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Wooooopp!! Hey folks, Marty here with just a normal art update. That's right, if cbob can have a silly name I can too!  

So first of all, I was hesitant to write this update since a lot of you would expect it to be a bughunt build post which this isn't!  Still, I have a few things to say so here goes.

For anyone leaving encouraging posts in the update written by "struggles the clown" (cbob) thanks! That stuff helps when we're disappointed with the speed of our progress. For anyone expressing frustration... we feel it ourselves so we can more than understand that sentiment. I don't know when cbob will have that 20% gap filled which he mentioned in his post and I'm actively keeping myself from asking him every day how far along things are. I doubt that would help  ...but I'm still thinking it though...

But seriously I'm going to ask cbob to not give out estimations anymore since he's the enemy of dependable timetables. Which is too bad because I really like knowing when I can expect things to be about ready. At the same time I can understand and appreciate his desire to not be happy with just anything he writes. We both write for FET, but cbob most by far and basically it's always him who puts in the parts which put a smile on your face. 

I've been making good use of the "extra" time in the meanwhile. I consider every single day another chance to put in a good amount of work and I mostly do. As I've said in the past, I'm a slow drawer so I need to put in that time because there's no alternative which lets me finish things before cbob does.  Having that said I also don't want to work too far ahead or cbob won't be there to keep me from drawing the insanity i can dream up. I mean.. it wasn't cbob who decided old ladies need love too... imagine what I'd come up with without him holding me back! But yeah I need his take on things.

So after realizing cbob wasn't going to make his first estimation, I started considering what I could do which would still enable me to create stuff for the player's benefit. That didn't take me long because as irony wants it, I was in the same kind of position in 2019 around this time. Back then I made a small stand alone side story in which tenzin(the player) would tell pema and the kids a Halloween themed scary story. 

Since I don't know how soon cbob will have the next build finished it's a bit of a gamble, but I started creating another side story in the vain of the Halloween side story of 2019..  and am having a lot of fun doing so! I'm trying to add some stuff we haven't done before to see how it'll work in a game. Although I haven't gotten much done yet I think it could be nice. However!  IF (big if) for example cbob will finish a bughunt version in the next few days, I'll drop all work on my Halloween side project and return to the regular stuff. I'll keep working on the Halloween side project in my own time and finish it muuuuch more slowly or shelve it. Not much use for a Halloween themed game if it's November.

I haven't shown cbob anything I'm cooking since i want him to focus entirely on the current build.

To give this update a bit more luster I've also drawn a Halloween inspired pic. 

Pumpkin crusher.  You'll find a couple more variations in the attachments.


Other than that, I'd like to take the opportunity to talk about some of the pm's we get,  messages of people who'd like to do what we do and have no idea where to start. 

Well... that feels a lot like us back when we dreamed up FET at the very start before we even were MITY! 

I'd say there's a couple of important things which can differ greatly depending on what abilities you have. For a lot it might be the lack of being able to draw. That's not something which can be solved easily, but there's a lot of artists out there and ain't nothing stopping you from asking them whether they'd be interested in doing a project with you. that's how cbob got me involved. He emailed me asking whether I was interested in creating  something smutty situated in the avatar universe and that sounded pretty damn good to me. I didn't immediately agree though! I didn't know this guy so he had to work on getting me beyond that stage of  "I don't even know you". 

Getting an artist to jump in will be a lot easier when you're able to show him something you made. Use temporary art you've gotten from wherever. 

We're using a piece of software called renpy to help us create FET.  It can be found at www.renpy.org. It's opensource, free to use, not difficult to learn and has a treasure trove of how-to's  on youtube  etc.  Never underestimate the importance of being able to take a gander at how others are doing something.

Now there's one final thing which I think is just as important as anything else and that's your attitude towards getting started.  I'm going to link to a youtube movie which I watched recently and made me nod my head all the way. It's not about how to create a game, but it has some excellent things to say in my opinion. If you always wanted to start but feel like there's something holding you back, give the first two minutes a watch and see if you feel like listening some more to it. 


