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Hey guys! Marty here!

Remember when cbob told us we could hassle him if he couldn't get anything done in November?!?!

Let's just say I got myself a stick and called it hassle. And it's better than bacon.

I say hassle, you say stick!



But all fun aside, cbob won't make it this month again and I talked to him about what the best course of action would be because I feel a bit more is needed than just saying 

"guys we didn't make it this month (again), see you in the next!" 

There's folks among you who'd support us way beyond anything which can be called reasonable. And sure, it's your money and you can bloody well do with it as you see fit! We're making adult games and you are an adult, right? But we've created some expectations these last months which we haven't been able to make good on and that can't keep on going. 

So I suggested pausing our patreon billing cycle to cbob and he agreed that would be a good idea. Cbob will keep working on the new FET build at a pace he is able to and at least until he can show us the fruits of his labor we'll suspend the  billing. 

I like that very much, because this will most likely also allow cbob to relax more. Getting the amount of support we're getting and not being able to deliver something for this long will start eating at you. Subconsciously or not. And that's when you're mentally doing fine. If you're not at your best that becomes crippling.

So cbob will have a real opportunity to get back on the road to recovery, (something I was aiming for regardless!) and I'll just pick my nose and do nothing in the mean time... 

Ha! Of course not. I started working on a little side project which I intend to expand upon.  Some of you already know what it is. And just so you know, it's not a continuation of Omnitrixxx. I know some of you really liked that and God knows anything with Gwen in it has an uncanny ability to hold my unhealthy attention, but Omnitrixxx was always meant as a test for myself and set up as such.

Working on FET is important, yes, but I need cbob for that... unless you want builds merely consisting out of cheap puns....    When running a three legged marathon, which is basically what FET is, you can't keep  going while the other is feeling those stabs in his side. Don't ask me why I keep making these weird comparisons...


So there you have it. I might add to this post later if it turns out it's needed and I'll keep you up to date throughout the upcoming month.  Now let's see if I can find the buttons which will actually do what I was talking about.


Mooney, Tyler A

No worries, your making a great game, take the time you need to do it right


I don't mind to just pay you guys. The new build will be done when it's done. And i feel i still need to pay a couple of months at least to repay you for all the fun i've been having so far.


If you keep working on 8teen titans, plz reconsider who you play as. Having character like Robin as a "hentai" protagonist is unbearably cringy


And to be fair, we got all the halloween goodness for free. So, tit for tad? (See what i did there)


I think we all have said it at one point, and we will continue to keep saying it- take as much time as you need. Perfection can't be rushed, and we will stand with you for however long it takes until its completed.


Wtf is 8teen titans? I need that in my life lol


You guys are doing awesome work and we will continue to support you as best we can. Stay strong and we look forward to seeing you back at your best as soon as you are willing and able.

Jdogzero Silverblade

so if your suspending the billing does that mean until it comes back up your releasing the side stuff you make free for everyone or how is that going to work? cuz you cant just cut it off make stuff and keep things behind a invisible pay wall XD. idk either way i dont mind. ill download it when it comes out.


You guys have my unwaivering support. You put out the absolute best you have and work your asses off and I definitely appreciate it.


what's the side project ? sound interesting..


Side project not much of one but something, you should see it when its out of bug phase


Christmas is cancelled no more Omnitrixx content WidePeepoSad


8teen titans sound fun and I mostly just want to find another way to not only support the team but also pass the time a bit more between updates.

Billy bounce

Who would you suggest? I’m genuinely asking. Personally I didn’t really mind Robin all that much but I get what you’re saying. But I feel that Beast Boy or Cyborg would be even worse. So maybe as yourself like in FET but as a new member of the team?


What is omnitrixxx and where do i find it lol?


Where are all these side projects im reading about but never seen??


Well it sucks that he wasn't able to make it but you've been putting in some work with some side projects to keep us busy so all good on the end since it does show you guys are trying. Some other certain creators would just keep quiet for months on end without saying anything and only address the issue when they get tired of getting asked for a progress update. Don't mean to sound whiney or anything. You guys are definitely one of the best creators to especially have frequent communication about progress despite good or bad news which is what I mostly like about you guys. The side project was nice but I'd definitely prefer that you should use this chance to take a mini break for yourself to let Cbob catch up and deliver the update to you instead. I'd definitely like to play another one of your side projects again whether it's a continuation of one you made or a new game again, but it'd suck to see you get somewhat burned out from trying to make things up to make up for Cbobs slow progress while he's dealing with himself. Though you probably won't show that you are burned out and power through it a break would be nice since this is a good opportunity since your pausing the charges. I doubt a majority would be upset if you decided to take a personal break.


