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Hi all! Time for another little art update talking about what I've been doing. 

So first things first, if you've played the latest big build (0.9.2) we hope you liked it.  Also, here's a link to our Linkhub post with links to older projects etc so you won't have to dig through all of the posts.

As I've already told you in an earlier art update, I(Marty) had suggested to cbob for me to step in and to split the work for our last build. I'd take on a large part of it and cbob the rest. I did that so he could go and reacquaint himself with  working on FET  after his break in a more relaxed manner. 

That means I did a lot of writing and programming for 0.9.2 and all of that really messed up my own planning, setting me back plenty of time. It was necessary and nothing I can't make up for, but I always (much) prefer having bit of leeway to deal with unexpected things and my buffer for that is mostly gone right now. 

I did already finish the basic scenes (for the next build) and sent those  to cbob a bit more than a week ago. I'll still have to put some more "spit" on those, but I also made some new ones in the meanwhile and did some writing and coding for the next build. We've once again split the work on it and It'll still be a build made partly by me and the rest by Cbob, but if all goes well, far less so by me than the last time. Don't misunderstand, I love working on FET in whatever position, but if I keep splitting my focus we'll reach a point where I simply don't have any new scenes ready.

I mostly finished my part of the next build, but if possible I still want to add a difficult scene(instead of saving it for the next next build). I'll see how that will work out but I might just keep it for a build a bit further into the future. 

Besides that I've also been doing some work on getting a more stable and trustworthy android build up and running. The ones in the past have always been flaky and the one I've been creating should fix that. I've already had some people try out the new one and so far it looks like it does what it's supposed to do *crosses fingers*.  

I got myself an entry level tablet to test it on. So far I always used my phone for android testing and that was far from the most ideal testing ground. When I played FET on the tablet it was odd how I noticed different things  which I didn't on my pc screen. 

If you'd like to try out the new android version for yourself, It's pretty much the exact same version as 0.9.23  If you're not experiencing problems with android there's no need for you to try it. But if you have been experiencing trouble with android before,  version 0.9.24 might be able to give you something more stable. It can be found in the post together with it's predecessor,   HERE .   It takes me much longer to create this version, but if it actually ends up working much better for everyone I'll happily switch to doing things like with this version from now on. This one will need android 5.0 or higher to work on though.

My drawing nib was getting really worn out so i put in a new one. These beach pics are made while breaking in the new nib. The new one was really "sticky" at first, meaning it wouldn't stop registering pressure even when I stopped drawing, but the magic of sandpaper helped me solve that problem. For anyone who doesn't remember(or never knew to begin with), I use an old as balls Wacom Intuos2 12x12  and pasta (yes the stuff you eat) for substitute nibs because I really like the "nib on surface"-friction that gives me. 

I've been thinking about buying a super fancy draw-on-your-screen-tablet for a while now, but I think  I'll keep using my old one for a while longer. I have a strong inclination to not change something when it has proven to work, but more importantly because I think my current setup is better ergonomically. My pasta nib trick would probably not work anymore either...

Let me draw you a pic of the current and the would be future situation to explain. Anyone with some actual experience doing it both of these ways, it'd be nice to hear what you like best and why.

Today I'm working on an old lady scene which I've been looking forward to doing and unless I get some requests from cbob I'll spend the rest of this month working on scenes meant for the build after the next one. Lots and lots to do, but it's all stuff I'm looking forward to work on! 

Today is a dreary, rainy Saturday so I've put together some sunny beach pics again to go along with this post. They're somewhat of a continuation from my last art update pics. I'll add some bigger and nude versions in the attachment. It's only after I finished these I realized I could've added Ty Lee instead of Azula... (or Korra) !

And that's it for this update! I'd like to give you some more tangible news on when to expect the next build to be ready, but before I can say anything even remotely trustworthy on that matter we'll have to be at least another couple of weeks into this.

Till next time!


-You can find a test android build called 0.9.24 HERE which might work better for you if you're having trouble with android.

