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guys I’m sorry for being this late with any news, but I’ve been Struggles the Clown putting this build together. I thought at the start of the month that I was about 80% finished, but lookin’ at this thing after a week, I still feel about the same. I suck at estimations, but even more so these last couple weeks. and admittedly it’s been kinda slow potatoes. do you guys feel like time is moving both really slowly and really fast? time feels really blurry these days, what is that about

the good news is I’m riding a can-do attitude that was somewhat missing, but that still leaves me with a gap of about 20% to go. however, besides sending me emails in which Marty is letting me know of his frustration with the situation, he also told me he's planning something for Halloween, though he won't yet tell me what. “Finish the build and I'll tell you” is what he said. sooo there's at least that. I understand the frustration of looking forward to something to just be wacked with another postponement, and I’m sorry. Maybe I should look into doing a progress bar thingy.


- ARE YOU CODING SON?!? (just kidding, artist : )  -



You can do it and don’t burn yourselves out take a break from time to time


All good my mans, just keep on trucking along and it'll be ready when it's ready lol


Quality takes time, no worries mate


Doing a good job mate keep up the work


Take your time. It's a process, and quality takes effort and time.


Just take your time. Don't worry about taking too long, I think we all rather you do a good job and work reasonably than overwork yourself to a pulp.


I'm willing to wait for quality like this. Hope you stay healthy and positive!


Take your time we all what a quality game


“i feel thin stretched like butter scraped over too much bread” bilbonius maximus


I mean 0.9.0c was freaking amazing, so take the time you need I'm willing to wait after that hell of an appetizer. Also time has been a.... thing. What is time again?


Thank you for the Update, it will be all good, dont worry. We will be patient. Youre doing great stuff.


Take your time. I now have more time since working from home and yet tied up with more things than ever that take my time, so while I can't speak for others, I'm in no rush. Hell I haven't even finished playing through all of the last release yet So do what you can in the time you have, don't stress, don't rush and let something good come when it does :)

Neb the Pleb

You have given me unfathomable enjoyment in making all my waifus from my favorite western cartoon ever(and Korra) able to be interacted with in a way that is both in character, lewd, and touching. I am personally indebted to you and your talent. Take all the time you need. When the update is complete I will play it with gusto and I have no doubt it will be as perfect and enjoyable as every love route has been previously. Good luck, and keep at it. You are a gentleman and a scholar and I wish you all the best.


What they said. In my opinion you shouldn't waste time on a progress bar or something like that. Just talk to us if something will be delayed or if something bothers you. You have our support.


Hey it does suck it will come out a bit later but i bet it'll be better than we all expect

Jdogzero Silverblade

stop being hard on yourself. we all know how hard you work and sometimes it will take longer than others but all of us are willing to wait no matter how long it takes. your only 2 people making a game. not like you have 20+ people. one animates one codes. take your time and make a great game. if you rush it because you feel like we want the game out sooner than get rid of that feeling. think of it this way if you rush and make a poor product way more people will be mad that you rushed rather than took your time to make something good. take fall out 76 as an example. they rushed it and it became one of their worst games to exist. if they took several more years to fix everything everyone would have been happy and they would have made their money back and god good reviews. bottom line is dont rush and ignore any negative backlash you dont deserve. we support you and the only thing worse than making us wait (which is the most minor thing you can do) is put out a unfinished product. cuz doing that is 1000 times more insulting to the fanbase than just making us wait. so stop saying sorry and just focus on what your great at. if anyone blames you for it then they are wrong. take your time and enjoy it. dont worry about a thing.


You get there don't worry about it man❤️ we love you and the game, so take it easy😉


I'm horny, but it's fine. Take yo time

Tristan Neese

Take your time my dude. Ya can't rush art, ya feel?


Your quality is amazing, and I'm willing to wait. Take a breather.


A progression bar sounds interesting, what sounds even more interesting would be a three way with young Katara, young Toph, and the protagonist, just food for thought.

Mooney, Tyler A

Hey, we support you because of the passion you show and that you put out quality content. Take your time and be happy with yourself and what you put out. And anyone that says otherwise can go fuck themselves


Keep on keeping on code man

Billy bounce

Take all the time you need. Although we're all really excited to see what you give us next we're perfectly happy with waiting. Even from looking at the other comments this is unlike your typical porn game. Most people I've seen seem to be huge fans of the show but also HUUUGE fans of what you've done with this. This game really is unlike any I've ever played. Is it hot? Yes. Do I love playing it because it's hot? Absolutely. But I'm pretty sure I'm not in the minority of fans that just love the overall game as a whole. It really feels like you're in the avatar world. All of the characters although changed to fit the tone of the game still somehow feel just like the real characters in the show. When I interact with Azula my mind goes... yeah that's Azula. When I talk to Toph I'm like fuck yeah that's Toph no doubt! (lol the OG badass). Katara, Tenzin, Iroh, hell even the few moments with Sokka (good ol' Sokka) I could go on and on but they all feel right and even with the vastly different tone compared to the original series they still somehow don't feel OOC. The dialogue is hilarious.(Shady is awesome), the art always looks great, I personally have very rarely encountered bugs, and you've even made some of the minigames pretty fun. I mean I hate mini games most of time but your minigames are simple and enjoyable. I know I don't speak for everyone but there's a couple that I've done just for fun instead of just grinding for money or potions. Bravo good sir bravo. So yeah don't sweat it. We love playing this game and we want you guys to continue to love making it. The last thing we want as fans is to make this game become too stressful to the point that it makes you guys start to lose your love for making it. Your love of the source material shows in the game. That love translates directly into the game and into how much fun we have playing it. Personally I don't really like the slave routes because I didn't want to be mean to the characters and it made me uncomfortable sometimes. But dammit if you guys didn't make those routes fun as hell too hahaha! (Not to mention some great H-scenes) You guys are doing great work and your updates are waaaaay more frequent than other games I've started to play after discovering FET. Not to mention that you give frequent updates like this one instead of just dropping off for months like other creators. Quality takes time and every update has been Grade A quality. Take as long as you need and we'll enjoy it just as much. Don't listen to the negative stuff. You guys are doing great. But if I haven't said it enough in this long ass comment I'll say it one more time... WE CAN WAIT! Love your work so keep it up and keep having fun with it.


