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Hey all!   Before writing all of the stuff I'm going to write, you can find links to older projects of us HERE.

Soooo... we're getting closer and closer to the end of the year.  Can't say it was my favorite one of the recent bunch, but I like looking at things which went well better than dwelling on those that didn't.   

For example, I've been taking this whole health thing a lot more serious after being sick in November!  I got myself one of those smartwatches which tracks your heart rate, steps during the day, sleep and a bunch of other things which I don't use. 

I'm using it mostly to make certain I get a minimum amount of steps during a day. I'm aiming for 12000 a day, but certainly don't always reach that.  Having that as a "measuring stick" does really help a lot though. Without getting sick I'd never have decided I needed to work on my stamina(which was gone).

The main reason for writing this post is first and foremost a matter of me wanting to wish you all  a Merry Christmas or/and Happy Holidays if that's more your thing. I hope you can spend it enjoying  good food and the company of the people you love or find comfort in the warm memories of them. All conditions are impermanent and realizing that can prevent me from rushing through those moments which in the future might feel like they were priceless. 

...That doesn't mean I'm closing up shop for the rest of the year though!

I've been fixing some more bugs/typos/drawings (forgot some tattoos while drawing Jinora... again) etc.  Maybe I'll also add some more hints at points where a bunch of folks seem to get stuck.  I'll upload that build sometime in the next few days. If you haven't experienced any problems so far you'll probably be fine skipping that one.

Of course I'll also upload a  new "art assets" -update before the month is over and will start work on the next build!  I left you fine folks on a big cliffhanger this month if you played 0.9.7x  and I don't intend to make you wait  for its continuation as long as I did the last time!

I'm probably going to gorge myself on deviled eggs while doing all of that. It has become sort of a tradition for me to do so during the end of the year... Guess I'll have to up my minimum step amount for each day! 

Anyway, you guys supporting this whole crazy/perverted game called FET for yet another year continues to fill me with a feeling of gratitude and amazement. May that feeling never fade.  FET would be a shadow of what it is without you being here.

Thank you for everything and I hope to see everyone again next year in good health and even better spirits! 

Till then! (Or a bit earlier when I upload other stuff etcetera before that.)


Make love(in Ba Sing Se) not war!



Alex almanac

Uffff I love joo dee, the content of it is my favorite ❤️❤️🥵🥵

Robert Dexter

Merry Christmas have a good time


Merry Christmas🎄⛄


Merry Christmas. Didn't know you were sick, you good? And I feel FET is wrapping up in a while, what are you plans after? Hopefully, focus on urself b4 taking another project?


Hey man drinking only water helps a lot. I started an IT job in June and coming out of construction I was trying to drink less water. Started getting sore. Turns out water consumption doesn't change a lot. Long story short drink water feel better, even if you think you feel okay. Also check out a Power Tower! They are good for bodyweight stuff and can do a lot of stuff. They usually assemble in an hour and weigh <30lbs, usually cost $60-100. Very nice for staying fit as a recluse


Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Thanks for all MITY❤️ We see us in the next year!


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.🎄


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, my friends!

Nice Ice Baby

If I may make a suggestion for players getting lost at parts, maybe make a sort of "quest book"? Just something to tell you what direction to head for the next part of the story, or something. Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! Joo De is a hottie!


I love Joo Dee. 😍 Merry Christmas! ^^

Juan Caro

Merry christmas, have some fun with family and friends man, thanks por the pictures. Hope you have an amazing weekend

Bearlife 22

Joo dee is the best bae of earth kingdom story, Merry chrisler


I like also the three loli girls that were in the underground hideout


Now I want to see "Godzilla Toph" wreak havoc in Ba Sing Se. :D Happy Holidays to all of you!


Ah Christmas getting a Joo Dee present near the tree, what more could you want. Thanks for all the gaming and artful fun. I hope you all find some sexy skimpily wrapped presents under your tree!


Merry Christmas big dawg. Appreciate all your work homie


Merry Christmas to you and everyone else! Btw, I like the "Banner Picture", the Christmas stuff, was it posted somewhereas well? :)


Hey man thank you for all your hard work and wish you a Merry Christmas.


Oh yeah, I'm fine again! It did completely ruin my first two weeks of November though. FET is slowly wrapping up. There will still be the final chapter after this route though. What comes afterwards... I don't know. Focusing entirely on just bringing this to a hopefully satsifying end. Whatever happens after, happens after.


Haven't played it, but apparently it's a bit of a redeeming story after some footage of it a year ago?


Thanks for the advice. Recluse is something I can very easily associate myself with : ) I've never tried to regulate my water intake. Always just drank regularly out of habit.


I really don't want it to be too easy for the player, but I have done something like you suggested before during book 4's slave route. I had Shady give you advice, but I honestly much prefer attempting to straddle that line of it being just right when it comes to difficulty


A blowup doll with blue arrows drawn on it, wearing a thong!


Nope, but it is now. I added it as an attachment to this post.

Nice Ice Baby

fair enough. tbh, I was remembering the system in a Rick and Morty parody game.

Sion of War

Hello MITY, do you have an update for us? I am especially impatient for updates now that the final builds are coming together. Would love to hear form you.


I think I'll write an update in the weekend. There's always a ton more to do than you anticipate and it's my goal to have the next build end the route. I more than understand being impatient though. I feel it myself!

MonkeyD Luffy

honestly i have a huge hard on for Joodee and Ty Lee . These 2 are my favorites out of them all so far . The milf and the babe

Rocco Minasi

Hello, can someone please help me with book three slave route? I am at the beginning of this book and cannot find the key to free june, please help.