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Hey all, time to let you know about the what, the when and the wheres!

So I had an internal aim date for the bughunt version to be ready on the  27th of September. Which is today. I'm currently adding sound effects, adding some dialogue, correcting bugs and a mountain of typo's because my mind can only differentiate between words like  two, to, too...  there, their, they're...   half of the time.

Anyway, I more or less got in what I wanted to be in it, but I'll need another few days to get things solid. I changed some code halfway through this month because it was an unreadable mess and I'm still dealing with some of the aftermath.

You might already have noticed I put the patronage for October on hold, so when the early access version moves into the start of October, you won't be billed.  I was going to do that anyway, because I decided to take that break I mentioned in an earlier update, but first I'll finish the build of course.

And that's about what I wanted to say!   No pics this time to accompany the post, because I want to spend all of my time on getting the builds ready asap.

Cheers! Marty

tldr;  I'll need a day or two extra for the bughunt to be ready which I originally wanted to be done today.


Benjamin Klandestine

Changing code for the sake of readability is a necessary sacrifice sometimes. I once just restarted a (pretty small only like 1k lines) just because I was frustrated with how dumb my lines looked.


Good to hear you guys planning ahead for well earned breaks! Your last update you mentioned possibly doing something for Halloween, maybe could be an opportunity to revisit 18titans, can't go wrong with some Raven in the spooky season


Cool cool. No problem. Excited to see it tho!


Enjoy your well-deserved break. You guys kick ass and absolutely deserve it. We’ll be here when you return.


Take your time as always. I believe that we can all benefit from polished perfection instead of broken defective work. Thanks for updating us!


The fact that you guys put the Patreon on hold when there's going to be a delay makes me want to give you more money lol


No worries my dude many thanks for the update always appreciate them!!


im glad you’re taking a break, hope you enjoy it :)


Honestly so happy for you taking a break. One question, will there be more Pema scenes in the future?? Don't get me wrong, it was more than enough in the slave route but it would still be nice seeing her again, it's one of the characters that this game made me love even more

Juan Caro

Have and amazing break man, more than desearved!


Have a good break then when it's time. The work that you put in is all worth it.


All I ask is for one thing: A Life sized cardboard cutout of Shady that can somehow sneak up on me at opportune moments to do god knows what


Thanks for the update Mity! And glad to hear you guys taking that break after all, it is definitely well deserved. It may mean no spookytimes, but personally I was on the boat that preferred more FET over the halloween special.

chance mullins

My suggestion is make a poll asking if anyone wants to support during the down time so you will still have some income and people can opt out of it, will be a lot less pressure on you and I think you will be surprised by how many people will still want to support you

Emilio Palha

Thanks for your work!!


I think the problem with that is then even if it’s a minority that doesn’t want to be billed, they might still be unhappy with paying money without getting anything in return. If there was a way that we could willingly choose to support them, that might work. That way those of us who still want to support them can.


I have a ton of stuff I kept postponing so yeah, looking forward to it : )


Well... I can say yes there will. Still not certain how far I wanna go with that, but there's some there in the new build.


Lol, I have no idea how to reply to something like this, but thanks and you guys are really dear to me too : )


Looking forward to playing games and watching movies all day long!


And a compartment which you can open to keep your wallet and keys in... It's how Shady would want it. Ps. Shady will be wearing his summer outfit again in build 0.9.6 !


Well, I'm going to force myself a week of downtime, which is practically impossible to imagine since it has never happened before and after that I'll see how I feel about things.


Well, there's two sides to this coin, but one of them is I won't be able to truly wind down if I know patronage is still ongoing.

Vincent Masat

Enjoy your well deserved break!!! I cannot tell you how happy and excited I get, all the time, at the announce of a new version. You are doing a truly awesome work. Thanks for everything you are doing.


My plan is to recharge for a week and see how I feel about things afterwards. Whatever time I have afterwards most likely won't be enough to do anything even remotely substantial. But we'll see what happens.


Thanks! Kicking ass reminds me of chewing bubblegum! That's gonna be a plot point in this month's build : )


Also quick question will the early access build come out on the 1st?


You know....you might be on to something there. I dunno about anyone else but that is a product I would absolutely spend money on. Even without his magical macguffin teleporty I have exactly what you need right now before you knew you needed it ness


Thanks vincent! I just uploaded the new early access version so here's hoping it's reasonably stable. It usually needs another two versions before it's truly okay, since a bigger crowd always finds more than the smaller pool of people in the bughunt tier! I hope you'll like the build!