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Hey all!  Marty talking! 

I finished the Halloween side story. As you might already know, I started creating this around the 10th(?) of this month and it's pretty much a one man creation.  Coding, writing and drawing. I hope I've made something funny and entertaining to help you wait for the real main story build to arrive  ...which has become quite an ordeal to say the least... 

Cbob is clearly having some sort of serious problem. I think I'll talk about that some more in a not too distant post because I think it's better if we can at least address the situation clearly. Just be assured we'll be sending the links to that future build out via pm's  once it's ready, so you can safely quit being a patron of ours if you want and still get the build. 

But enough about that for right now.  The build I'm linking to in this post is a small Halloween themed side story like I did last year. I added a couple of extra scenes since the bughunt and streamlined it some more. 

Thanks for the feedback bughunters! Both for mentioning bugs as well as suggesting other improvements.  You'll find I did my best to add most of your suggestions although naturally I haven't been able to add all which you(or I) wanted and asked for.

It has been a few crazy weeks for me, but I'm reasonably happy with what I managed to do. I hope you will be too.  And yes, there's a bunch of  scenes in here which you can miss, but I've added a  summary of what you managed to find/do at the end of the story.  Don't assume you've found everything if you got a perfect score though, box spirits are hard to find!

Anyway links are below. And I also just uploaded an Art Assets update, so don't forget that if you are in the appropriate tier. 

Spooky times 2  - PC version

Spooky times 2   - MAC version

Spooky times 2   - Android (*STILL has the savegame bug)

*Android users, this version won't allow you to save your game. You can play, but not save. That's incredibly annoying and I've been trying to figure out what's causing it, but gotten nowhere. The android version is aallllways fucking with me so no surprises there. I'll continue searching for a possible solution.





I'm a patron because I want to support you guys and the game. Wouldn't be right to pull the support during hard times when you guys need the positivity more. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next update.


You're all rad. Burnout is normal. Thank you for bringing another halloween project while we wait. I'm sure I can speak for most of us, that we appreciate the work you all bring to us.


Whatever his issue is man, you guys created something extraordinairy. Don't go to hard on eachother (see what i did there? ;)) you'll figure it out. And patron for life man!


Very cool...I am hunting through the maze...its amazing.

Conor Reynolds

Anybody know how to beat the mase yet

Finn Ryan

I dont know how to escape the maze


How do you stop azula


On the android version I find quick saving still works.


where can i find spoopy times 1?


nope....at first I did grid and covered the extent, but now I believe going forward and left might be different from going left and forward. If that is the case the permutations go way up.


Secret painting?


anyone know where to find the painting of Ty Lee's sisters?


Had a good time, and being more involved (with the "look around" stuff) was pretty cool, as well as a little more puzzle solving.


Cbob uses a mac, I can only push a few buttons and hope something workable comes out when it comes to the mac version. I use a windows pc. But can you click the "spookytimes 2" in \spookytimes_2.app\Contents\MacOS\ ? does that start the game?


Ah nice, there's at least that. Though it's aggravating to have no idea why the normal way isn't working.


A few patreon posts below. https://www.patreon.com/posts/just-art-update-42822048

Conor Reynolds

I escaped the maze and then was asked for a better ending what do i do


8/9 123


where is the painting???


How do you stop Azula from catching you at the end?


Anyone know what Marty meant by box spirits? Cause I found Yue but by his post there are more ghost?!


how do you stop ty lee? I let her smell the pepper but I still get caught :/


I make her smell the pepper right before I start to escape and that seems to work

Don kibonk

mity do you recon you will have the next build within the next month?

Peter Vanusanik

haha had to cheat and check rpy to know where to go, (ffffrrrrffff)


Allways 8/9, i am missing something

Noah Greed

were i can find the hat and apron?


Another great Halloween release, I've managed to see everything but the Jinora scene and I'm guessing that's what is needed for a perfect 9/9. . Edit: I solved the fucking Da Vinci Code. Click on the box when you take a piss, play through like normal, get kicked out by Jinora, hold ctrl and spam click on "other rooms", then select these dialogue options; Jorina, Box Spirit, Roofies, Can I Have Some, and then click on "other rooms" one last time and the event should trigger.


You need to take a piece of firewood from the kitchen and then you can go into the dark room


Second this, writing is incredibly difficult, especially when you’re your own editor, a single page can take weeks just to make right and some days you’re loving what you’re writing and the next day you can’t stand it. With the amount of jokes y’all write that makes it even harder! I’ve said it before even with delays yall release so much more often than almost EVERY adult game creator on Patreon.


I think you might need 9/9 at the end to get it. Dont know how to get 9/9 though


Anyone know how to get 9/9?


it depends on who you met at the end of the maze, For example. Mai is stopped by using rope on her coffin.

Billy bounce

Where do you find holy water and how do you stop Mai?


To prevent you from going crazy trying to get to 9/9. That's impossible currently because of a bug.