Ben 10? Thats Sound nice.... many differents cocks Gwen can/must handle with it.

Billy bounce

Yeah honestly I think that after this update both of you guys should take a much needed break. Just maybe a month off to just to get fresh again. You could tell us you’re doing so within another update. I definitely think that’s best course of action. If you don’t take one after this build than I highly suggest taking one after the end of this book and before the epilogue chapter. I doubt many of your patrons would mind as long as you let us know. We keep telling you guys it’s ok to take your time and I think a break would be good for both of you. I know you’ve mentioned taking one before so I agree with you and RockandGuts. Powering through might work short term for finishing something up but it’s terrible long term. Keep it in mind.


Yall said one week in oct


Not worried about the money its 5 bucks a month thats nothing I just don't like being told there's a week left and two months later still nothing its a great game and ill stick by it but I think I have a right to be a little upset not saying anything bad about the dev team


Maybe it's time to find someone to help with the code? I'm not suggesting you stop working with your partner, but this is pretty clearly going to keep happening. Why not bring a third person onto the team?


The Omnitrixxx stuff is understandable. I, too, have a Gwen obsession. And a Kim Possible obsession. Ok it's a redhead obsession. Honestly, I still think that a dimension hopping game is feasible (especially if you only keep it to ten worlds) because it's really no different than what you're already doing (just replace "worlds" with "kingdoms" and right we've got 4 different worlds with multiple locations). If you kept worlds you could go to down to 3-4 and MAYBE added one in an update every once in a while, and kept the locations you could go to in those worlds down to 3-4 (again, MAYBE adding one per update) it's definitely feasible, if a bit big, but the current game is big too. Still, it'd definitely be hard to juggle the plot line and characters across dimensions and I've never actually built a game before so what do I really know about what's "feasible" or "manageable". Bupkiss. I know bupkiss. Anyway, I'd still be willing to pay no matter how long it takes, you guys are doing great work!


it's appreciated that you'd go so far as to fully pause your funding until you have something tangible to show us for your work. I think it's the correct thing to do in the current moment - perhaps it could have been avoided if the collective "you" had been more honest with yourselves regarding the extent to which you would be working and how that wouldn't match the amount of time you could reasonably rely on. You took inventory before it was too late however and temporarily freezing billing next month is a great gesture since, as you mentioned, it takes the pressure off of you to deliver before you're ready which I don't doubt would only make things worse. to make it up to us you can start work on an Age of Calamity "Guardian Trainer" where Link either makes a love orgy that fails to defeat the Calamity or gets corrupted by Astor and enslaves the guardians, Zelda, and the lot.


that's a free idea right there, no charge for it at all


Can you change the billing to 5 per update instead? I think it would solve most of these issues.


I'll keep going on patreon thank you, I support you all 100% if it takes longer so what, not like I'll go broke right away.


I have been a patron you MITY for 3 years, FET was the reason I started using patreon in the first place. While I do find it dissappointing that FET is releasing slower on it's final stretch, I cant say I have been let down by any of the updates sofar. You guys always bring quality writing, animation and gameplay, more so than basically ANY other p0rn game in this format I have seen, but you have to ask, is it worth for your users to wait 3 - 4 months at a time for one update without much in between? I think so, but I can understand if others are not willing to foot 20 bucks per update. Therefor I think having a side project is the right decision to keep everyone happy. Take your time with FET, keep the quality as high as it is and use another project to experiment. Give your patreons updates to your sideproject in a timely manner, maybe some standalone images or even comics in between and update FET when you and cbob can. While I personally have joined for the Avatar content, I wouldnt mind content from other sources. While you rediscover your rythm I will just keep throwing money at you. Thank you for being awesome. :)

Billy bounce

Personally I liked staying in one world and focusing on the characters from arc to arc in FET but that’s also due to how good the world building in ATLA was. If they did do a dimension hopping game I feel like it would be difficult to care about all the stories and characters unless they were all connected somehow. I also think that it would need to be more limited to about four dimensions if you care about story. That said I’m sure a lot people just play for sex scenes which is cool too. But I personally like the dialogue and story almost as much if not more at times. Idk maybe I’m just weird haha. But like I said personally I’d rather just focus on a parody of one world with a lot of female characters which plenty of shows have. I like the idea of a Star Wars game spanning all the movies and Clone Wars with some what-if scenarios to change up the story. I’ve mentioned this to MITY already since it could have a good sized female cast with a lot of the different aliens as well . Maybe throw in some Mass Effect aliens from time to time as side characters. Idk it’s just an idea in the back of mind. MITY’s probably tired of me bringing it up anyway haha. Like you said I don’t know bupkiss about making games.