And that's it for my little update. Hope you got something out of it and I hope you'll have a good weekend!

edit:  Shoulda done this the first time! Links to the old Halloween side story from 2019

Spooky times  - PC version

Spooky times - Mac version

Spooky times - Android version


Vampussy!  Mini shooting game. Shoot skeletons, zombies and coffins to see a bit more of our mascot. 

vampussy  -   PC version

vampussy - Mac version




I was stuck like that with making my YouTube channel still have a ways to go but it’s up


Personally I would still like the Halloween game in November, it is much creepier then instead of October down here in North


Let me say something. You know of course I love game updates but what I look forward to the most are these little artworks. Since I just love youre stile a lot everytime I get an Email I hope for 1 or 2 images together with whatever news. Of course its extra work and a appreciate it a lot. Please never stop doing it.

Bill Kurtis

Hard to believe it's been a full year... Last year's side games were both pretty great, bite-sized fun. Totally down for another if it's in the cards. Lots of potential for monster sexy times 😏. Cbob isn't here to reign it in, let's get crazy! (I'm not usually a massive Katara fan, but you nailed a fantastic expression there - hope to see that in the main game 🤤)


Oh, those are gorgeous. 😍 And thanks for the ideas. =)


I agree on that and I also think that's one of your best Katara faces so far. If you could maintain that style, that would be wonderful.

Don kibonk

Hi, in case there won't be any game update this month, will we get an email update even if we're not patrons anymore?


Hoo that's one lucky pumpkin! Btw, don't you DARE shelve that halloween game just cause it isn't Halloween anymore! I don't care if it's fuckin June of 2022! I will put up decorations and wear a fuckin face mask to simulate halloween 2020 just to play it! Last year's one was awesome! PLEASE keep at it IF it isn't too much work or too much trouble! But if it takes concentration away from the main game, then yea set it aside and let it rest till the time is right i suppose. Just please don't forget about it forever!


I like the little Halloween side games you get to have fun doing some crazy stuff and can wait for it to release at a later date


echoing the sentiment of another commenter, I adore these blog posts from either of you on the same level as the game updates. I like your guys' voices, so keep on trucking guys


I think that you both have to communicate better, it would be a great advantage if you could express yourselves together about a new update without one of you not knowing how far you have progressed or when we can expect the new build🤔. just a food for thought😉 still hoping for something new to play over the weekend 💪 anyway, Thanks for the little Update.

Neb the Pleb

>Toph riding a pumpkin God damn it Marty I literally just got through beating my meat. Now I gotta do it again.

A.E. Pessimal

Just so that you know - once it turned out cbob suffers writing block the tone in F95 FET thread changed completely - for the better. As said there again and again - writer-block can not be trifled with, and it would be the best if cbob will take his time so the update will stand up to the high standard set in book 4 love route.

A.E. Pessimal

Just now read your entire post... Thank you SO MUCH for "old ladies need love too". I don't know about others, but I expected Tenzin/MC to hug and passionately kiss Katara just as he met her, and have some secret visits to her house at night. After all, she's MC's love (also Toph, Mai and Azula).


Hey there is always next halloween if you want to release that mini game :). Art work is enough for me. So that is how wild pumpkins are subdued!


Thanks for the update Marty!


That mindset of needing to do things the 'right way' before doing anything is a major hurdle to most of us! Good to see you got to step over it eventually. If you feel like it just add a link to your channel here.


I'll see how far I can get in the time it takes for cbob to finish his stuff.


I'll never get over the fact there's people actually enjoying those that much, but it's nice to hear. I do enjoy adding some 'wallpaper' to my posts so I'll certainly do my best to keep adding them.


I don't even want to think about that possibility and don't really consider it a possibility, but yeah iiiif it comes to it that's certainly the way I'd go.


Oh no I wouldn't shelve it forever and I'm going to do my best to have something ready at the appropriate time! Let's just see how things go. I enjoy these little sidesteps a lot myself so I certainly do whatever is humanly possible to get things done.


We already get to do some crazy stuff in the main game, but yeah these little sidesteps allow me to step away even further from normalcy :)


Thanks! We're basically both just introverts so it's not in our nature, but we do try and not be ''strangers" in between the build updates.


It's good food for thought and I've made a new agreement with cbob to get a better handle on how to improve it. Still, the creative process isn't a straight line. It has loops, backtrackings and all the ugly stuff which can sometimes set things back in an unexpected way.


Hahaha! If only that problem could be solved somehow! We'd finally have world peace!


I once suggested to cbob for us to just put MITY in the freezer for half a year if he felt he'd need that . He could do whatever he'd want to and afterwards see how things were. And I still stand behind that suggestion no matter what the results of such a long intermission would be. which I let him know again in the last email I sent him.


