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Hi guys! It's time for some more unresized artwork from the game and show you a bit of the tank I created for book 2. Just follow the link below to download the files. It also contains a text file with links to earlier updates.

Link to latest fullsized art assets

I already messaged this link to all the current 10+ tier patrons, but I'm thinking about returning to doing these sort of updates solely through patreon posts again. I'll keep using my own links since I still don't like patreon's file system, but practice has shown me a few small problems with messaging out the links to art files.

First of all, new 10+ tier patrons would like to have the latest links too and not have to wait until I can finally message them again (which I totally understand). Second, the last time I messaged a link of some fullsized art some of you thought it would be a new version of the game.  I really don't want to disappoint people so that's not good either.    

If I keep adding all the older links to the textfile in the rar-file itself I really don't have to worry about any outdated links.  I can always update them in the latest textfile afterall!

I think this would be a good way of doing things, but I'm always open for feedback so if you disagree let me know!




Theres probably a ton of spoilers in these artworks so im hesitant to download them at least until you release finished Book 2.


Most of the files are still from book 1 and I make sure(or at least try) to not include anything which would ruin any sort of surprise so it should be spoiler free.


A Christmas break sounds really nice, but that'll have to wait for another Christmas :) because additional updates is exactly what we've been planning for this year!