I'm too lazy to pause billing cycle

Neb the Pleb

This is very noble and good of you to do, and will help end the complaints some assholes have been making that you're simply using us for money. I expect the update whenever you can finish it, and will wait patiently until it is done. You are the greatest creators out there MITY, at least in my opinion, so have no fear, my 20 dollars a month will return whenever you deem it appropriate. Thank you for everything.

Sion of War

well, its good to hear from you again. I personally experienced you as very down to earth and honest about what is going on so I never had a doubt that you´ll do the right thing. I doubt you´d agree to me helping you somehow if I can do so. I personally have a 14 year history with depression, so I thought maybe I can offer you a hand there although I am no expert on the matter. either way, if you´d liek perhaps I can help you guys outto get cbob on track again. permanently perhaps

S Key

Cbob, estimating when something will be finished and actually following through with that is something that AAA studios struggle with. I think we're all accustomed to delays at this point. Please take your time and take a break. Marty, thanks for all your transparency in this process. I can't imagine how frustrating this all must be, but I'm super excited for what you have in store for us.


Thank you for your honesty about what's going on, and never mind those delays. I don't care, most of the other patrons don't care, as we all know how important health, be it physical or psychological, is.


I hope you guys are able to work through it because I love this game and want to continue to support it but my confidence takes a hit when we bounce from "Its coming out really soon" to "We have no idea" every time an update gets posted

Noah Greed

fist thank you for saying this but dont worry i wont stop the billing ciycle, im gonna suport you guys and your projects no matter what, second i think the best its that you guys take a break, take the time you need to focus on you and your healh


I really love this game ! ill support through thick and thin i tried to entertain myself with the slave routes yes its hilarious but not a fan of slapping women or breaking them its just not my thing but in the mean time yall should really take a break and have a beer or sum take a load off for a bit till yall feel ready to start working again. idk much about the whole coding or building video games and stuff, but i do know it is mentally draining so that's my opinion do as you will, just know i love this game and the wait will be worth it I'm sure!

Barbarian Badger

I'm here for the ride so do what you have to. Happy to support.


Firstly if you need the break, We all dont mind take however ya'll need to finish or continue to finish FET or side projects you been working on i actually liked the Ominitrixx side project because of the 2/3 worlds i know of i didnt know the third one with the dragon (nor will i ever) and i'm hoping you would continue making stuff like that. As for FET, I love it to death but i can see it take time to work so i'll support ya to the end.


Good stuff takes time. Understandable. have a great day


Take whatever amount of time you need, guys! Pausing the billing, to me, is more than enough proof that you all are not doing this in bad faith. I wanted to ask - what's this Omnitrixxx thing? Was it posted here on the patreon? Because I couldn't find it :S

Sion of War

it was a side project once and handed out to patreons. I dont remeber why or when though


Thanks, once cbob is all bouncy again we can get back to doing so!


Awesome and thanks. I suggested doing this to cbob because I think it'll do him good. Taking away that feeling of obligation mixed with guilt should make things easier for him.


Thanks. you guys are good to us and we want to be good to you too.


Well it's the first time I'm doing this so I'll need to figure out what works and doesn't, but I'll just keep working on the side stuff release it for the folks currently with us and see how that works. But if I'm doing something dumb, you're always welcome to pm us and explain what I'm missing.


Maybe cbob should've worked his ass off a little less : ) I'm not certain if that was part of the problem, but let's see if we can correct that and come back stronger because of it. And thanks : )


Just a little something I'm kicking together which I'm calling 18titans. I can't sit still, I can't work on FET currently so I have to do something.


My apologies for being the xxxx that stole Christmas. Gwen is one of my favorite redheads (which is why expect most people to want more of it), but it was just a test.


Well with a bit of luck I can make something interesting out of it. Of course I'd prefer cbob being 100% again and returning to FET with a vengeance.


it's an internal test, I just tagged it omnitrixxx so it should be super easy to find now. if not just send me a pm.


search for omnitrixxx in the tags(I just added the tag to the post) and you should be able to find it. Just a warning though. It was just and internal test and as such not the start of anything.