Holy water is found by Yue, to stop Mai you need to use the rope


In the game Yue will tell you she wrote it down somewhere. It's next to her skeleton on the wall.


It's a bug. It's not tied to anything else, but yeah 8/9 is as high as you can currently get.


A bug is making that impossible right now. You most likely got it all but it just didn't properly register. It won't stop anything else from happening though.


The way things are going with cbob right now... I really don't know anymore.


where do you find the rope


I'm not really a writer, that's Cbob's thing. Knowing that I figured I should try and give the player more to do instead of read. Happy to see you enjoyed it!


It's something you can pick up in the room where you see Yue's ghost.


where yues ghost


ive been searching the cave forever and only found the painting, can someone help me get started


Thanks for the great content as always. I've been with you guys for years, and thats not gunna end because of a little delay. You deliver quality content, and I think you guys genuinely do care about your fans. Having said that though, have you guys thought about adding another member to the crew? If Cbob is struggling doing both coding and writing, what about hiring someone who could handle just the coding? Then Cbob only has one thing to focus on. Cbob is irreplaceable, but maybe a third member will alleviate some work? I don't know much about the process of making a game though, so Im not sure how realistic that is.

Billy bounce

If you're looking for the potatoes and carrots they're also in the maze. Joo Dee will eventually give you a map for it. If you want to see Yue's ghost, get the rope, and the holy water you need to first check Mei's coffins and then the cells next to the pile of bones. After you help Yue get revenge there's a scene with her and a hint on how to escape. Anything else you can probably find the answer somewhere in this comment section.


how can you stop TyLee and Azula? With Mai it works with the rope, I get stuck with the others


Marty, just wanted to say, I think what you managed to achieve alone(!) in about 20 days is fucking impressive. Sure, the art isn't as refined as in the main game at some parts but that's to be expected for this short time window. I especially enjoyed how much sounds you used (like Azula's sucking or the sounds in the empty rooms on the island), they add a lot to the atmosphere of the game in my opinion. Also this version comes with almost zero bugs, an achievement on it's own and by no chance an easy task, given you implemented quite some different modules (like the map, or moving fog) in the game. So, thank you Marty, I think you deserve the respect of all of us. The situation with cbob is really worrying but all I can really do is to hope he is fine and to let him know I support him. Nevertheless, Happy Halloween!


Before you leave, let Ty Lee sniff on the pepper. For Azula, the last step before you leave the maze put water and salt on the floor.


Only one i can never get is "butt fun with Joo Dee". Anybody figure it out yet?


how to exit the maze after finding the vegetables ???


I would love to see Azula topless in her dildo szene ;D

Bill Kurtis

Ty Lee and Jinora in the same senario... what can I say except "more please" :D I am a little surprised there was no pumpkin play - or anything too "out there", but I'll chalk that up to the circumstances that brought this about in the first place. I love that this takes place post-body stealing and that some people seem to remember in-game. It would have been a nice touch if Pema or Jinora realized the PC was back in Tenzin though - similar to how Katara is aware when it happens. A nice distraction - I am glad you are here for us Marty

Noah Greed

im already get the paiting of the sisters but i can find the secret paiting


how to get out of maze?

Carpe Brewem

I'm stuck in maze. Foolishly wandered in when looking for apron.

Adrian Serna

Not with my computer for a week:( anyone know where to watch?


Where do I find the key to the cell?


Ask Mai to sharpen your knife, then while waiting for her to finish, click on the first coffin in the room. It will open up and give you the key.


Wow, Marty. You went beyond expectations for 20 days worth of work. You even added that Jinora scene.


How do I pm? if this worst case scenario comes to be


also where do i find something to cover ty lee with


how do i stop mai?


Get the rope from the cell and tie the coffin shut when she sharpens your knife (no pun intended)


Nice story, like year, really enjoyed it. And why should we cancel our subscription? If it takes longer for this build to be done, so be it, the quality content we get definitely makes up for the wait.


why cant i get 9/9 tasks done? I did everything and it says 8/9. Did I miss something?

Erick Garza

Has anybody been able to get the Jinora scene yet. What do u have to do while going pee? Clicking on the box just makes the chiming sound and i go though and get 8/9 and still get no scene after

Drake Sansa

I cant find the chefs hat and apron.. help

Drake Sansa

also I subbed because this game is awesome. Do not mind waiting, because its always worth it in the end

Carpe Brewem

Take wood from the fire in the kitchen after joodee has been found. Go into dark room across from kitchen. Apron & chef hat are in the pile of bones. For fun, have ty lee wear the apron before you give it to joodee.


You get the scene in the very end, as far as i know. Go check the other rooms before going back to Pema

Billy bounce

There should be a prompt at the top of your screen under the MITY logo that says message. If not there than there should be a message tab under the drop-down menu at the top. That should allow you to send them a PM. But I think MITY will just PM you in that scenario. In that case it should show up in your inbox here as well as the inbox of whatever email you’re using for your Patreon account. You should be able to open and view the message from either inbox.