Yep wild pumpkins need to be broken in and let's be honest, wouldn't we all like to be a wild pumpkin? Hmmm I think i need to do some searching on pornhub now. I'm kinda curious whether there's something out there which is the equivalent to the drawings!

John wayne

hey marty you sound like you made up your mind already but I'd really like to see the halloween game finished regardless of the main game progression. last year's halloween side project completely exceeded all my expectations so I'd love to see what you brought to the table this year. I wouldn't mind the next build being like 2-3 weeks late because of it. It's your choice of course and I respect your decision regardless :D GL


I crush it when I'm edging. Badum-tsh. ...facepalm?


I really don't think anyone at all would mind the Halloween side story thing coming out even as late as January. Why not work on that during the time cbob is doing his thing and you are feeling itchy fingers. Even if that means you only work on the side project 1-2 days a month, its something to keep idle hands busy, and gives us something cool at a random time. Can bust a surprise mother fucker! Tiddies!


Is there a chance we can get the build in the next week? My Patreon membership is about to run out and I'm getting pretty nervous.


heh, it feels weird to have someone else call me that, but the die has been cast!


I've been making reasonable progress this weekend on the Halloween side story, though I can't say whether it'll be as interesting as the first Halloween side story. Back then "the stars were aligned" and at least in my mind things just flowed in a way they rarely happen for me. But as always I'll do my best.


I had the song playing while drawing. I thought it was a funny coincidence the singer was screaming something about crushing. No real idea what he was saying though.


No worries, I'll just send out a pm with links to the build if nothing comes of it this month (which I really don't expect). So you can bounce before your membership runs out. And if anything goes awry with your bouncing just pm us.


Hmmmm.. we'll see, but I'll do my best to finish it way sooner than that. Imo it's just so much more fun to have this sort of stuff ready at the appropriate time. It's just a mood enhancer.


Halloween season ain't long enough. Even if it doesn't come out til July, I'd rather see it than not.


Despite this delay, your project is still the most dependable publisher I've seen on Patreon.


I wanna know if we will ever get a Christmas edition. Christmas is frickin awesome

Axel Berthelard

Hello, I'm new here. I just wanted to know if there was a discord server about the game and its community


Any definitive date for the next build yet?


I honestly still (very much)don't like it when we can't stick to a schedule. I always felt a sorta pride in being punctual and it makes me disappointed when we can't. Cbob does the best he can though and I hope having a Halloween side thingy which he won't have to work on will alleviate some of the stress put on him by postponements.


Is there actually any way to access the Halloween build from last year?


My guess is that you scroll all the way down to last years posts and once you find the build post download it from there.


No, still waiting on cbob to let me know how far along things are... I'm starting to wonder if he's courting burnout.


We don't have a discord server. Maybe there's something unofficial out there but nothing I know of.


I added the links to 2019's Halloween side story to this post. Will be easier than digging through all the old ones.

A Fellow Supporter

Hi Mity! Are you considering of giving Korra short hair or have the option for it in the Love Route? Btw I'm okay if the answer is no. I was just asking.


How many helloween builds exist? And are there completely different?


The answer is... I want to answer that, but won't... . Sorry, we're super secretive when it comes to what will happen in future builds.


When we started out I(Marty), made a few really simple games.. like reeaaaally simple as a fun little extra for Halloween, which is my favorite day of the year. But it wasn't until Halloween 2019 that I made something a bit more substantial with story elements. I'll see if I can find the older minigame links and add them to the post.


Damn I really wish I could see the next post.


The 31st is steadily approaching and I'm on track for that so just a super short week and you'll know all about it. It's sort of loosely the continuation of the first spooky-times.


any updates on the main build?

Don kibonk

all will be able to play the sidestory eventually right? will it be in the main game?

Bill Kurtis

Typically, in the past, side story/games are separate entities with their own executable.


is the Halloween side story coming out today or tomorrow?

Don kibonk

when is it dropping?

Don kibonk

and who can play the sidestory?

Don kibonk

wait is the side story dropping today or tomorrow?

Michael Locher

Hey mity, first time patreon here. I love your stuff. That's why I decided to pledge. Do you buy any chance have a working link for spooky times 1 for Android? This one doesn't work for me.