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Hey guys! 

Time is still moving at the speed of a laser bullet(don't laugh! they exist!) but I managed to do quite a bit since the last time. I forgot to actually keep track of what I've done so I'm shooting from the hip today.

This time's "done and doing"-list!

- Finished Ty Lee's idle stances... sorta I need to change one tiny thing.

- Improved Mai's idle stance.

- Finished the battle units! All of them! Woohooo! (Well unless we'll add more later that is)

- Finished the user interface elements for the new battle engine.

- Finished work on a scene and idle of a girl who's in the not so favorable 

position of being Azula's bitch.

- Started working on a new Azula scene. 

- Started working on a few general user interface elements.

- Done some placeholder art.

When saying I finished something that usually means "finished for now." When I feel bored working on a certain drawing, I like to switch to another earlier "finished" drawing to see if I didn't forget something or can improve it. 

Especially userinterface elements have a way of boring me out of my skull. They're really important, but simply not as exciting to draw as for example Azula giving head.  So... mixing things keeps me feeling motivated and helps me correct small mistakes.

Working on the same drawing for a long time during one session has a way of making you blind for it's flaws. Not looking at it for awhile and coming back to it later can sometimes make you notice errors which you missed the first time around. A funny example of this is when I forgot to give Aang's body blue arrows for one particular pic.

Other than that I'm really happy I finished the art for the new battle engine(interface and battle units). It was quite a bit of work getting that right.

Okay, I'm going back to working on Azula now because she's in need of something hard and throbbing!

Till next time!




Thank you for the time and the effort you are spending doing this right.


So exited to see what you did with the fire nation and the new characters ! :D