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Hey all! I've finally finished the early access version of 0.9.7! If you've been counting the days since the release of its bughunt version, sorry it took me this long. A couple of hard to track down bugs(one still alludes me) and the redrawing of a scene made this take a lot longer than I anticipated.

Dear bughunters, thanks for all of your feedback! I wouldn't have been able to find all the stuff you mentioned by myself and the build is much better for it. There are a few differences which go beyond the fixing of typos and bugs.  

I've improved some images, mainly towards the end. I added a small, simple animation of Jinora walking away when you visit Zhuli again, but the biggest change is the replacement of the Jinora scene. It's still the same scene but I've redrawn it from another angle, because it looked too much like the one with her mother.

A few things to keep in the back of your mind. Even though it's been a while since a new version of FET was released, this is still about the equivalent of a month's work and a bit on the small side because I ended up spending more time on some of the scene images.

Also, this build ends on a major cliffhanger. Be prepared to get some blue balls story-wise. I prevented you from ending up in limbo by adding the option to jump back in time if you didn't create a save-game.

With all that said, I hope you'll like the build!  I'll add a short summary of the new scenes in this build later today, but just know it's all a continuation of book 4's love route and where we left off the last time.

FET pc - v.0.9.7b  -  alt link 

FET Mac - v.0.9.7b  -  alt link 

FET Android - v.0.9.7b  -  alt link 

ps. I strongly advise using the links above, but if you're playing on older hardware and the build above is causing problems you might be better served by using these(pc, mac). They're the same version but sometimes work better on old machines.

Small summary of new stuff below. This, of course, will contain spoilers.

You can cum inside of Pema's mouth and have sex with her(Both optional)

There 's a new scene with Jinora where you can test the condoms Pema bought for you.

Meet Varrick, the man responsible for the discovery of spirit vine energy and creator of the nuktuk pornmover!

There's a new scene with Korra, anal or vaginal. You can slap your cock on her pussy, have her suck the sperm out of your dick and a couple of other small things.

Have you already seen old Azula or Mai? Now you can meet old Mai or Azula again!

Opal has finally decidd some things are more important than being officially boyfriend/girlfriend.

See what Kuvira has been building to move her super weapon to the frontline!

There's no new pornlove in this build yet. Just saying that because playing it might make you think there is because it's mentioned several times.

Ps I've also changed some smaller stuff during the time you're Kuvira's prisoner. Just things to make it more obvious what needs to be done and less forced repeat scenes.

If I forgot something I'll add to this later.



Amazing work


Christmas came early! So happy to get the new build. Ive been getting so antsy, needing my FET fix. Thank you team Mity, can't wait to play it


Nor sure if its a bug or not, but immediately upon reloading my last save I was shown Jinora's sex scene. Not that im complaining about that though


Thanks for the Korra Scene and potion is was worth it


Thank you MITY!!! Im hyped :)


Hi MITY i can not send you a PM it loaded to long so send it her take you time to create the Tickle stuff okay.

Scott McDonald

You've outdone yourself with those new scenes. So good!

Peter Vanusanik

the hell is with this cliffhanger? T.T


Oooh, the cliffhanger was so good. im siked to continue. It was sick so Azula again. Now im wondering if Izumi and Lin will ever find out and what about Mai's kid? So many questions.


Took me long enough to include it, but... korra is the avatar and you gotta dealt with : )!


Thanks! I've spent quite a bit of time on some of those scene so I'm happy it's noticeable!


Yeah, it's a veryunfortunate moment to have the story end. I included the warning because without at least that, it would be tantamount to cruelty! I don't like cliffhangers because it tends to inflate expectations, but it was either this or me cutting things even shorter.


I kinda disliked having to end things on that! But I really wanted people to have at least something before it's full on Christmas.


Good stuff as usual! Great work.


More kuviraaaaaa I’m tryin to see to see more of her so badddd


Im kinda stuck. Just learned everything from Korra and dont know what to do now. Was searching for quite a bit now.


