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Hello all! It's time for a new art assets update. Number 70! It may not sound as exciting as 69, but there's a little something extra in this update. I'm keeping it as a different download so as not to inflate the real update with something which you might not be interested in.

First off, here's the link to the normal art assets update for FET: 70

Okay the little extra thing is basically a standalone version of the mini-game where you could fight Kuvira in a fist fight. I wanted to try out a few things and added Korra in her original and older form as well. There's no special reward for beating them or anything of the like. So if only seeing their tiddies go up and down isn't enough for you  this standalone mini-game will have very little to no appeal to you.

Links are below and to qive you a quick impression, I added a few pics of it below the links

Pc version - Boobybrawl

Mac version - Boobybrawl

Android version - Boobybrawl

Older FET art assets below:

Epilogue: 67 68 69

book 4:   37  38-41   42-45   46-49   50-53   54-57   58-60   61-63   64-66 

book 3:   19-21   22-24   25-26   27-29  30-32   33-36 

book 2:  05-09   10-13   14-15   16-17  18 

book 1:  00-04




Apk = Android version?


Excited to try this! I absolutely love the Kuvira fighting in fet, and all the updates added to it, so this is a verrrry welcome suprise! I'm not sure if im doing something wrong but the android download for it does not seem to work.




I changed the download link, if it doesn't work download the Boobybrawl_1.apk in the attachment.


Got it to work, I didn't realize it downloaded as a zip file instead of an apk so I just had to change the extension. Love the game! Love the added animation for the hits, and being able to fight vs Korra is great too. I really enjoy that minigame so I really appreciate this update!


What're the chances of adding some more girls to this in the future? I feel like all 3 of the fire Nation girls would fit right in


here's to hoping for a return of the swamp benders in the future.

Kazuma sato

AAAY...... Are there any new plans new Games..?


is book 5 downloadable? cuz i dont see it


I'm not sure, I don't dislike the idea though and it shouldn't be too hard to add other characters.


In general or the as part of the minigame in this post?


Book 5, or the epilogue is already part of the main FET game. basically after the end you'll have the choice to keep on playing(unless you had the Shady end) and if you played bk4 slave route you'll be sent to the compound(that part is still very limited) and if you played bk4 love route you'll visit Ember Island(which already has a lot of scenes). There's also a shortcut when starting a new game and pressing in the middle of the screen instead of visiting the watertribe it will send you to the end of the game so you won't have to go through book 4 first. If you need more explanation send me a dm.


You mean when FET's completely over? Yeah, but nothing I can talk about yet.


Just as a personal thing, since this game is just punching boobies, maybe add some bruises as they get punched more or at the end of the fight if it's not too much trouble



Well, i might be able to add a more roughed up look at the end for the girls if I do more with it(which I'm not sure I will), but anything during the animation itself becomes quite the exponential endeavor(even for one character that would quickly add up).


Just the boobybrawl.


Well I must try this, who doesn't like bouncing titties