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Early access 0.8.7d is here!!  This is a bit of a weird one since it's not a "real" new build. More of a.. half breed.

By which I mean, the story isn't progressing in this update.

There's NO love route content here, just additions and improvements to book 4's slave route. The last version, 0.8.7b, left too many smaller and bigger things "untied" and with this version we tried to fix all of what was left unfinished, as well as  kill some bugs. 

I've added a few more little things throughout book 4's slave route, but nothing which justifies a description or which will make you want to play through it in it's entirety again.  If however you decide to do that, Shady can now sometimes give you a  hint if you get stuck! For money and 30 seconds of your life! 

Okay, so what's new?

  • extra dog scene  -  It was the winner of the poll so... yeah, you know what that means... don't you? Poor korra. My own favorite was the geriatric girls scene! But alas!
  • extra end scene (Three women, one player and  one Oogi providing transportation!)
  • extra Asami  endscene. She can now(just like korra) become big bellied. 
  • New washroom scene (gotta get clean!)  Even the cardboard spirit can be found there if you did everything right.
  • Bunch of new versions of older korra scenes (indicated with a heart).  There's not much difference (just a bit) visually speaking, but the dialogue has been changed in the new versions after you defeat Amon to better reflect your new relation with Korra.
  • New version of old equalist scene (visit the cells). You might or might not have met a female equalist on your travels! You can see her again in the cells.

All of the new scenes can be found after you've defeated Amon. You might have to load a savegame a bit before that moment, but I'd say try and load a savegame close before the end of the route if you have one. If the korra scenes have a pink hard in the option screen it worked as intended. Otherwise you'll have to load a slightly older savegame.

We hope you'll like these additions to flesh out the end of book 4's slave route. And if no horrible things happen, we can finally start working on the love route in earnest!  Oh and I'd be mighty surprised if we can get anything finished in July so adapt your patronage accordingly!

FET 0.8.7d    -  pc version    alt link  

FET 0.8.7d    -  Mac version   alt link  

FET 0.8.7d    -  Android version  alt link  

Bughunters!!  We added a couple of small new things in this version which weren't there yet in the bughunt version. 

-cardboard spirit has a bit more animation during the washroom scene

-Asami sex scene (either pregnant or not) after the mile high scene. It felt weird to have her drop by and not get "the treatment" even though the other "milehigh" girls had one... sooo I decided to add that scene.

-Double tap scene now has the option to cum outside of the girls. That also applies to the cardboard spirit washroom scene.

- Couple of super small dialogue and visual changes.

I hope this will all work out fine,  but I have to get some sleep now so if things are.. less than optimal, I'll be here again in hopefully 7 to 8 hours! Peace!!



Awesome! Btw, any info on the love route? I'm assuming you plan to have us take control of Korra and mainly romance Asami?

DJ Quinn

Awesome! Only thing that would have made this better is pregnant Lin :P


Thank you for clarifying the differences with the bughunters version! I also didn't know if the box spirit in the washroom scene! Thanks a ton Mity and Cbob!


Is the box spirit washroom scene Rng? I went in there and got the pima,korra,and npc blowjob scene instead...


I did feel the peep hole in the bathroom couldve been a great opportunity for a glory hole scene.

Dakota Moritz

Help with cardboard spirit anyone?


Whoo! Nice job MITY, thanks for listening to our requests. The slave route was good before, but now its even better. And we even got a bit more of the best girl "cardboard spirit" as well! And I just thought of something... does the artist have a name? The coder has many names of course, but i'm not sure the artist has one yet.


Kinda doubt that tbh since she has no D, maybe one of the new airbenders that emerge later in the series after that while new avatar cycle


What's the mile high scene and double tap scene?

Anthony Michelli

Maybe a dumb question, but going to the cells just prompts them about getting them something to fap to. What is that an d how do I get it?

