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Hey everyone! I thought I'd write an update to let you know where I'm at and where I intend to be at this month's end.  Oh, and if you're new, the link to the hub page for our projects can be found here .

Anyone who finished the last early access build knows I'm changing locations again for the next build.  The compound took us two builds, Foggy Swamp was two, Zaofu was two, but I'm far from certain this last location will take only two builds.  Btw. technically the end of the last early access was already in a different location, but I'm not counting that one since it was incredibly limited.

Changing locations always causes the need for a lot of new stuff and thus more work. Luckily I can do some major cutting of corners since I get to borrow stuff from the slave route!  But despite that it still leaves me with a ton of stuff to draw/write/script etc etc which is making me feel like I've been lagging behind since the start of this month!  It will be the last major location shift for this route though, so I'm kinda happy about that. 

I'd still like to have something finished before the end of this month  and I *think* that might be possible, but I'm not gonna bet the farm on it. Things might roll into October before I can get anything finished and if that happens, all bets are off.  I'm also considering taking a short break in October.

My plan is to keep on going until I get the next build done(this or next month),  maybe take a short break and see whether I will or will not do something special for October. It has sort of become a tradition to do something special for Halloween(Spooky time stand-alones etc), but I might break with that tradition this year and skip it in favor of working on normal FET.

We'll see... there's still a bunch of weeks between now and then and I've always  liked getting silly(sillier?) with the characters.

Also, I've decided to not incorporate slave routes into love routes. What I'm trying to say is that if you're playing love route, the world will react to the past as if that too was the love route whether you did or did not choose that for a past book during a current save. That's not super awesome from a continuity point of view if you've been "swerving" through slave/love routes within the same save file, but it's causing me too many problems otherwise. 

When we started work on FET I insisted on the player being able to start a new game and just jump into whatever book/route the player wants... because it's  a game and I wanted to give everyone the option  to have fun and easy access to it all without punishing him by railroading him.  Story-wise however... I'm gonna railroad you (to an extend).


If I'm not listening to music while working on FET I usually put on a movie/cartoon which I know by heart already so it won't be too distracting.  Lately I've been listening a lot to one of my absolute favorite movies and I thought I'd share it here with you.

It's a low budget comedy about a group of Dungeons&Dragon roleplayers and called "Dorkness rising".  I'm giving you the official link from the creators, which is a playlist of short segments, but there are also versions out there where all the small parts are put together. 


I'll leave it at that for this update. 

See you next time!

Cheers! Marty



John Haar

I watch futurama for background noise when I'm doing work or wanting to take a nap. Good to see you are still making progress. Have you thought about getting outside help for the game? Seeing as how it is pretty much down to just you, you should reach out and see if there are talented people who can help. I'm not one but there are bound to be others.


I'd still like to see the Halloween special if possible, even if we will wait a little longer for a main update. It's always an enjoyable side adventure.


Honestly, I love your Halloween episodes, but I am thinking that I would love to see the game completed as soon as possible. Not that I am trying to rush you guys. But I think that most people would love to see the ending soon, myself included. Take your time, take care, and do your best of course. But I think one Halloween without will be fine. I may be in the minority for this, however. >_>


So, not to be this guy, but any update on 18Teen Titans?

Dan Curtis

My best background show is Myth Busters while I'm working on something.

Bill Kurtis

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for something Halloween related. If it was a mini game, wonderful, otherwise I guess just some pictures for an art update might be nice. Pumpkin witch Katara is still one of my favorite drawings of yours. Maybe even dance outside the Avatar world for it since now you've got more assets to play with to keep it fresh - maybe a Halloween scenario with the Titans (they already wear costumes...) or Ben10 - lots of possibilities for crazy monster sex with Gwen 🤷🏼‍♂️. I won't hold my breath, but they were so much fun in the past. :)


You have absolutely no idea how much id kill for a Ben 10 anything. Though I much prefer Princess Attea and the expandable girl that I always forget the name of that lives in the lava caves of undertown over anyone else


So I was actually wondering if there was some holiday themed spinoffs of FET ive seen clips of them floating around, does anybody have a link to the older ones. I wont be upset if they were a "get it now or its gone" experience, but if it is anywhere, I want to absorb as much MITY content as I can. Inject it right in my viens.

