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done and doing

-finished the secret files

-working on the scene raffle winner's scene

-working on a Ty Lee scene

-sort of almost finished a Rei scene....maybe

-working on a new "turning point"-scene for Azula

-a few new small pics and adaptations of existing pics (guards etc)

As most of you will have figured out by now, the secret files were the new versions of the Katara pics in book 1. Like we said before,  the need to stay in synch for book 2 while still wanting to spend my time useful, made improving files for book 1 the logical choice. 

When asking for criticism we often heard people say the art in book 2 was noticeably better than book 1. The loss of code/story which causing our delay presented us with the opportunity to update the art in book 1 and that's pretty much why I've been acting like a recluse during my weekends :)  sorry friends&family!

Pretty much all of the art for Katara has been changed. Some of it a lot and some of it a little, but we hope you'll find the new art to be an improvement. I'll add a few side by side files so you can do an easy comparison, mostly for the $2 tier crowd who are still waiting until they can have a go at it!


I'm currently busy drawing a scene involving Azula which will mark a turning point in this book. It's almost finished and I'm looking forward to see how the writer/coder will breathe life into it.

Lastly, Rei has also been receiving some of my attention because.....becoming a general should give you nice perks ;) 

 We've been reading a few comments in which people are wondering what our plans are for the next patron build or more precisely, when that will be. At the end of this month, halfway of the next or at the end of the next month? Well... we don't know yet.  

If by some sort of miracle we can create enough new stuff to put into a new build before the end of this month we will, but let's be honest, that's not very likely. Returning to our original timeplan and waiting until the end of next month feels a bit too long. After having a few hectic weeks behind us the opportunity to have a bit more time and add some more stuff into a next build does sound very enticing though.  

We're going to think it over for a bit and will let you know as soon as we have decided. If you feel strongly about us doing it one way or the other, let us know! 




Katara is definitely better with the new art, good job on that! :)


10th of March?


I want some bushes on those characters ( Rei had it)


So I actually cant tell which is the old style and which is the "improved" style. I suggest adding labels to the comparison file.


While part of me wants to go, 'do an update' at the end of February, I think holding off until the end of march would give you enough time to make a more substantial update, rather than just slapping something together based on what you're able to assemble in the span of a week and a half. I think a lot of the other patrons would agree with me on that. I can wait until the end of march for the next build


I personally prefer the old art, I just have a thing for the black lines and the little bit extra shine. Not that the new art is bad, just, different. Though the end scene was definitely improved! Keep up the good work guys, really looking forward to that turning point with Azula and please, take as much time as you need! =3


so the Right Katara is the new art ?


I replaced the files with one where it actually says which is the new and old version. Unless I accidentally flipped pics in the proces, left is the new version.


I updated the files according to your suggestion.


We asked for some feedback from the higher tiers, before we started because changing art afterwards always remains a bit "dangerous". Personal preference has a strong say in things like these after all. Still, we're happy you at least like the result of the end scene! Thanks for letting us know!


Just putting it out there, I don't mind waiting til the end of next month if it means more content. Most Creators don't post as much as you so I'm just happy for the transparency.

The Scyle

How about the following idea for the next release: Just release it once you are ready. Dont pinpoint a time, and just release it as soon as there is enough new content that makes it worth. If that is only at the end of march, then so it is. If it is already at the end of february. Even better. However, better make every release worth our time instead of just having 'we had to release something' releases


congratz on 5k


Congratulations on reaching 5000$. If there's someone who deserves it, it's you guys.


5k reached! Congrats. :)


Thanks for the congratulations and feedback everyone! We can hardly believe we made it this far!


New artwork looks great mate. Alot more vibrant than the old version.

Victor Lewis

Will we get the chance to screw nami eventually?


If you'd win the scene raffle and pick that as your choice, 100% yes. However, right now we're back to working on Azula. Doing the Katara files again didn't burden the coder and if putting in a new Nami scene wouldn't either I might have picked that instead. If we finish the 4 parts of the game we might return and do some fan favorites requests though.