Peter Vanusanik

extra dog scene - It was the winner of the poll so... yeah, you know what that means... don't you? Poor korra. My own favorite was the geriatric girls scene! But alas! I mean you could do... like all of them lol. Also what happened to patch release? :(


So many flat bellies : ( Don't they understand the airbenders are in need of repopulation?? At least Asami is doing her job : )


You'll have to have seen all the other scenes with the cardboard spirit first. If you have, you'll get the option to peek again when entering the washroom.... and awfulness will ensue : )


Oh yeeess.. and I did consider it, but with the time left I'd only be able to have an entirely blacked out scene so I thought... naahh maybe something for the distant future.


Have you already seen the tower scene with Jinora? If so visit the washroom. You'll need to have seen all the other scenes with her first.


I usually think of the coder as cbob, and I tried to come up with one for myself, but nothing really stuck so far.... Marty? Su-pervman? Giving yourself a nickname never really works... Oh and glad to hear you've liked the additions!


Well the mile high scene is when you and the three women who have been with you from the start get on Oogie, fly around while.. doing exactly what you're picturing in your mind.. the double tap scene is where Korra and Asami are taking turns riding the player.


Lin's desk should contain a confiscated pornlove. It's a banned version... but lin just can destroy it for a certain reason...


I could do all of them... or at least the old girls scene and with enough time... eventually... who knows. But the love route is long overdue so that will be our super duper main priority... unless anything literally burns down. The patch release is something i want to get serious about again with the start of the love route. It's safer considering a lot of people were having trouble with their savegames the last time we tried.


Day 613 and I still haven't been able to unlock the third Ty Lee option in Slave book 3 :(

Daniel Everest

I'm having trouble I've used 2 different save files (one before the attack and one after but I cant access the new scenes)

Daniel Everest

I've seen the dog walk scenes with lin, asami, pema, and the rich girls is there more? Also the mile high scene


It's a reward for the battle hardened elite crabfighters among the players : ) and it's very difficult to get. You'll need to defeat ALL of Iroh's crabs until he has none left. He'll give you a reward which can unlock that scene.


So sad we didn't get to tend the elderly. Those people have lived their lives helping us in so many ways, and we are missing our chance to give back what they have given us. Although they also gave us unsustainable economy and global warming, but that is inly in US. (YAY NORTH)


My PC version seems to be having an issue with the download, the lib folder is missing a .exe like there is in previous versions for some reason. I've tried redownloading it from the link a few times now and re-extracting it probably 10 times. Edit: I fixed it, just copied over the one from the previous folders since I figured most of the file names would be the same to see if it would work and it loaded with everything properly so far as I can tell, huzzah

Austin Hanson

Did you hint at lewd scenes with jinora or was that not in this route? Other posts Hinted there being scenes for her Or something along those lines.


I need help. I'm stuck at the park with the girls (0.8.5c), I spam on each case on the street, I search every were but nothing, help


How do i earn the end scene? I seem to have experienced everything and shady has no hints for me. I have unlocked everything there is to unlock seemingly


Edit. Ah. I didn't talk to korra. I was so used to her never having anything to say


Did the girls tell you to lose a probender game? In that case periodically, a blue star will appear next to the date and amount of money you have. Top center of the screen. Click on that once it does, lose the probender game and visit the girls in the park again. You might have to sleep a couple of days before it'll reappear. If that doesn't work, send us a pm.


Yes there are. Depending on the choices you make throughout this route, some scenes will unlock. Same goes for jinora.


Happy to see you've managed to solve the problem! Weird that the exe file is missing though.


so i completed the game for now, love the game by the way but will anything new be added to the story in the future?


Absolutely, There's the love route, the final chapter which will conclude the overarching story, and whatever scenes we feel like adding along the way or afterwards.


Awesome job! Love the additions, especially the cardboard spirit in the washroom!