Bill Kurtis

Check the hub link at the top of this update and all the different games they've made are listed. Spooky times are the Halloween ones.

Bob Ross

I know you weren’t planning on it but I would still love to see some more Asami, even if it is just more nudie pics


Hope the new location adds Asami. I like her slave route content but would love to be able to pursue her in the love route


Found two spelling errors: >> I'm also considering taking a short break in October. << >>> I'm also taking a break in October. >> My plan is to keep on going until I get the next build done(this or next month), maybe take a short break and see whether I will or will not do something special for October. << >>> My plan is to keep on going until I get the next build done(this or next month), take a break and see whether I will or will not do something special for October. Oh man, the last pic is so cute.


Dorkness rising is the best movie of all time.


I’d enjoy a Halloween side quest even if it needs to be delayed to next year if you just want to focus on the next story updates and take a well deserved break.


Pls have something before my birthday! (In November)

Sev Barton

Honestly, some of my favorite stuff in this game is when we get to go to different locations so I'm really looking forward to it! Also take as long as a brake as you want. With the amount of content, regular updates, and hard work you absolutely deserve one. Speaking of hard work, are you considering multiple endings for this route, like book 2 love route? And a random question but how tall is the MC?


Unpopular opinion here: I'm ok with waiting for quality. Please don't feel rushed to complete a build that your only satisfied with. The game has taken quite a while to get this far, and there's still a fair bit to do. Id be alright with an October/November or even a new years build if it comes to that. I personally love the Halloween minis, and while I'll understand if you choose not to do one this year, I'll certainly be a bit sad. Please keep up the great work, and stay healthy!


Same here don't rush and don't stress I really enjoy what your coming up with so far.


Oh Futurama would most definitely ruin my schedule, I'd keep getting sucked in watching it. I have thought about your suggestion(often), but I'm super limited to what I can do by myself when cbob is basically the" absent" owner of this patreon.


Certainly true, but if I'm going to do a Halloween game I want it to be ready on the 31st. With me still needing to finish the current build(and honestly speaking really needing that break I talked about) it's a matter of how much time will be left for me to work with when all is said and done.


Wanting to see the end of FET is a bit like slowly pushing magnets together. When they're far apart there's no pull, but at a certain point those suckers get so close they want to slam together asap! I get that feeling : )


I got my hands full with FET stuff so a continuation of 18Titans is something simply not possible at this time. Would I like to? Oh certainly, but I'm literally already as busy as I can get atm.


I've had some of that playing in the background before. Recently the lead balloon episode.


Do we have an eta for the public release of 0.9.5d?


Will you add some yaoi in the next versions ? Like you did for desna

jordan stark

the side story are some of my favorite parts but i know you want to take a break in October so what if you change it to a Christmas side story were the main character has to take the role of santa clause (shady guy) and give presents to all the main girls of the series


I'll see if I can somehow sneak her in, but like I said a while ago, don't expect anything fancy.


Sorry to say this, but don't expect anything very substantial when it comes to Asami. It's not like there isn't a lot of fun to be had by adding her, but I don't want this route to get overly bloated and keep on going.


Lol, yeah you might be very right about those spelling errors. Not certain I can actually stop working on FET without someone physically forcing me though. The whole roll out of bed, drink some coffee and start up the pc to work on FET has become second nature.


...You gain fifty experience points! May the light of Therin guide you : )


Thanks simon : ) It's nice when people allow you leeway!


... it's September, there's no way I won't have something before then!

Don kibonk

There probably won't be a 0.9.5d build because there is no need for it.