Or did it end there? Ive read something about Izumi and Lin haven't even met those yet. Help!


No. I did intend to include something if you send her away for the lollipop and immediately follow her, but maybe I can include that in a next build.


How can I view Pema's pornlove?

Jeremiah Moonstorm Hernandez

So is the love route gonna get some content with like Asami, Lin, Ginger, Eska, or Senna? Or are we gonna get more of Kya, Zhu Li, or Suyin?


As we're coming close to the end I'd rather wanted them to focus on the main girl(s). I mean so far we had sexual encounters with at least 21 'side cast' women in this build, not counting extra versions for granny sex. Korra has two sex scenes so far, compare that to the slave build and you will be quite surprised.


Woo! Thank you so much!


accidentally clicked past explanation of how to get pema's pornlove, how do i get it?


69th like 😏


Was this just more of the Book 4 Love Route, or do I need to go back and try to find any new scenes in the earlier stories?

Bill Kurtis

Nice - Opal finally got to make use of her tower bedroom. Missed opportunity for Ikki during the condom fitting with Pema, but I get that love-route Pema is a little different from slave-route Pema, and her solo scene was gravy anyway. I really liked your designs for the Potion Korra's - however I think, at least in the case of the 'middle' Korra, her hands were maybe 20% bigger than they should be for her new body size. Also, maybe for a future update (?), but I really missed the extra standing pose and 'under the covers' idles for lil'Korra if you only let her take one dose of the potion. Additionally, I found a lot of the usual 'smack' sound effects I come to expect weren't firing off. Don't know if that is a bug, or if you didn't put any in for these new scenes yet. And condom sex with Jinora; looked like the top layers of her nipples were missing at the beginning. Can't wait for what seems like what will be the finale of the Love Route of Book 4. Where HAVE those spirits been...

Bill Kurtis

Go to the hotel. Go across the street, take a right, and walk 40 steps.

Dakota Moritz

how dare you with that ending! lol


Thank you for the update. Merry Christmas mity!


Is the end of the build the limbo ?


Out of curiosity, how much of the story do you usually have planned out for each update? A rough idea for each part you work on?

Don kibonk

Wonder if they actually killed off zhu li (also, how do you reactivate a certain korra scene from the latest build? (Asking for a distant friend who is barely related to me whatsoever of course))

Justin Thai

pls.. please... can we have Azula AND Mai. I got Mai.. but i rlly wanted Azula


oh my god

Bill Kurtis

The option is still under Anal when you talk to her. Should maybe be renamed to "Sex" since you have the option for vaginal or anal after you pick it. Then Korra will bring it out again.


Can you sleep with pema more then once?


Hey is someone else having problems downloading the android version? I have a pretty updated phone and alot of space on it but it wouldn't download no matter which link I choose. ((Also of mity read this, just know I love your work.))


Good point on the hands. I've already been working on resizing those. Once you mentioned it and I went looking, it was hard to believe I didn't caught that the first time around. I'll also see about adding the cover and idle after the first potion in a future build. The smack sounds... are causing me problems. If you let the animation take place for too long the sound and animation go completely out of sinc and it's horrible to watch/listen so I'm currently in a "should I add them and take it for granted it breaks after a while or not add them at all?" I've been adding the nipples today, but another big problem which I noticed is I forgot to add the tattoos on her body for that scene! It's insane how I keep doing that.


Merry Christmas to you too Losyeet! Yes, once you are flung inside of the big thing and get the menu it's the end of the current build.


We start off with a bunch of highlights(scenes) which need to be in there and the other stuff gets worked in around them as work is progressing. The big line is set out and the rest "grows around it". The best ideas usually pop up halfway during work on something else so you don't want to be too strict and strangle creativity.

Lemon Life

I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do after you talk to tenzin about the evacuation.


Basically, you'll have to progress with Jinora and Korra far enough before the main story continues. Both have two sex scenes which will have to be unlocked/seen at least once. You'll also need to find a way to distract ikki in the tower to be able and be alone with Opal. If that doesn't help, send me a pm and I'll tyr and help you along some more.