I don't entirely agree with you this is going to keep happening. Cbob had a few bad things happening to him in quick succession and refused to take a long break where anyone else would've. He just... limped along while wearing a smile for a long time. Now that's not to say I won't fully support and agree with him if he says "let's get that extra help". But I can't decide that for him.


I have to commend you for taking this action. The lack of FET updates was starting to irk a few people, this much I know. Hopefully you can get back to it soon.


If someone has a link to that Omnitrixxx project - that completely flew over my head. Would be much appreciated. :)

chance mullins

Me personally I don’t mind still supporting even though there’s been a gap just because of the quality content y’all produce. It does suck to wait this long but I rather wait and still have an amazing game like you’ve been putting out then to have something rushed. So thank you :)


Indeed but we're not so much selling a product as asking for ongoing support. For a while that worked out fine but now that's clearly becoming too lopsided.


Thanks. like I said in the update, as an adult you can do whatever you want, but this had turned into a situation which required some sort of action from our side.


Thanks deadkizz, it's always nice to hear from people who have been with us for that long. And yeah rediscovering our rythm would be the best. I didn't become part of MITY to make games, I became part of it to make FET.


Noble? Nonono. Just what i feel is necessary and best for everyone involved. All I want is for cbob to be well and the patrons to be happy. And this is hopefully a firm step back into the direction of where we used to be. thanks for your pm. Appreciate it.


I've made plenty of suggestions to cbob and relayed some of the patrons' , but if you have a unique(experienced) view on the matter and wouldn't mind sharing some of your insights, sending us a pm would let you do so without it becoming a public thing.


It was pretty frustrating, especially because I wasn't entirely certain how serious things were and I couldn't just drop by cbob for a visit or something. I'm super happy he agreed on taking this patreon break. Should do him a world of good.


I think that indeed is the biggest and baddest mistake we ( I ) have made. I have promised myself to not give out any estimations anymore(or be okay with cbob doing so) unless I've seen the state of a build myself.


Thanks, we stopped the billing cycle from our side for this month. I wanted for cbob to have that break and this is the only real way for him to be able and relax. I'm feeling pretty fine myself to be honest.


Just asking... so in the beginning of oct. Cbob told us he has to fill a gap of 20%. So i was wondering how much % are now missing to finish the build? Can you estimate that Marty?


Thanks bill, cbob can take it as easy as he wants (which is why I wanted this patreon billing pause) and I can have a bunch of fun doing something on the side which I otherwise couldn't do : )


Lol, thanks bb. You might be along for the ride, but still sorry it ended up with us taking the backroads with all of the potholes.


i feel like Omnitrixxx is about Ben 10, im sad i havent heard of it. Im boutta go play that shit rn, and im here to support you guys no matter what, so im completely okay with what your doing.


Yeah, I'm really happy cbob was entirely on board with taking this step. I hope he'll be able to make an awesome and full comeback soon. He pulled off damn miracles in the past with stuff like ember island so I know he has the abilities. Just a matter of him refinding his inner space marine.


https://www.patreon.com/posts/omnitrixxx-32744678 A direct link, but I tagged it omnitrixxx so it should be a lot easier to find without a direct link.


No idea. I haven't seen the build myself and I've learned better than to say anything about it without having seen the state it's in first myself. All I can say is cbob felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders by doing what we did and I expect that to help a lot.


I was kinda baffled someone else hadn't already used that name for a ben10 smut game. Either that or I sucked at finding any. Both are possible. Anyway, thanks and I hope it wasn't too difficult to find. I tagged it omnitrixxx so shouldn't be too much of a problem.


Have you ever watched Hunter x Hunter? And if so i think it would be an AMAZING idea implementing that universe into the mighty hands of Mbob (Mity and Cbob together you like?) there’s a WIDE arrange of female characters that have I’m sure a lot would like to see in many different ways ;)

shea brown

I’m only here for chibi toph!


A little late to the conversation, but just played the omnitrixxx game (only just found out about, only been around for a few months) , and just wanted to say that the shorter side builds have their own little charm to them that I appreciate, and look forward to whatever other side projects you all do! I love cbobs (relatively) coherent stories and character development (esp in the love routes), but also like the hilarious clown fiesta stories you come up with in these one-offs.


No worries mates


I actually did watch it for I think a couple of episodes(6?) a long time ago, but for whatever reason it simply wouldn't stick with me. It's kinda rare for me to keep watching shounen anime like that for any serious amount of time.


I'd almost forget we have an official mascot : ) But yeah chibi toph for the win!


