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Hey folks, little update on what we're doing.   First off, if you're new, we have a linkhub post with links to our stuff.

So we made a really big change to the story... well not THAT big, but the flow wasn't really good. It felt more like we entered a dead-end street to pic up a few scenes and slowly drove back again in reverse to go on with the story.  I wasn't super happy with that for a long time, but then an alternative popped up in my mind.  

Simply said, instead of doing build A, B, C  my problem could mostly be solved by doing A, C, B    

That change made a lot more sense in all sorts of ways and I'm still surprised I didn't think of it before (tunnel vision?)  The difficult scene which I was looking forward to doing is also postponed because of that, but the main problem is we only decided to do this shuffle halfway through April.

Our plan for the upcoming build was to stay in the swamp for a minimal amount of time and then go to the next place. That next place is not going to be the place we thought we'd visit two weeks ago and as such most of it wasn't(and still isn't) finished...  

I still want to try and at least have some sort of build ready for this month, buuuut that's going to be extremely difficult to pull off. If I can do it, it's going to be a small one in which we stay in the swamp for a bit longer.

But that is what I want to try and do. Since I have to draw, script and write all of it there's no guarantee I'll be able to have something ready, but if I will it's going to be late. Best case scenario is me having a small bughunt version ready on the 27/28th.  If I can't reach that mark, I might just decide to wait and merge it with whatever cbob will have ready in Mai and release it as a normal build. But having a small build ready for April has my preference by far.

Soooo... I'll be busy like a cat burying his shit on concrete and replying to direct messages  and such will take a hit because of that in the meantime.

I still (unwisely) decided to spend some time on having at least something more than text to accompany this post which resulted in some Azula Ty Lee action. Higher res version are in the attachment.

tldr:  I hope (and will do my best) to have something ready this month, but don't take any wagers on it.



Lord Crusade

Take all the time you guys need. You have never failed to deliver when it comes to both quality and quantity of the story/art


As much as I want more "swamp" content I'd rather have a "normal" build in a reasonable time than a build that needs you to go in crunch time mode. Just my two cents. PS This must be the mindbroken Azula as she and Ty Lee are showing a heart with their hands. That's so not Azula but so much Ty Lee, I like it.


Well I'd be totally fine with skipping an end of this month release and release end of May give yourselves time to restructure it. Then again I'm a couple of releases behind so I have all the time in the world so can't speak for others.


Keep up the great work dont worry we can wait till may.

Bill Kurtis

Ty Lee 🤤... I have the sudden urge to replay Book 2 Slave Route


I'm more than fine with waiting til next month for a full release. I'd be more than fine if you decided to focus less on DMs and more on the update, but that's your decision (especially since it's something sensitive like PR with the fans I guess). I want to play the update but I'm in no rush to start demanding you start splitting updates, they'd just feel shorter in the end with possible longer development times(or at least they'd feel like it). Take your time, but I'm glad it sounds like a full update release is definitely planned for next month. Tldr; take all the time you guys need, can't wait for more of the raunchy stuff you guys include (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Finn Ryan

Will we have to replay the game to get the new story?

Evan Showalter

o cool, you like prog metal?


Don't rush anything. Keep working and taking breaks if needed. As someone else said: You guys have never failed to deliver both quantity and quality. As long as you are happy with the results and you think is enough to release, then that's it. The content has been good so far and even though the story is interesting, we can all wait for further updates a little longer. I wouldn't want a rushed content tbh. Cheers tho PD: we also appreciate the Azula Ty Lee action images 😳💯


Azula will always be number one


Love the art- those two need to be friendlier :-) People are going to tell you to wait and make a single larger release, but my advice is to stick with the plan. Releasing and going through that testing process is a pain, but honestly is actually helpful-- fewer, bigger releases results in far more of your time spent debugging. This has been proven time and again, and as a whole the software industry has moved from "a few big releases per year" to "release early, release often" because we've found that it just works better. New bugs result from changes, inevitably, and if the change is half as big not only will you have half as many bugs (that's just a linear improvement, no real win there) but EACH bug will take half as long to swat because there are less possible things to go wrong. In reality it's more like about 1/4 as long to swat because you also have fewer interactions between changed chunks of codes-- complexity is proportional to the square of the increase.