- We're working on the new build, but don't ask me when it'll be finished. Can't say yet with any level of certainty.

- We're not even close to finishing the love route(we got some questions about that).




Always love reading the updates from you guys!! Can’t wait for the next build and love the beach art!!


I got the Huion Kamvas 22 Plus on ebay and it's been incredible. The ergonomics aren't as bad as you'd think and with a mix of the tilt stand and getting the height right, I don't experience any neck strain. Would absolutely recommend


Thank you for getting in touch!


This is such a big wall of text omg all i wanna know is whether love route world 4 is done or not???


Thanks, that's the sort of info I really like to hear! Did you have a "normal" drawing at first? If so, did switching to a screen tablet have any benefits or surprises?


I love getting in touch : ) If only I had more interesting stuff to say!


Nope, not done yet. Still a bunch of big builds to go before it is.


I'm having trouble writing these updates without literally resorting to telling you about the weather : ) I always feel like I should say a little more, but I usually don't have much interesting to say!


I'm glad to see someone who actually cares runs this patreon I am new here but I can tell everyone working is dedicated I appreciate it and will raise my tier next time I get a chance


So you improving mobile, glad to hear as that's my main source for playing fet.


My only question is when will you be continuing titans, that left off at a juicy part with raven and I would love to see what the path is for the villains like jinx, blackstar and terra would be I think you should add a more personal touch to them so you could talk to them privately as you are not actually a legit good guy so it would be cool to mix things up a bit


Thanks so much for the update, and I personally wouldn’t care if you even delayed it just for it to give you some rest and time to relax!


Love the art updates, and the great art that usually comes with them. Even the non racy stuff, yep totally got what you mean about ergonomics with that pic Appreciate all the work being put into every aspect of this game and to keep the communication up.

shea brown

Thanks for the update man I can’t wait for the next update, I loved the scenes with honors and Ikki in this route so far hopefully we can watch some dirty movers with ikki in the future! Or perform a “medical exam” on her great work though MITY is really pullin through


Thanks for the update....and for Korra and Azula!


I have a Wacom Cintiq 22. As stated by others, the ergonomics aren't bad at all, though you may have to adjust your drawing pose. No hunching forward like in the picture. There's more than enough canvas space to sit upright and draw from your arm, then simply rest your hand on the device for detail work. Fair warning, once you do start using a drawing monitor, it's very hard to go back to the tablets.


I don't have any personal experience with your specific circumstances regarding art, but as a Physical Therapist and someone who has a brother doing art, I'd say it's super important to keep your back straight when sitting, otherwise, it leads to a ton of back issues later on, and can even make current issues all over your body worse. my brother does this thing where he connects his writing pad to his tablet/laptop, and has it further away from him, tilted upwards AND he has a monitor on the side, so he can switch back and forth if he needs to. that way you have the best of both worlds. just make sure to have a reminder to correct your posture. I GUARANTEE you will start to feel the stress going away once you do this if you tend to lean forward a lot. other things you can do are rub some cold water along the back of your neck every now and then and massage your own neck. yeah, it's not as great as an actual masseuse, but it's better than nothing. a pointer I would give is to find the part of your neck and shoulders that feels the stiffest and hard, and slowly massage the area around it, leading up into the neck. do this for like, a full minute to 2 or 3 minutes every couple of hours, and you'll start to feel better. if you have any questions, feel free to private message me. i will always get back to ya!


What do you mean Ty Lee instead of Azula?! I get Ty Lee is a fan favorite, but Azula’s got some assets too. And Toph, Azula and Korra are like the main love interests of each book, aside from Katara. Actually, why don’t we see Katara more? She’s arguably the biggest love interest across each book. Not that I mind our favorite earth bender being used a bit more.


Thanks! I appreciate the sentiment and we like money as much as anyone else, but it's quite all right to stay at your current tier when that already has the amount of perks your interested in : )


Thanks D. It's important to me to make certain people at least somewhat know what we're doing!


