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Hey guys!

It's been a hot minute since my last dev post, but time is really flying on this end. We have expansive dreams that are coming true piece by piece. In addition to putting in lots of elements of both linearity and choice, I've coded two fairly complex and pretty fun little "engines" -- one of which will be important in progressing, and one that'll just be a fun distraction (with a naughty reward, of course!). 

Both familiar and fresh faces will make appearances in this book, and I'm just... man, I'm just fucking excited. I was personally learning a lot while making Book 1, and in this next section, we're going to be throwing a lot of variety your way, and give you some options that have consequences, without punishing you for your choices. That's a big point with me, as I've always found that being punished for making a random choice without much context frustrating. So right now I'm working on giving you a game that gives you choices, with consequences, that still have their own rewards. 

We also are putting in lots of characters, and giving you more depth with them, in addition to making the world larger as a whole. There will once again be two routes, though they won't be as clear-cut as "slave/love" this time around, and will have more stark differences than the routes did in Book 1. 

We want to make something really engaging and hot and fun, but, and there's no way around it, it costs time. We said goodbye to our social lives and any free time (happily, though!), and are continuing to throw ourselves fully into development. We pride ourselves on our development rate, but our team is still two people and there's a lot planned. The holidays are also a time of year that leaves me very stretched for time, which means a lot of late nights in November and early December. The work never stops, and if I have my way, it never will. I'm going to keep game-developing until my dangles fall off. And then some. YOU get in the bag, Death.

Now for our raffle prizes!

The winners of our raffles have been chosen and contacted! The MC ticket build is almost finished and should be going out soon. The winner of the scene ticket is still deciding, but it will take us time to make the scene anyway.

Everyone who wasn't chosen is automatically entered again for the next drawing, and each month that your donation processes will give you another entry.

I want to wait until a little closer to our next release to share some specifics of the good stuff coming up, but I promise it will be worth the wait. Dudes... GOOD SHIT IS COMING.



Scott Hardy

Hey, i have a question, when the next location comes out, will we need to play through water again to get to it? or will we be able to skip it? (and maybe select from a list of options what we did during the water?)


You'll be able to jump straight into the fire nation!