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Well that was a rough night, but we fixed those bugs! Thanks to everyone for pointing out funky stuff in a friendly way. 

Future releases will have an added round of testing to ensure they go out with minimal chaos.

As a special treat for Halloween, and as our way of saying thank you, we've sent out a new update with a very small, but fun suprise. When prompted to enter your name, type in "jack". This version also includes a few minor fixes. 

Here's a changelog of the big items that I can remember between the alpha version and this one.


  • Added a couple slave route scenes
  • Completed endings 1 & 2 for slave route
  • Finally fixed the damn cursor being off
  • Added an introduction
  • Public acts dress-up game
  • Art added to night-time stranger bj
  • Changed stat menu
  • More money from mine and checking mail
  • Shrunk menu button width
  • Added shop items
  • Added "dirty rumors" to slave menu
  • Moved slave/love choice to water tribe
  • Una now gives you the sharpie when you get the password (slave route) (Sharpie removed from love route)
  • Edited a ton of text

There's a lot more, including adding backgrounds, explanations, and making the game run smoother. A lot of it is stuff I hope you don't notice, because that means the experience is engaging!

We've plunged into Book 2, and are very, very excited. I'm splitting my time between developing a feature that will be instrumental in this next section, and outlining what will happen. As you can tell from the art updates, our artist is hard at work crafting the visuals. We're essentially building another world, just like we did with the water tribe, and are pushing forward with a lot of new ideas, which is not an easy process. We want to make an even more immersive experience than Book 1, and even push the capabilities of the software. 

All of this together means a significant amount of work ahead of us. We were able to build the love route in the time we did because even though it was a lot of effort, the world was already in place. That won't be the case with the fire nation, so I'll simply hope that we've proven our work ethic, and hope to continue to leave you excited... and sometimes empty. :D

We'll soon be revealing hints about what you can expect for Book 2. But I can tell you it's gonna be pretty wild.

I mean, it's Azula. And that bitch is crazy.

Have a happy Halloween!




How can I ask for the new version link?


Hey, shoot us a private message and we'll send you one. Thank you so much for pledging!


What I'm wondering is: who will the main character be masked as? Will he keep being Aang or will he be someone else?


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script.rpy", line 20148, in script File "game/script.rpy", line 20148, in <module> NameError: name 'kpubwalk' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/script.rpy", line 20148, in script File "C:\Users\Wayne\Downloads\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.3.7-all\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.3.7-all\renpy\ast.py", line 1647, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Users\Wayne\Downloads\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.3.7-all\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.3.7-all\renpy\python.py", line 1670, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Users\Wayne\Downloads\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.3.7-all\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.3.7-all\renpy\python.py", line 1665, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script.rpy", line 20148, in <module> NameError: name 'kpubwalk' is not defined Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Four Elements Trainer 0.3.7</module></module>


Hey Hund, we're gonna keep that under wraps for a little bit longer, but I promise you'll know more soon!


I think this is an error caused by using an old save. Can you confirm? Saves from the alpha unfortunately won't work on this version.


I can't get 4/4 naked for some reason


Some of the final lewd acts require both high respect and having walked Katara publicly several times.


Thats from Four Elements Trainer 0.3.7 Witch i been plaing Not a SAve thow im curentalyt downloading version 3.8


Nice Release. Really good game. But one question, when you persuade Katara walking through the street, would it be possible, that it wears the same when you meet her at the evening?