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Edit:  updated "18titans"  to version 1.0.1.  Some changes in the text and a couple of graphics are improved, but no additional scenes or anything.  there's a also an android version of it now.

Hey guys, despite the slowing down (significantly so) of the FET builds, I've always managed to put out a new art assets update each month. Keeping that stuff going is kind of important to me because deep down, I'm kinda anal about schedules. I die a little inside every time when we can't at least stay in the same ballpark of our estimations and right now it feels like we left the city borders.

I'm still hoping we'll at least get the bughunt out this month, but if we do it'll be in a very haphazard way, because I still haven't gotten the build myself.  That means I'm probably just going to tell cbob to release it as is without me having looked at it. There's just not enough time for me to do my thing and keep stuff within the month. Yes that's still what cbob tells me he'll do, but I'm going to keep my "hassle stick" ready just in case. Just kidding, I know he does the best he can.  

I wasn't expecting things taking this long though and that's causing  problems for the art assets update. I used to have a bit of "extra fat" when it comes to art assets, but not enough anymore to put together a worthwhile update and I really don't like releasing the stuff which hasn't been seen in a build yet. 

Sooooo... nothing then? 


I started thinking(too late) about what I'd do if cbob couldn't pull through in time for the art assets update and I decided to throw together a what-if game.   I just picked a cartoon I also used to really like (but haven't seen in ages) and rewatched one episode before starting to build something without much of a plan behind it and as such it has no end. Don't even think it'll be up to the recent Halloween minigame standards or size.

Think more along the lines of someone scribbling something down on a napkin with a sandwich in his mouth while running to catch the train which is just about to leave...

Have I crushed your expectations enough already?!?

Anyway, here's a super short sketchy mini thingy I made instead of a real art assets update. don't blink while playing it or it will already be over.

Hint: until you've seen the grebnax, there'll still be something you haven' t seen.  I didn't include an android version yet, but I will after another day or so of work on this to make it nicer first. (Unless cbob sends me the latest FET version in which case all bets are off) 

18titans - PC version 1.0.1

18titans - MAC version 1.0.1

18titans - Android version 1.0.1

Despite the frantic way I put this together I hope it'll still be able to perhaps make you chuckle.



The pain of being on Android only.


Does Beast Boy actually get you a pornlove? Otherwise really enjoyed this! Was hoping to have some sort of scene with Raven, but can't complain at this nice surprise!


This is awesome! I've never seen this show so I'll have to start it. Would love to see this for Food Wars and The 7 Deadly Sins.


My stick is better than baconnn... This is the best damn song and music video I've seen and heard all year!


Damn bud! Even with this little one-off you got me wanting more from my favourite floating grey girl! Just getting to Jump Out under the floatie got me praying she falls! You indeed have a gift for the mystic arts. Hope both of y'all are okay and gearing up for the festivities!

Neb the Pleb

Can we not fuck Raven? If not color me disappointed.


from the title I thought it was a parody of that weird canadian show 6teen

Bill Kurtis

Haven't thought of that one in a while 😅 - that being said... Couple cuties there too. I imagine the PC would be Jude. Duuuude.


Also the pain of making it work on Android. For example I've tried creating one today and it's just too broken in all sorts of ways. nothing like spending your time on stuff which just refuses to work. Oh and the only real reason this gets to exist is because work on FET is currently kinda useless for me to do so so it's really just a little extra instead of nothing! I'd rather progress with FET, but yeah...


Well Raven has a scene where you can watch her from below as she's floating while meditating, but yeah I can understand why that doesn't really feel like a worthy scene : ) ! Oh and BB won't be back home with a pornlove. This is truly a super quickly made build and I didn't have the advantage of sneaking in some older already made stuff like I could with the Halloween version. Still nice to see you did enjoy it though!


While re-watching that one episode I could feel myself getting sucked in again. Not as much as when watching ATLA, but still. I think it's part of being at a certain age when the series you do like really worm their way inside.


It's extremely catchy!! I put it on loop for a while and been humming it along.


That raven scene.. as limited as it was... is my personal favorite of the admittedly very few. I think it's the promise/anticipation of something which could almost happen while not seeing it happen .


50 shades of grey and Raven is not among them?!!? Boooo!!! Raven feels like someone who has to carefully be won over. Oh well, maybe something to look forward to for another time.


I initially had no idea what 6teen was, but as soon as I looked for it and saw some screenshots I remembered it existing again. Never actually watched it though. Just caught a few snippets here and there.

Billy bounce

I agree. If anyone I feel Raven would need more steady progression to feel in character. Still enjoyed it though. It was still a nice change of pace.

Billy bounce

Does anyone remember the other show called “Stoked”? Plenty of cuties in both shows.


I like the idea of this little project! My only thing is the premise of what is forcing Robin to do this stuff. Yeah he's a teenager w/ hormones and the plot device of what's making him do lewd things makes sense in a way, but that plot device was something that forced him to do things under threat of death, it didn't really change who he was. Plus, your humor and style of writing a silly personality feels like it clashes with Robin's character (Yes he was silly at times but otherwise was the leader with a very strong moral compass) . The reason it's worked in FET is because you've established that it's a separate personality from the main cast of characters taking over someone else's body and their actions and we've built a history of who that character is through the series and what they end up doing over each chapter. This might make more sense if we did this with Beast Boy after he was affected with those chemicals that he crashed into. Maybe Cyborg gets hit with a virus or tweaks something whilst trying to upgrade himself that changes how he acts like that one episode, Hell you could have a whole section dedicated to him being in the HIVE. Alternatively you could make a player insert that joins the team. Lord knows there were enough episodes where they had temporary/branch member cameos, it seems plausible. Other than that, I think it's a great idea but that's the main thing that jumped out at me when I played.


Hmmm, yeah I do kinda get what you mean. Letting beast boy and cyborg possibly have their own side adventures would be a nice idea... though I'm hoping cbob is up and running loooong before I'll get the chance to go there. How about "going back to the well" and letting someone else inhabit Robin's body? Or maybe slade creates a clone of Robin?

shea brown

You’re my hero for this, there’s a high demand. Even higher for gwen!

shea brown

kinda sad theres not much for raven tho shes my favorite


For sure! An interesting idea! You could even make your own fan cannon establishing that Red-X is a Robin clone made by Slade that went rogue and his objective at this point is to take over Robin's life. Alternatively there is the reality warping super fan of Robin that is "Larry" who could be twisting things in the background in an effort to make his hero even more amazing. Or playing into the Red-X clone thing, he convinces Larry to abduct Robin so he can work unhindered. Perhaps Trigon is trying to corrupt the team in an effort to weaken Raven so he can escape. Either way, I look forward to any direction things could go. :D


I'll be working on that this month. It'll depend on how things will go with cbob how far I'll be able to progress. And about Gwen... definitely like her a lot, but TT felt like a better fit to create a game for right now.


I like what is there already, even if it is a little thin


yea ravens my favorite 2 she's so fucken sexy i'd bang her all damn day