are high here at MITY headquarters. Lastly, some of you have asked us about this, and we feel it’s time to answer for it. The truth is, we accidentally the whole game.





This is fake news! :p

DJ Quinn

Someone's high.


Ah wow I thought this was a new game. I'm just going to leave.





Regless Maximus

The only surprising thing about this news is how diggity down I was for a space jam theme.

Victor Lewis

hay can we have sex with azula in this build and i dont mean anal.

Victor Lewis

so this is s wild guess but the next update in april will that be the end of book 2


Hope you guys had a fun April Fool's Day! Come on and slam if you want to jam.


We expect it to be the end of the slave route, possibly the beginning of the love route.


im looking forward to it. Azula just needs some love :C

The Scyle

Someone else might already have said it but: If you try to fuck Ty lee for the first time, she says 'there is this really, REALLY dress'. It is missing a 'nice' in there. Or whatever. I assume it is not just a really dress. PS: Did you accidentally the whole game, or just the second chapter? Cause if you accidentallied the whole game you can do stuff and get chapter 1 to be, but for the Azula chapter, I wouldnt know what

The Scyle

replying to myself with more bugs I found: you can 'find' sokkas journal every time you picked up the 'item' he described. Then after reading it (again) you can pick up the item again. And repeat. Maybe make that a thing that only proccs once?

The Scyle

Also not a bug, but something you might want to change because... it seems cheap: The writing during the vaginal sex scenes. The lines are almost identical to the anal scenes. Which makes the scenes look like a cut off of the old ones and not the goal you as a player have worked towards for hours.


Thanks for the feedback TheScyle, it's always very much appreciated! The "We accidentally the whole game" was just part of the April fool's day joke. We lost nothing (once was more than enough!)

The Scyle

I figured that it was part of the joke, which is why I replied in kind... I guess I could have been less vague, but I thought 'you can do stuff and get chapter 1 to be' would be just a follow up... meh, my jokes were better at some point^^ Also looking forward for the finale of this part!