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Good day bughunters! I tried my best to have this finished on the 27th, but it slipped by quicker than I thought. This build had me doing a lot of internal bug hunting and inconsistency fixing myself! A lot alot of it. I hope I caught all of the problems, but I'm certain you'll be able to find some more.

If you find anything which requires my attention, you can mention it in the comments  or by sending me a dm. Both ways are fine and appreciated. Not just for  bugs, but personal opinions and typos etc. as well.  Basically whatever you feel like sharing.  I suggest giving it a blind play through first and afterwards checking my spoiler section to see whether you missed anything. I'll add that at the bottom of this post.

Thanks and I hope you'll like this new build of 18Titans!

18Titans v1.2.1    -  PC version - alt link 

18Titans v1.2.1    -  mac version - alt link

18Titans v1.2.1    -  android version - alt link 

Spoiler log!
In the build you'll see what happens in Slade's warehouse. You'll get to have butt fun with one of the robots. A slightly adapted version of that will also be available for the Sladebot in your room.
Pantha will have a new boob scene and you'll have several places to deposit the white stuff.
Jinx will have a butt scene now too. Get her some entertainment first and she'll entertain you!
Bumblebee will wash your "rooster"... in both the sexy and none sexy way. Ps. in the last version the player was forced to watch her and Cyborg's sex scene. I changed that so it isn't mandatory anymore.
Chu-hui comes to visit you and help you get stronger! And if you make the right choices... yes you can "bed her"... or rather the other way around.  She'll also have a poster for you... of herself.
When you've seen all the scenes above and  defeated Chu-hui 3 times you've pretty much seen all there is to seen. 
There's a small easter-egg too if you punch in the right five digit number on the numpad of the clone tube. It'll probably be very clear what that number is later, BUT you won't know it at the right time, so create a save at that moment.  



BTW, guys. It's worth converting Sladebot's text to ASCII ;) Nice touch, BTW. The binary can be more finnicky, though. Does this mean that her speech is becoming slowly more advanced, going from Binary to hex, and soon she'll become self aware and fuck everyone in the tower to death? https://imgur.com/a/gcXB0I0


So there's some weirdness with the posters in Robin's room. I thought they had already been taken down right before I invited Raven in to try on the Sladebot costume, but even so when she meets up with everyone in the garage she makes a comment about them being up on the wall. OK, fine, I can imagine that Robin put them back up. But then after we get back from the warehouse, have our little debrief meeting and then I meet Bumblebee in the bathroom, I go back into the room and all the posters are back down. So... Did Raven take them all down while she was changing into the sladebot costume? Or was her mentioning anything in the garage an oversight? I think it would be funny if, after Raven tries on the costume, you DO put the posters back up in between the time when she tries it on or the first time and when you meet up in the garage and she mentions them, then, but otherwise maybe cut the line? Or, if you have taken them down and not put them back up, then maybe the interaction would go something like: Raven (In garage, after changing into Sladebot costume): What's with the pile of posters you just left piled up in the middle of your room? You: Fuck. Apparently a pile of crinkled up nudie posters in the middle of the floor doesn't actually count as "hiding" them. Another note: Even after the warehouse and the developments with Terra, when I go to put the poster of Terra back up, the text still reads: 1: "Feels a bit odd with her there" 2: "Still Hot, though." Opportunity for a joke, methinks. ALSO, when I go to put up Bumblebee's poster, there's ZERO acknowledgement that she is now living at the tower lol. Just says: 1: "Man..." 2: "This is gonna look GREAT on my wall!" I'm sure I'll have more, but I had to cut my $20/ month subscription for money reasons, and I don't think I'll be able to comment in this thread, anymore in a few minutes.


Binary took too many characters for her to say long sentences so I changed it to hex, but I like your theory a lot better!