Can we expect the update to come in the next few days ? Or is postponed more than that?

Noah Greed

just take all the time you need, no preasure

Josh Spicer

So at what point is the coder forcing this game to be delayed (for the nth time now) going to be addressed? I get not wanting to let 'em go but hiring another one should have been considered at this point.


To be fair, FET always launches with fewer bugs than other games like it. I'm having a hard time remember even getting a crash, let alone a game breaking bug.


I feel like without Cbob the game wouldn’t be the same. I mean this is something that him and Mity have been developing for over 4 years now it’s not that easy to replace someone like that. And the issues regarding the development of the game have already BEEN addressed and that was by Cbob HIMSELF. I do think however that he should be more better about letting the people know what’s going on ahead of time instead of last minute but that’s something he’ll just have to work on. Either way I’m patiently hanging fire for this next update and I’m sure it’ll be worth it.


I've been waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 for close to 6 years, waiting for this'll be nothing :)

Barbarian Badger

I'm super patient on development so I'm good.


I think it would be interesting in the final chapter to have a foursome between all the main characters of each chapter.

Billy bounce

I really hope they bring back characters like Mai and June. Because I loved their routes in the previous books. Not to mention that Mai was a possible main route in book 2. Lol it would be so messed up to tell her you would come back for her only to forget in the end but still remember your day one girl with Katara. That's why I felt kinda bad leaving Azula. Toph and Katara seemed to be more understanding with you leaving but Azula seemed like she really needed you after growing up so cold and warming up to you and her friends. I hope they find the time to do this too. But I'm looking forward mostly to Mai and Azula joining the others. So maybe a fivesome if that can work somehow. Just all the girls you had more serious relationships with. Not side characters Like Ty Lee (yes I know she's really hot but I'm thinking more for story sake). Guess we'll just have to see what they come up with.


Take as long as you need my dude! Never feel bad about a delay - It's better for the build to be delayed and get sent out in a finished state, then having to rush it out half baked and you going insane over all the bug reports haha! And hopefully Marty will be kind enough to tease you with some of his Halloween shenanigans regardless ;)

Neb the Pleb

Literally fucking this^ This game is in my top 3 favorite things that exist, period. I would do anything for you guys and I give you as much money as I can afford every month because you've given me unfathomable enjoyment from it. 4 Elements Trainer is my favorite piece of pornography that exists on this planet. When you complete it, I will upload it to a flashdrive and keep it with me forever as a cherished and beloved heirloom. I love these characters, I've always wanted to fall in love with them, and your efforts gave me that. I can't thank you enough. Your name is true. It has tainted me in a way I will take to my grave, and I am very happy for it. :)


Damn, i just want to know when we can expect the new Update😂 if there are Problems with stick to the exact schedule than take your Time, but tell us when we can expect something new😏


Cbob did in the LAST post but it was a rough estimation and unfortunately didn’t make the cut hence THIS post.


Marty talking. It 's not the coding part which is keeping things back, but the writing. It's things like self doubt and not being happy with the quality which really throws a wrench into things. Not caring is sometimes the best thing you can do to overcome that hurdle and get things done, but also the most difficult one. But yeah I do really dislike cbob's habit of generally being late with telling everybody what's going on. That's something I've been telling him and he really needs to be more upfront with stuff like that.


Marty here, when cbob says 20% is missing that's probably a veery positive estimation. So don't expect anything soon. That's at least how I look at it.


Is there a chance that we have something to play over the weekend?🤔 just asking 🤙


Artist here, I very much doubt it. I think I will write an art update tomorrow, but no build or anything like that on the close horizon.


Always nice to see an actual update. I often find myself going through the recent comments to see if anything came up from your side with the slight hope of an ETA. While it might be hard to guess the developement size of the new version, it might be appreciated by all us impatient patreons to receive smaller versions, but on a monthly, 6 weeks, whatever expectable time scale. Cheers


As understanding as i have been,i have to say that i'm dissapointed.It's not a small thing to be >2 weeks off from a (hopeful) eta and still be far away from releasing,especially if it's not a coding related issue/s. :/


Overall quality > Rushing the thing out

Neb the Pleb

Please ignore these impatient anons MITY. Take all the time you need, and do not rush anything. The final product I am sure will be the perfect vision you want it to be, but forcing out the product to shut up the impatient is a foolish thing to do.


I know cbob mentioned a progress bar personally that may be a good idea.

Darren S

For the record it's legally not considered a sandwich unless it's between two slices of bread.