Jdogzero Silverblade

got to get the clothes from the girls then just head right as soon as you get in the maze and you will find her. you need the clothes or she wont show up.

Jdogzero Silverblade

so did you actually make an escape or is that not added yet? cuz i cant find anything to lock mai in her coffin dont have garlic either to stop azula. ty lee just need pepper.

Joey Cabeleira

How do I escape, I can't find the map from yue anywhere


You have re-utilized assets in such a smart way that I’m not even mad , I think you did the best possible considered the time you had


Look near the skeleton , there might be a clue


stop mai by locking her in her coffin w/ rope. rope can be found in cell and needs a sharpened knife to get. holy water is also gotten from the cell. when escaping use holy water and salt on the ground

Sion of War

how do i get Jodees scene?


Try to talk with Azula , she should have an item for you

Jdogzero Silverblade

love how you have ty lee's abs toned. 1 it makes sense cuz she uses her core for 90% of her moves and 2 i always found toned abs sexy. 6 packs and all that are a no. just tight abs

Jdogzero Silverblade

ok you need to add a quick back in the maze area cuz its really tiresome to click the back button a ton. had to click it about 80 times at some point


Thanks |darksouls| . I'm happy you noticed the shortcuts I took with the scenes, because if you didn't I'd feel like: "What the hell have I been spending my time on in the earlier builds !" : ) The hardest part was coming up with some sort of story, the rest was just a matter of putting in the time. I'm not surprised cbob finds it difficult to keep going at the same pace after all this time. Being funny/entertaining with words is HARD! I'm a bit more concerned about cbob then I like to admit, but I'm hoping with a bit of patience and letting him know he's allowed to not work it down to the bone will can turn things around.


Keep pressing the back button. It will revert you to your earlier state and if you do it often enough you'll exit the maze.


You have no idea how many things I thought of wanting to do and couldn't : ) A few extra frames during that animation would've been on my personal wish list for the scene!


I wanted to add pumpkin action with Mai!! I even made a few preliminary drawings, but then decided I already had a scene with Mai so I should focus on getting other stuff done. I'd have Mai accidentally pick up a pumpkin for a head. The head would be available for Sokka to take with him and the body would accept commands because the pumpkin would have pumpkin pulp for brains!! Oh and I slightly changed the Jinora scene in the new version. Figuring out what was wrong with the android version really took me some time I couldn't invest in other stuff.


Keep hitting the back button. It'll take you one step back each time. the apron can be found in the dark room, but you'll need light(fire!) to see anything.


It was the very last scene I was working on before uploading it! Started and finished working on it yesterday. Instead of refining other stuff I picked including an extra scene. My only regret is I couldn't focus on it for a couple of uninterrupted days and make it look better, with perhaps a few menu options to influence how it plays out.


Lol, guilty! I don't like doing that in general and I mixed some entirely new stuff in, but yeah without doing some corner cutting there'd be very little to see and do during this side story : )


Once you have the rope you can use it to instantly return to the start of the maze. You must enable it when starting the maze. As for tylee's abs... yeah she really needs that core strength! I mean... just look at the sick stuff she does when jumping around on a gondola above boiling water!


It's really the writing which is the major blockage, the amount of coding isn't really that much of a problem, but naturally I've been suggesting all sorts of things to cbob to see if there's anything he feels would help him out. I'm pretty much down with whatever he wants right now if he feels it would alleviate his workload.

Tobias Bienek

I have a little problem over here maybe a bug or somthing. I can unfold the game and can start it but after 2 min in game, the window cloesed itself and the exe disaper in the folder


I found Ty Lee's painting easy enough, but the only thing I'm stuck on to get 8/9 is the secret painting. Any advise?


click look around / then click on painting while u have a knife / use knife


That's the weirdest thing I've heard.. also the first time I see this mentioned. Sounds like an anti virus program you have running and feeling it's necessary to take precautions. Is the same thing happening in the latest version?

Carpe Brewem

Go right twice in maze then exit and give painting to ty lee. You can't use knife on it until you view it on her wall.

Tobias Bienek

I have now tried both versions but I have the problem with both versions that it takes about 2 to 3 minutes and then closes and the exe disappears. I don't have an anti virus program other than the one from windows which is why I really don't know what to do next. I have really figured out everything, but the problem is still there

Don kibonk

"Rip and tear! Until it is done!!!" Haha i like that so much😂😂


Okay, I'll create a version with some changes and will send you a pm with it's link. I have little reason to think the changes I'm thinking of could help, buuuut let's try it anyway!


so i put the water on the dildo and distracted the other girls but how do i get azula to use it


Once you enter the maze, dump the remainder of the water and the salt on the floor and escape. Azula won't be able to follow you. The result of the water in the dildo will be visible once you escaped.


Where can I find the dildo


Right most coffin in Azula's room. When you meet her in the hallways(happens soon after you talk about it with Yue, if not visit Yue again) she won't be in her room and you have chance to look inside the coffins.