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Hey all!  First of all, a link to our linkhub page, with updated links etc.

So it's basically Summer on  the northern hemisphere and I'm starting to notice! The room with my pc in it (and basically any other room) is starting to turn into an oven at times. Up until now I always just took off as many clothes as possible and made due with a fan, but this time I went out and got myself one of those mobile air conditioners.

It kinda feels like a defeat... Don't try and understand, that's just my personal malfunction : )  

There have been times when I was more afraid of my pc melting than myself so I went and got an ac unit after much hesitation.  Cbob thought my resistance to having an ac was funny and ridiculous. I can't say it isn't.

(I've never longed for beaches during hot weather, but I'll make an exception for those on Ember island)

Anyway,  after finishing up v1.0.8 of 18Titans and  with Cbob discovering new and exciting drugs  to use : D   ....    I count myself lucky that I, at most, need an aspirin every now and then. 

It was very interesting to read your comments on Cbob's post. Except for the few things I gleamed from watching some youtube movies, I'm still pretty ignorant on what ADHD entails, but it's nice that some of you with hands on experience could shed some more light on it in comments and pm's . I'm certain Cbob can benefit from it. 

I've started working on FET again this month and 18Titans is back in the freezer. Part of my work on FET is going over some older scenes. Changing scenes when I notice something weird or adding things. The other part is starting work on future scenes again. 

It's during the correction of an older scene that I discovered I had lost the psd for it. That's a minor problem since the psd contains the line-art and colors on different layers. I can work without it and basically trace and redraw my older drawings, but it sure as hell isn't efficient. 

Of course I searched for it in my backups but it wasn't there either.  I did find it again eventually, but it was in a weirdly named folder outside of my main work folder. Luckily that doesn't happen often.

I must have put it there temporarily and forgot about it. It wasn't all frustration though. That "hunt" made me come across an older scene which I worked on about a month ago and discarded as not good enough. With some time in between then and now I could see it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was so I started to rework it and am rather happy with the result now. Finding that one again was a happy accident.

Any artists among you can probably attest to the possibility of two weird things happening when you're working on the same drawing consecutively for a while . 

One, you become blind to some very obvious mistakes/oddities with your drawing. 

Two, you can think something is looking godawful and when coming back to it later, you realize it isn't.  Really odd.

And just as a side note, I keep forgetting to draw the big blue Arrows on Jinora's body while drawing this one scene. Those arrows are hardly subtle so you'd say I wouldn't, but noooo.... I notice it one moment and the next moment I've already forgotten it again.

Besides drawing I also do a small amount of scripting for the next build and I discovered my fingers have an unconscious preference for typing "zoafu" instead of "zaofu". That sure doesn't help with bugs considering I have a couple of variables which include that name.

Naturally a lot of you will want to know how far work on the next build has progressed and  when you can visit Zaofu yourself.  Like I mentioned, I did start doing some minor work on it myself so I'm hoping that can give whatever Cbob's doing a small boost, but I'll have to wait until he can send me an intermediate build to get a feeling of where we're at right now.

And that's it again for this post.

Hope you guys are having a good weekend and don't forget to take a look at the attached pics if you'd like to see the pic with Azula and friends a bit larger or nudier.







Link doesn't work


Hope everything cools down and thank you for the hard work also link doesn't work


Fixed the link. I love spring and summer, but mostly because of the long hours of daylight and not because of the heat : )


You ever thought of creating a art folder with all of these wonderfull extra artworks? It would actually help me a lot because all I have are shared between my laptob different phones and folders and I am pretty sure there are a few really great ones I don't even know.

Yitzhak Brill

Azula best girl ❤️

Jdogzero Silverblade

was wondering if you could do some more flexible drawings with ty lee. its her strong suit with her body i mean so more of it would be hot.


