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hey friends. currently having a late night coffee (with a little bourbon in it :]) and am making clickable things happen to CUTE avatar ladies. also writing some dialogue that makes me chuckle. hope you're holding up alright out there. turns out i've got that good ol' adhd so i've been prescribed fast-brain pills, which actually make me kinda tired. i don't quite understand why low-dose meth = calm monkey brain, but it's way easier to focus now, which is pretty cool. i put away my laundry for the first time since 2019. i remember reading that some people find out they have adhd by taking speed at a party and while everyone else rages, they just... go do dishes. so that's my energy. there's a lot i'd like to get done lately, but the top of my priority list is FET, so that's what i'm working on.

hope you're good:)



Hang in mate, we're with you!


Drug yourself for our degenerate benefit... Now that's dedication! Glad you're doing better buddy.


It’s a lot more common than some people think. Glad you got it diagnosed and are getting the proper help/treatment for it! Looking forward for what’s to cum


Heyo, hope you're doing good. Take care and enjoy your bourbonated coffee.


We’re all here to support you!!


He's alive 😄😄😄


Cbob lives! And he's on an ADHD induced work streak! Fo real tho, good to see you back😁


Just a heads up, it's not really related but Walmart has bourbon flavored ice cream.


Glad to hear from you cbob. Hope all the best an the pills are working❤️


Hope all is well, you take care and stay safe!

grime man

return to monke


So your telling me take speed to get shit done around the house... Bet 😂(jokes) but nah keep up the good work brother

the real slim shady

Yea I used to take Adderall and it made me feel like a zombie so just be careful that they keep your dose balanced right. And don't be like me who emptied my capsules into the sugar bowl that my sister then made kool-aid out of. Yea she was up all night doing dishes, karaoke, running the treadmill. Still to this day dont know how I didn't od her. Tldr this was like 15 years ago when I was 12 and hated taking those pills. And now I don't anymore.


I feel like meth and bourbon probably shouldn't be taken together lol


Glad you're doing better mate! We all love you and your work!

Sion of War

Good to hear from you cbob. Keep up the good work


I'm glad you got diagnosed and hopefully things will start getting better for you! Happy to see you back on your feet


Hope you continue to be better and better cbob. The whole team in fact: Stay good, stay positive and stay awesome. :)


Take it easy Chief. ^^


Easy goes fellas. Hope your finally starting to get back to enjoying making the game


That's great to hear! It took me years to find a prescription that worked for my body. I finally settled on Focalin and life feels so clear!


Good to hear from you. ADHD meds dont really mix with alcohol though. It will make your heart and liver unhappy.

Neb the Pleb

Based as fuck cbob improving on himself and working harder, very proud of you fren. Can't wait to see what new glories you unearth for us


Congrats my dude. Self discovery and knowing who you are is super important for everyone. Now that you know more about your "problems" the more you can handle shit when it comes up. Happy to see you're doing better to some degree. Can't wait to see what you got coming but I'm happy to sit and wait patient for it.


Just be careful with a strong medication like that, it is illegal in many places for a reason


Hey Cbob as someone with ADHD, who is an advocate for it. I'll give some resources and such. You're also a natural airbender! The welcome letter https://youtu.be/JiwZQNYlGQI The tutorials https://youtube.com/c/HowtoADHD An interview with a therapist https://youtu.be/hRgSrEU2miE I am currently studying for my masters with plans to go into my doctorate. And am doing each one in a different country. People with ADHD can go far if they know how their brain works. Eg. Einstein, michael Phelps, Robin Williams, mizkif. Some things that absolutely help are: Structure, having a set routine gives the chaos in our mind a good way to channel itself into productiveness. Working out: sounds dumb, but working out makes you easily able to focus on whatever you do after. Learn to control your superpowers: hyper focus is something that normal people cant do. If you can pick and choose what you can hyper focus on, you can become a monster. This is done by a lot of internal reflection, I do it by overloading my schedule and manipulating my emotional state. Meditation: this shit is stupid op, download headspace and turn this shit into an every day thing. BEWARE OF THE MED CRASH. After taking ADHD meds when they wear off you can have a big crash that makes you feel like shit. Know about this. If you have any questions ask.


Thanks for the news, Cbob! Glad to hear you are feeling goo!


Recently diagnosed as well, this is super helpful, thanks!

David Howe

Plagued with it whole life only recently accepted it and turning it to better use. I feel your frustration and alleviation. Hope your questions have finally found answers

Bob Ross

Happy to hear your doing better! Any idea on when the next update will drop?


Dude that sucks i got off my ADHD meds i always got the bad side effects, found out they stunted my growth too, a week after i stopped taking them i went thru a massive growth spurt, 3 shoe sizes in 3 months, be careful ya never know what effect itll have, ive had to learn to cope since i wont medicate


At least you remenber the last time you put your laundry to wash( sorry for bad english)

A Fellow Supporter

Glad that you're doing better. Health is always a number one priority. And by the way Book 1 Love or Slave route has been having "An exception has occurred"

A.E. Pessimal

Cheers and love, man. Your creation gave me plenty of hours of pure joy. Wish you all the best, you deserve it!

Karl Kristian Riise

Welcome back to the land of the (degenerate) living and I'm glad that you got to the bottom of the problem! Out of pure curiosity, how old are you and how have you been having adhd without being diagnosed? Is that common? My question is both for you and anyone with knowledge about the subject.


I want a four elements trainer shirt


Huh. I always assumed that most people find out they have ADD or ADHD as a kid. That’s when I was diagnosed by a professional after a suggestion from my physician (I think?) Maybe I just assumed it was something usually diagnosed young, but it honestly never occurred to me that some adults definitely have it and just never knew. It makes complete sense, i’m just a little surprised that i’m surprised if that makes sense.


Hope the meds do well for you. They just upped my dose and the insomnia is real.

Corporal shepherd

Hello I'll keep this short but to summarize I have adhd also and was diagnosed when I was a kid and took adhd medication alot but fair warning I'd be careful in taking them cause they can have some unforseen side effects.