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Version 0.3.4 has been sent out to early access patrons! 

We wanted to say thank you, and emphasize how grateful we are for your faith in us, by sending out the newest version before the start of the month. We have a lot of work ahead, and with game development being the tricky thing it is, we wanted to once again use actions to say that we are always working, we are always developing our skills, and we are always committed to the people keeping this project alive.  

If you've pledged $5 after this post, but before version 0.3.4 has been publicly released, message us and we'll send you the link.

There are a few very important things I want to mention regarding the top two tiers before I wrap up this post.

We want to make sure that patrons in the top tiers understand that by supporting us they are helping to complete the game, and that both the MC and Scene Tickets are a raffle system.  

If you are in the $20+ tier, you'll get a message soon, asking who you'd like drawn for the main character (MC). We will use a random generator to select one request per month. If yours isn't chosen for that month, for every month you donate, your request will be given an extra entry, increasing your chances of getting chosen every month. (Ex: month 1 you have 1 entry, month 2 you have 2 entries, etc...) We will keep entering your request until it's chosen.

For the $35+ tier, adding scenes is a much longer process, and we will draw one ticket every two months. Every month you donate, your request will be given an extra entry to increase your chances. If the chosen request is for a character in a later book, we will add that scene at that time.  

Regarding playtesting, we decided that once a playtest version for the high tiers is sent out, we won't send out any others unless the requester has a history of supporting us. This is because it takes more time to send out links to individuals than once in bulk, especially since it is during that time that I'm trying to very quickly fix a lot of bugs, but this decision is also to dissuade people from dropping in and out just to get a playtest version. We hope you understand our time is limited and we want to be as efficient with it as possible.

On an happy ending note, TWO RELEASES IN ONE MONTH BOOM 

EDIT: Did a quick bug-fix and it's now version 0.3.5!

EDIT2: The addition of a new route added signficant code changes, so previous saves won't work.



In a few hours I'll have to go on a little holiday...without my laptop! Well, who needs sleep anyway? xD


Hi MITY, I'm loving it so far, playing the love route, just one question, does the new clothes work also in the Love route? Just for planning my gamee


I'm getting a exception when getting the second hand job (or trying to get it) following the love route, and after using the large boobs scroll. It says invalid syntax in line 22231 at game/script.rpy if it helps


Thank you for letting me know. I've fixed it and will be sending out a new version in a few minutes.


Bug-fixed version out!


Did anyone else get an error when trying to say goodbye to Katara?




You are adorable! Jeez I wish I found you sooner haha. Looking forward to supporting you for a long time to cum...come.


Hey man, shoot us a message with the error message you're getting. It'll be easier than doing it here.


Hi! So i reached the part with the second handjob for the love route and I saved before it, but I still get the error in version 0.3.5. Do i need to start a new save file? :/


Um...did you just.... Anyway copy the text from inside the file and send it as a private message to MITY


Thanks b00! We'll try to make it worth your while :)


Unfortunately, yes. There are a few significant changes in the code that prevent using old saves.


Well, looks like there's another bug in there. That's what I get for releasing early. Fix inbound.


how can i get link for version 0.3.4 ? "If you've pledged $5 after this post, but before version 0.3.4 has been publicly released, message us and we'll send you the link." so if i should have to get link than i need it if not than it's ok.


The love route was great, truly a welcome addition to the game. Now I already can't wait to play the next version.


What was added, is there a changelog?


Can i get sent the link please


Wait so can we now do the love route, I am not seeing any notes? I been trying to tighten my belt, but if you got the love route out and I can defiantly see myself willing to take 5 bucks out of my new computer part fund lol


Well paid in, even though I probaly should have waited half a day since I gonna get billed again in less then a day lol. Now the fun part waiting for next zone, Assume doing it in the shows order so earth kingdom next? Or we gonna get a little more like some scenes with Yue? Either route way can't wait to see how this plays out in long haul.


Bah looks like it won't bill till the 1st kind of a good thing, but doubt I will be up at 12 am, nor get the email sent to me lol. Plus work tomorrow have to wait till like 5pm tomorrow to test it out :P


Thank you so much, man. Your support really is a big deal to us. Even on Halloween, we're plugging away. I've sent you the link. Enjoy!


Ty got something to do while playing turn off the lights and hide from the kids tonight lol. We only get like 2-3 kids tops because of the giant treee in our yard, plus right on a curve in the neighborhood, so visibilty is just awfull, add in uptight HOA, (really limits decoratiosn we can put up) and its 90 degrees outside so pumpkins melt, and most parents will not send their kids to our door. So no damn reason for me to camp out down stairs and watch netflix for 2 kids, just do the candy bowl by the door lol


Can I have one to plz


When is the public version going to be released


When is the public version going to be released


Hey. May I translate your game to Russian? Please, contact with me by e-mail:dremovand@hotmail.com


It's great!))) Guys, I want to make the game, which were inspired "RE Progeny", it was named "RE Propagation". This is the link to blog about this game <a href="http://repropagation.blogspot.ru/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://repropagation.blogspot.ru/</a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/taylornellerpropagation">https://www.patreon.com/taylornellerpropagation</a> Please, look this and help me to make this game!)))


So which reward allows early access? I'm interested in playtesting too but it seems like the price is too much for that :) I could buy a full game if you get what I mean :)

Princess Raven

I want to see Azula in this game asap or toph. thats when i'll start donating please be soon!


I found a pretty weird bug in book 2: I am at a place in the game where i cant do anything (day 75, shortly after azula jerked me off for the first time). Cant leave the City or go to Training OR even visit the brothel/farm/tower. I also cant flirt with ty anymore cause i already did enough. Can anybody help me fix it/guide me threw it?


Did you find out how to fix it? I'm stuck on this too


Unfortunately not, but i think this is the end of the pre-alpha Version. I was just wondering because of a Picture on the free download-Website that never showed up in the game...