Lol, thanks. Yeah, cbob is definitely a much needed counter balance to me : )


Now that's.... funny! Here, have a heart. I only give those to the true survivors! I now know what my next youtube movie to watch will be!


yo mamma


Nah, cBob was just doing what had to be done over No Nut November and not give us any new material, for the greater good...All jokes aside, look after yourselves. Love the work you've done so far.


Just pledged. Played the game again after a long time and wanted to support you guys. and get a new version.


Look after yourself man. That is the number one priority!

Don kibonk

Not to put pressure, just out of pure curiosity, should we expect any update to come by the end of this month?


are you planning on expanding 8teen titans this month, or revisiting omnitrixxx? i know you said when it was released it was just to play around with, but idk, a Christmas project sounds fun


Welp I just pledged and find this out :// but I still fully support you guys massive fan of FET so fingers crossed get to play it soon!


I'm working on expanding 8tt. Seemed like it had the best chances of getting somewhere. A Christmas special doesn't sound too bad, but after having done a Halloween special and no normal FET release in between a Christmas inspired standalone FET special felt like weird to me.


Honestly, I have no idea. I asked cbob to show me what he has managed to do so far (just to get an idea of where we're at) but even things like communication has become very slow.


Thanks meaty! And you're right. Maybe all of this could've been prevented if we'd done so earlier.


Thanks WulfgarCyng. Hope you enjoyed the changes/added we made since you played it last time.


That's a keen observation! now all we have to do is let cbob know it's not supposed to be Double Down December... Thanks Somepornguy. I hope cbob can bounce back into his old shape soon. December isn't a fun time to have the deep blue blues.


what is 8teen titans? can't seem to find any info on it


I dont like that kind of news 😔 hoping for better ones very soon👍you can do it guys and u can count on our support 💪


Christmas is literally the best holiday, so I say go for it. A complementary color scheme Best weather Cozy af It has tons of shiny things which intrigues my goblin brain. And the same 4 songs are played over and over every year

Don kibonk

Btw, an idea suggestion (if i may) near the ending give the option to give someone (not to name any1 in particular 😉) a "changing potion" to give them.. something new..


Hey, although i've gone through a lot of FET versions only now have i found out that Mity has patreon. Just wanna say - i really like what you are going for in last version of L-route in Book 4. Also i was wondering - how many ppl you have on a team? Anyway, keep up the good work :D


It's a little something I threw together for the art assets update instead of a normal art assets update. I decided to expand on it now that we're basically in limbo.


Any news from cbob?

Doktor UwU

Its just two people on the team, the artist, Marty, and the coder, cbob.


Thanks BrigYeet. Oh and just like Cimmerian already already said, it's me (Marty) and cbob who make up MITY. Although we both have our specializations we don't stay in our lane when it comes to creating FET.


Lol, of course you may, but just to be clear about this... you want Katara to have a dick so she can go to town on the protagonist? If not, give me more hints : )

Don kibonk

Well yes, but i take back what i said.. not some1, just some, like if katara got a magical potion from shady-bro and accidentally slipped a few droms into opal's, jinora's, korra's and (maybe) ikky's cup of cum, growing all of them a nice piece of meat, while you catch a glimpse of katara doing not-so-good things with her son... i got carried away a little bit but i think it will be a nice addition to people with such "creative" imaginaitions like mine;)


I want you both to know that I am fully understanding of the FULL FET FREAKOUT. Any work of Art takes its toll (though hopefully not an ear... or a kidney... or a d-...) I want you to take the time you need. Artists (including programmers, it's an art) gotta stick together, and sometimes we just need to slow down and take a look from outside ourselves. What even is time?

Joey Cabeleira

Just curious if I'm on the current update.im running 0.9.0C is that the most recent or am.i missing out in stuff.


None. That can be a good sign, as in he really is taking this break/slowing down thing seriously, or a not so good sign. I'm going to look at it from a positive pov for now. I did write him a new message a day ago, because I intend to write an update in a few days and I'd like to at least have heard from him before I do.


Thanks TRS. Even though I am responsible for the art, I've done some "code monkey-ing" myself and damn, do I agree with you that it's an art upon itself! One with extra hurdles. As for what time is, let's say I'm on the same page as Eckhart Tolle : ) Something which I recommended to cbob to read.


I’m just hoping that when it does eventually get released we’ll have a lot of content before the next blueballing cliffhanger


Haha yes, but it looks like that even communication between marty and cbob is a Problem now, hopefully cbob gives marty these days some Information about how far the new build is done🙌


hassle stick haha now thats funny shit right there