I can already imagine Ikki covering up her face with her hands while spreading her fingers to make certain she doesn't NOT see see it ; ) Sometimes I'm suprised we haven't been booted off patreon yet.


Damn! that's a big one! Does it come with four legs so it can double as a dining table ; ) ? Feels like I could get lost in that one. Does it speed up your workflow or have other benefits which might not be so apparent?


Wow, thanks for those tips. I don't have any problems with posture/back currently , but I'd like to keep it that way and I DO have the tendency to really want to "crawl into the paper". I currently have my monitor standing on a home made elevation.


Love those Art Update you really are desperate to tell your patreons whats going on in development respect for that. Since Im a trainee as software developer myself Im interested in what language you are using, if Im allowed to ask of course :)


Certainly : ) but I already used Azula last time and we haven't seen Ty Lee for a while. Katara, Toph etc already got some attention during the current route so I thought it might have been more interesting if I'd have shown characters whom aren't already in the spotlight all that often.


That's good. Find whatever works best for you. When I play games on my computer I also tend to either lean super in, or lean back, because i can't stand being in one position for too long. Best position is just straight back. Another thing you can do is wall mount a monitor and use a reclining office chair. And have the monitor set to your most comfortable position where you don't even need to move your neck.


Nah, you picked right. Azula and Korra are by far my favorite two. From the game and the show.

Sion of War

I personally prefer TyLee, but since everyone has different tastes you just cant satisfy everyone in a post. as long as I get some TyLee stuff occasionally its fine to have different characters. Korra and Azula are still great, its not like TyLee fans are missing out


I enjoy working on FET so I rarely feel like needing a break but it's nice to know there's folks out there who feel like you do!

Joey Cabeleira

Just asking. For those who have finished the current love route of book 4 is the swamp the road block until the next update or am I. Just dumb.


I vote to keep seeing Azula


Ha, it is pretty big, but that's more of a personal preference. I like to feel like I'm not constrained when I draw. Saves time with all the zoom in/out/panning too. The other benefit is that the more screen space I have, the more windows and tools I can sprinkle around the edges so I can grab them if I need them, rather than navigating menus or trying to keep track of a bunch of macros. The screen on mine is textured, so there's a bit of tooth to the drawing surface similar to paper, as opposed to the glassy feel of older cintiqs. Outside of drawing, I just have endless uses for multiple monitors. Reference up on one screen, netflix on another, photoshop on the cintiq, etc. Fair warning, if you like to use the buttons on the side of your tablet, my model doesn't have them included. On one hand, that means it takes less real estate than it would normally, but if you want the buttons, you'd have to also get the separately sold remote. (Blutooth, battery powered; I picked it up. It's really nice, actually.)


Thanks for the reply flurpdurp. I think I'd go with a cheaper non wacom medium sized one as my first. I haven't decided yet, but it would be more of a "trying out the waters first" kind of approach. I've heard wacom alternatives have become pretty good too. Lack of buttons doesn't really bother me. I usually have a simultaneous mouse/pen workflow going on.


Sure no prob! We use renpy which is a program specially made for developing visual novels. Putting it really simple I think you could describe it as python with extra's to make it easier for beginners. It has plenty of room to get more creative beyond that though.


Oh that sounds nice, Im working alot with python too Im gonna check that out for sure. Always wanted to get into game development but it failed due to missing textures and Im really not that great at that. :D


If you've never used one, that's definitely the way to go. If you don't like it, you can return it or just use your older one. I got a little spoiled with them in college, so the bigger sized one was a goal for a while. Hope it works out!


You are doing a great job! Truly awesome stuff. Cannot wait for the next builds. Especially looking forward to seeing more from Tenzin's offspring. 😉

A.E. Pessimal

Can we please get some anal on four like in book 1 or book 2 with Azula when Mei is sleeping? some dominating stuff... and the girl comes? Azula will be perfect for this. Just my private fetish....


any updates on 18titans?

Bill Kurtis

Game is on hiatus for the foreseeable future while they focus on FET - B4L

Sion of War

How is the project going? Is everything going well? @MITY