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Done and doing

-drawn an idle for a new girl

-Drawn the emotions for the new girl

-Drawn the scene-ticket scene!

-Changed an existing Azula scene(adding options and improving the overall feeling)

-Started working on the "farm".

-Started working on a bit of "love" for Ty Lee.

-made two temp backgrounds

I've been putting a lot of time in the scene which was thought up by a patron(winner of the scene ticket). Not gonna spoil what he wanted, but if he wants to spill the beans he's free to chime in.

I chose to use a really hard to do perspective and it totally paid off. I think I like it best out of all the stuff I've drawn for book2 so far. We'll weave it into the story just like any other scene, but we'll also make sure you can avoid it if it's something you really don't like. 

I've also been working on a new character who is pretty much the opposite of Lia. Oh poor Lia. You did give her food right? Don't just let her chase after rats! I know you're saving up to buy that tank and all, but have a heart will ya? ...just saying.

The great thing about knocking out a bunch of scenes early on is you get to look at them again a week later with fresh eyes. I'm the sort of person who really needs another go at the drawings before they come together in a satisfactory way. 

Changing an eye, adding some shading, removing an extra toe..... yes, removing an extra toe..... I rarely make those sort of mistakes, but there it was in all it's horrible extraness.  I'm really glad I caught that one before it found it's way into a build (where's the blush smiley when you need it?). 

Ty Lee is so nimble! I love it! Gives me the option to make her do things other girls couldn't possibly pull off without dislocating their legs! 




On extra little toe is not so estrange, I know at least one person with them in my family :-D


Thanks for putting so much love into my scene guys <3


Many possibility w/ the slaves, foot fetish for exemple. The farm, to me, should be "comfortable" compared to a real cow farm. Idk if you see what i mean.


I just want to say thanks for the updates! Its nice hearing news even if it's not a brand new build with everything we want in it right now right now right now. I'd rather be patient and have something quality than rushed nonsense! :)


It's certainly not like it isn't possible to have an extra one, but when you draw it unintentionally it's time to start paying some more attention to what you're doing!


We try to have a good balance. We don't want to blaze ahead at the cost of quality, but neither do we want to be tardy because it isn't "perfect".


Hey! Just became a patreon. Following the instructions, it says to give you a shout for the build. Am I doing this right?

Lt Doctor

Just became a patreon, how do I get early builds?


We've been messaging a link to the patrons once the builds are ready so all you have to do is keep an eye out for those.


Looking forward to it