I get this error when trying to open the old hardware version:


C:\Users\army_\Downloads\FET_097b_pc_oldhardware.zip: The archive is corrupt Cannot execute "C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa0.640\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.9.7b-pc\Four Elements Trainer.exe" Not sure if its my computer or the file


I can't load my old saves to continue, do I how do?


The build which is made for older hardware can't load saves made using the build for more current hardware. Is it possible that happened?


I can’t progress any further in the update. Got the jinora opal and korra scenes. Can’t progress at all in the story, fire lord won’t leave. Help pls.


Anyone know of any save recovery or where i can find some saves someone else has?


The gambling game in the alley with Shady seems off. It costs $5 to play but if you win the first round you only get back $3, so you loose money regardless if you win the first round?


Did you already distract Ikki in the tower by buying her a lollipop once? Pema should have an errand for you once the story is ready to progress again. If that doesn't work, send me a pm and I'll look into things a bit more


I can change that to the player receiving five bucks the first time and resume the normal payout for the rest of the consecutive game. I'd like to entice the player to play more than one round and thus keep the reward low the first few times he wins.


God I love these potions wonder if Jinora will come up with the same Idea


Love that my girl Mia still looking good . Just got to the gaint and ugh danm I so want to do more. But that's all I got for love. Did more happen to the end of love ?


So we got Korra to take the potion which was hinted at a while back. Good job with that by the way, I’ve been waiting to see what would happen with that. Now that just leaves the weird stone in the middle of the swamp. Haven’t forgotten about that one yet!


What a great Christmas gift. Thank you! This should clinch you a top spot on Santa's Nice List. Happy Holidays to all!


If you just cut a hole in the giants outer plating, yeah that's the current end for book 4's love route.


I also seem to have the problem, that I can't process any further after I distracted Ikki adn had the youth potion used on Korra...


Have you seen two different sex scenes with Jinora already? If not, that's probably what the game is still waiting for before you can progress. Tip, if you haven't already, buy a sexdoll from Shady and talk to jinora while Korra isn't around.


Hahaha, I don't know... naughty list seems just as applicable. Happy Holidays to you too!


help! i'm stuck in the prison!!!


It was a short update. Hope the next one is a bit longer or finishes it off.


At one point, when you talk to the prisoner on the other side of the wall they'll cause a distraction for you. When that happens, immediately go and meditate.


Guilty as charged. it was short. I'm hoping to have something longer next time.


I keep having a random thought of this game being an actual show ( for Adults of course) and i love everything it portrays drama, wholesome love, and just the fact that there's a character ( our character) that has nothing to do with the show in general being the Avatar in different eras is so cool. just wanted to get that off my chest, this is a experience to play this i am grateful.

Max Bodner

hey just a quick question, is it possible to skip the gay and masochist scenes? those simply aren´t for me


Thanks GameFREAK, that's pretty much the biggest compliment we could ever get. Getting people to watch the actual cartoon when they haven't is another one of those things I really enjoy hearing. But man... if this was a real show with full on animation... that's a nice dream to have : )


You're playing the slave route? The gay scene(there's just one) can be skipped and I believe a bunch of the more masochistic ones too.


I've been in love with this game since Book 3 was barely finished. You guys are doing awesome! Keep up the good work! My only complaint is that my favorite part of the game is creampies and their... 'results'. But Pema seems deadset on taking away literally the best thing in life. Kinda wanna see her throw caution to the wind herself and go back on everything she's said this far, getting her pregnant by the MC after all her preaching would be hysterical irony.


Thanks Jukssuger. When it comes to creampies I really went all out on the Opal scene to provide the player with that. Maybe it was an unconscious reaction of myself to the whole Pema "remains dry" situation : ) Some pussies can never be entirely "conquered".


Personally I wish pregnancy was completely optional, or at least that you could choose to have the results not show until after you’re done fucking for the route.


That would be amazing. Maybe, Katara, Azula or Tai Lee also end up drinking too much of it somehow?