Thanks Sev! Anything considering the future builds will have to stay under wraps. It's a simple matter of me wanting the experience to be as fresh as possible. I'll sometimes (at most) say something won't be there to prevent outright disappointments, but even with those i'd rather not. As for the MC's length... never gave it any real thought. I try and keep him off screen... at least as much as is possible considering he's in the sex scenes... But coming up with this on the spot I'd say taller than Korra, but not as tall as Tenzin.


okay but when is nikki art update for the degens xD


Thanks Not so Nice Guy, you certainly don't do credit to your nickname : ) Anyway, I'd be sad too if I can't have *something* for Halloween, but let's see what happens. You'd even be alright with a new years build? You sire, win the patience price! I don't think I could ever be quite that patient unless would go reeeeally south.

Simon Barkhuizen

Please please please is there a way to skip the Seige minigame. I've played through the game so many times, it's so much fun from the start of the water book up until Seige card game. Its a complete turn off from playing the slave route any further. There is too much RNG involved. There is just 1 thing of this minigame that I don't get yet, and that might be what I'm missing, why is some card blue and others white? You lose either way if you pick the blue or white. Is there a tutorial for this game somewhere I can read? Guarding does nothing... still lose a round and there is only so many rounds you can lose, making "Guarding" extremely costly and not worth it. Sorry for the rant, it's just when I get to this point in the game I just start over from water book again


It's a minigame me and cbob were having some differences of opinion on which is why I wanted it to be 100% optional and not tied in with normal progress. Which it isn't. You can entirely ignore it. I haven't played the minigame myself for a long while so I'll have to start up and play it again to see if I can remember it's particulars, but I wanted to reply quickly so you'll at least know it can be ignored. ps.The blue and white color don't signify anything. It's just a way to have some visual difference. Also, if using a mouse, you can cheat by scrolling up which takes you a step back and undoes your last move.


Well, mainly because I'm not certain a Christmas side story will rev my engine. It's a time of the year I can enjoy, but I don't see it giving me that drive I need for doing a side story. I never say never though, so I'll let it bounce around in my head for some time. Thanks for the suggestion.


Hey I just wanted to say that I only just recently picked up FET and even thought I'm not finished with all the books it is one of my favorite dirty games. Very few of them have the cohesion that this one does. I started for less than reputable reasons but it caught me off guard with its humor and attention to detail. Very well done you deserve the break you've been talking about it seems like you've put a lot of time into this.


I badly wanna see an ikki footjob


Haha, thanks! We're not trying to create something "reputable", but if it can provide the player with a fap and a laugh every now and then we're plenty happy. Less than reputable reasons are the driving force of my life : )


I wanna see kuveria scenes way more plzzzz


I badly wanna see an ikki footjob


I have a question: I noticed some content where you play as tenzin but its not in the Halloween stuff. Is that in the full game or is there more side story stuff.


Jinora and Korra would be a fun scene


@JakTheRipper117 Thats the AIR chapter corruption path.

Bill Kurtis

You play as Tenzin in Book 4 Slave Route + a little bit in the first Spooky Times (mostly he is there as a narrative bookend for that game)


As both are main characters in the love route I'd say it's very likely we'll see a scene with both eventually. I mean they still have this competition thing going on, right?


Have you folks see how I draw feet : ) ? Let's say I have artistic blind spots.


@mity I know your feet aren’t the best but the scenes you make with them are incredible and sometimes I really wish if there was an option to pay for more of them I would… but yeah haha I’d badly wanna see an ikki footjob as do others but I fully respect it’s your game and understand you can’t do it all!


I like the mini games, I even like the crab battles. Would be nice to have some more and hidden rewards for not just following the script.


Hey, hate to be annoying, but its getting a bit close to the end of the month. Is there any update on the new version? or a halloween game?


You're not annoying! I certainly would want to know what's going on by now, so I wrote a small update talking about it.