Might be a bit selfish, but go ahead and delay it untill May. I will spent end of the April chasing purple dragon ( don't worry not the thing you are thinking of ), so it would be better for me if you just finiah a larger build. I believe a lot of people here will be doing same thing as me


I'd rather just wait for the build

Sion of War

I much prefer playing a longer build so there is some content to explore and not be done in 30 minutes tops.

Bob Ross

I agree with sion, the longer builds are much more enjoyable, I’m ok if it means waiting a little longer for it


I agree too :)


God bless the hard workers Cbob and Marty!


Thanks LC. A smaller build to get the player a little further along in the swamp seemed like a good idea for this particular time.


Well, we don't like crunch, but this basically let's cbob do whatever he wants while unloading some of the pressure on me. I'm okay with that and it does end up with a few more scenes for the swamp which we hadn't originally planned. Also, the first Azula/Ty Lee variation didn't have them making a heart sign with their hands, but I thought it'd be funny to add. No extra thought went into it :)


A smaller build every now and then can help us keep any bugs and other unforseen problems in check, but I do like it when folks who are in the bughunt build have something new to play with.


And maybe rewatch the ember island episode of the cartoon : )


Thanks! It's a nice feeling to know people will allow you to take some more time when needed, but a smaller end of the swamp build feels like a good fit for this particular moment.


Raunch is guaranteed : ) I think a smaller build in between can be fun sometimes. Also allows us to keep a bit more on top of bugs etc.


No. If all's well you're save games should be there when installing a new version since those are kept in a different folder. So as long as you're playing on the same pc it should be okay.


Sure! It's not just low death grunts I like. In fact I think I like prog metal generally speaking better. I will listen to anything, but gravitate towards metal.


Thanks Hulk! This will actually be a bit better for cbob since I'm taking on all of the work for this in-between-build. It will allow cbob to focus completely on his part and he can take the time he needs for that.


Yeah, I completely get what you're saying. Especially during my refactoring project (currently on the backburner) it can be quite scary sometimes to make changes because it's hard to gauge what kind of horribleness it can cause down the line.


Well, I guess you can always just "save up" a few builds and just play it at once. Still a few smaller builds in between can give us the opportunity to make some changes quicker according to feedback.


Yeah but if it is literally abou getting it at April 28th and May 6th with more content, I think more would want it May 6th


There's always the option to save up some builds. I've released the bughunt and will see what the general opinion on it is.


That's usually the way I play myself. Saving up and "digging in" for longer sessions, but it's nice to get some in between feedback on bugs and such along the way.


In that case you might want to skip the upcoming one and just add it to your play session for the next one. My own preference is leaning heavily towards longer sessions too when I play myself, but it can have some advantages to do a smaller in between build. It's easier to figure out some of the bugs ,more/quicker feedback and a chance to change things along the way according to said feedback.

Carlos O Vela

Ok, just heard about what patreon is up to. Where can I support you other than here?

Bob Ross

Kinda unrelated to the post, but is there going to be Asami content in this path, or is it just going to be the pictures?


Came looking for copper, but I found gold


You mean them forcing creators to change their stuff? That's been going on for a while. I'm kinda surprised they didn't try that with us yet. Sorry we don't have an alternative right now.


No real Asami content is planned to speak of. maybe after finishing FET we'll go back and add some Asami scenes to the love route, but currently only book 4's slave route has real Asami scenes.


Lol, thanks YaBoyMatt. That's nice to hear! We'd already be happy with being copper. nothing wrong with that workhorse among conductive metals!


Personally i’m fine with that. I just want tons of Korra content, the more passionate the better. I still really like the idea of the MC getting so into it during sex with Korra that he cums inside her or on her multiple times consecutively without even realizing it, almost like a pseudo Avatar State but with sex.