Right now (2.00 am) the temperature in my room is 30.6 °C. That can only mean my malfunction is bigger than yours, so I win ..., right? Well at least my home may be one of the few inside places where the virus won't survive for long. Although I'm no artist I totally can relate to the two points you mentioned, sometimes it's crazy how different a pic looks if you let some time pass to keep working on it. It's kind of amazing how our brain works. You can spend hours on a scene and be quite happy with it only to come back and think "Why is Toph's head twice as big as Katara's?". It's not easy at all to get proportions, poses and expressions of the human body right, even if you do it only in comic style. We are trained to see even the smallest "mistakes" within the blink of an eye. But I have to say you did an excellent job on those three "beach girls". Each one of them has a very distinctive shape, especially pleasing to the eye and cute are their different hips. The heat may have an effect on your style though, they are almost as skinny as in the show and have small feminine feet. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) I won't hold my breath for the next build because cbob's post wasn't really an example of determination and optimism if you know what I mean but it is as it is and I do appreciate his and your honesty. Sadly it's not in our power to help cbob other than give some advice and financial support but I wish him the power to manage this situation and get back control of his life. His and your health is all that matters to me at this point. So turn on your ac and drink as much as you need and maybe only then you can start drawing more of these cute girls we all adore so much.

Benjamin Klandestine

The heat is certainly making a difference on my daily life as well, so I support your AC choices! I'm excited to see what you do with those older scenes/reworks and even more so for the new build.

Luke Marsden

MITY I had no idea Four Elements Trainer was all the way up to v0.9+ ! I've been reading these art updates thinking they were in substitution for game updates for... gosh well over a year or so now. Gah, I suddenly feel like Toph isn't the blind one in this relationship >.< Anyway, great work - I've got some catching up to do

Don kibonk

Hi MITY, sorry to ask this question but, do you reckon the next build will be finished by the end of the month? again sorry for asking....

Bill Case

Thanks for taking the time to drop us such a nice note. It was newsy, personal, and informative. It's nice to see what you've been up to.

Dentil Kejser

Amazing Work Mity, i enjoy your games 💪


One of the few girls whose icy stares make me feel warm inside : )


I'll keep it in the back of my mind for a future art update!


// Right now (2.00 am) the temperature -snip- so I win ..., right? -aaawwhh, lol considering it's 2.00 and still that hot... yeah you win, but only if you didn't spend your day somewhere else where it's cooler! // -snip- You can spend hours on a scene and be quite happy with it only to come back and think "Why is Toph's head twice as big as Katara's?". -If I could have a semi attainable wish granted, it would be for me to have the power to look at any pic and see it as if it's the first time I ever saw it! And all I have to do is destroy my short term memory to attain it! //We are trained to see even the smallest "mistakes" within the blink of an eye. - I've always thought that to be extremely interesting/funny and still... when not breaking some weird mental rules we can accept some pretty strong deformations(styles) as normal and pleasing to the eye. //But I have to say you did an -snip- and have small feminine feet. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) lol, no I'm fine with being given shit about my feet or anything really :) I try and sometimes I fail less hard at them! //I won't hold my breath for the next build because cbob's post wasn't really an example -snip- His and your health is all that matters to me at this point. Hmmm yeah there was a time when he was rock solid and surprised me with his speed and pretty much anything else. Maybe too speedy and thus sowing some of the seeds for the current situation. Not much we can do but wait and see whether he finds an effective way to deal with his stuff. Us humans usually have a pretty big "turning radius" when it comes to changing habits. Drawing naked girls makes me happy so as long as I can keep doing that there's little to worry about! Ps. I only turn on the ac when I absolutely have to. I might have lost the war, but I can still win a battle every now and then ; ) !


I only use the AC sparingly, but still it does make a big difference for those extra hot afternoons. Anyway, a lot of the reworks of older scenes are scenes you've never seen. I made some before starting on the latest 18Titans build which I'm going over again lately. To me they're old but to anyone else they're ... unseen.


Lol! Oh well, there was this one time where I couldn't figure out how to set the time/date on a fresh windows 10 install and that certainly felt like it took me forever to figure out. We all have those assumptions sometimes which makes it impossible to see what's right in front of us!


I'd love to have an answer to that for myself, but I can't say until cbob shows/tells me more. If I were a betting man... I wouldn't bet on the end of this month.

Bill Kurtis

Mmhmm, Ty Lee returns... I wonder if I meditate in the swamps long enough I can conjure her eternally youthful spirit to keep me company for a while ☺️


any more game updates


How do get an app going to play it


I’m on apple


is there a metal bender update


same as above as long as your on Mac OS. you need to drag it into applications otherwise saving doesn't work from downloads for renpy things


New Update possible soon?🔥

Rest Arino

I have no update and I must COOM


i just fin it i cant wate to see what happens next

Rest Arino

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Mai has grown on me after the years. Can anyone else say the same?