There's a bug somewhere that causes Jinora scenes to not happen. I did everything I'm supposed to do and they still didn't happen. I gave her the shake, I said the right thing during the talk near the statue, and I watched her pee. When she gives MC the drink he just falls asleep and wakes up and says he hopes Jinora didn't do anything weird. I also got her the ring for her birthday and the scene didn't play there either. A lot of people are having trouble playing Jinora scenes. Are we missing anything or is it just buggy as hell?


I think the problem could be we've been making it very difficult to unlock. You'll have to do the right(or wrong is more apt in this situation) thing to get those scenes right from the start. However that doesn't mean a bug can't be in there. I'll send you a pm to try and figure out which one of the two it is.


Will this ever work on an iPhone?


hay i decided to play book 2 again on this build and I think I've ran into a problem on the last night of the island after you time with Azula laying over Mai you have your last memory sequence for some reason the last door to progress is not opening I deleted the two false memories on either side but the middle door does not open


I extracted the file and it said that the game was harmful to my computer. Is it a virus and if not how do I fix the issue?


I've actually been replaying that part in the latest build for some other reason, but didn't encounter it myself. Are you using pc, mac or android? Here's a screen grab and solution for the middle door which I made a second ago while trying to see if the bug popped up for me too. https://ibb.co/JHS4TLS


Honestly? probably not. Maybe I'll give it a shot again once we reach version 1.0 though. I don't really enjoy having to juggle with more than three versions anyway, but the initial reason was I simply couldn't make it work.


I love the new Korra scenes but I wish we'd gotten a nude legwork scene. Love it either way though!


So I was at version 8.7b and then I tried to install 8.7d...now the game is saying its back down to version 8.5d? Any clues as to why this is happening? Is it a glitch?


I already answered this in a pm, but for everyone else who happens to read this, it's simply an oversight of us. We forgot to update the version number in the main menu, but it is 0.8.7d nonetheless.

Jay Mata

The quality of this game is insane... y'all deserve every last penny


I've never had a problem enabling the console. However, after I change config.console to True, "shift +o" does not open the console. Any tips? The problem only started when I downloaded this new version.


Yeah... that was an unintended consequence of me(artist) instead of the coder creating this version. No worries, I'll remove it in the next version and I have a file which should undo it. Just download and add the file I link to below in FET's game folder and you should be able to open the console again. mega.nz/file/SyBSiS4A#P-rFmnr_LNz754kWYQJ8AYS9pG3XynwzUO7XQbMGCYg


Ah when I read "extra dog scene" I was thinking there was another friendly dog involved, Silly me, so I don't think I've missed anything else now I've hit the end of the slave route.


How do I trigger jinoras birthday???


Hey man, how's it going? I can't access this content eventhough my last savegame before the last version happened right before the air ship scene: extra dog scene extra end scene (Three women, one player and one Oogi providing transportation!) extra Asami endscene. She can now(just like korra) become big bellied. Specially the big bellied part. New washroom scene (gotta get clean!) Even the cardboard spirit can be found there if you did everything right. ------------- So, the last thing I've been able to do was collect evidence, and then bang both Asami and Korra. That's about it. the hearts @ Korra's room menu show up, but the Cardboard Spirit doesn't eventhough she will perform in the Treehouse. This birthday I keep reading about doesn't show up either. Shady won't give me a hint, the option appears faded.


... And disregard this one too. I solved it by restarting the book. Thank you.


wait how many cardboard spirt scenes are there total

Alex Campbell

I can't seem to get the shift + o to bring up the console even thought I've changed it to true in the 00console file.


Yeah, I messed that up creating the last build. I'll undo it in the next version, but in the meantime you can take this file: https://mega.nz/file/SyBSiS4A#P-rFmnr_LNz754kWYQJ8AYS9pG3XynwzUO7XQbMGCYg Copy/paste it in FET's game folder and next time you start a game you should be able to bring up the console again.

Pedro Gomez

All I pray for is non incest Jinora scenes in the lobe Love route🙏. Love the way she way drawn. Like a small tit and fit college girl. Just the incest with tenzin was 🤷‍♂️ not up my alley