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Hey people! It's already time for this month's art assets update again. I almost would've forgotten as I'm trying to get the early access version  (0.8.7d)  ready.   I've been adding some bigger and smaller new things because so far (don't jinx me fate!)  feedback on bugs has been minor.  I hope to have it ready today, but if not today than certainly tomorrow.

In the meantime, here are some bigger res versions of all sorts of depravity! I might even have included the real identity of Amon?!!?!?  Also, I sometimes like to troll people! There's most likely a connection between the things I'm saying... 


This month's art assets! 


And naturally the links to the older art assets below.

0-5  6-10 11-15 16-18 19-21 22-25 26-28 30-32 33 34 35 36 37 38  39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46  47 



God damn it! I really wanted that fivesome we were denied from book 1


Maybe after some time has passed. You do add things from time to timeq. Let goldengirls be part of the dlc


Are we ever going to get some Jinora art assets, or more Zhu Li or Joe Dee?? :D


I believe all of Zhuli and Joodee's assets have been released. Correct me if I'm wrong. As for the box spirit stuff.. What did she call herself again? six letters, no capitals.... https://mega.nz/file/KyoH1ThR#EWsTZVY5yMoL3SHD3nUR0WeSsdBhuLHCO2O8VRv-V0c


The Zhuli and Joodee stuff is out, but that can't mean a guy can't dream for more! I suppose we will get more Zhuli in the love route, but likely Joodee is all done and taken care of :(

Bill Kurtis

Things like this make me happy to be a supporter :). When she appears again in the love route I hope you can add in an option for her to keep her old hairstyle (with the bangs) after she gets the tattoos. An option similar to the waterbending boob size in previous books. Assuming that the Love Route uses season 2-4 content as inspiration.

Ryan Lambert

Has Jinora's art set been released??


Yes, it has. What did the box spirit call herself? Six letters, no capitals.... https://mega.nz/file/KyoH1ThR#EWsTZVY5yMoL3SHD3nUR0WeSsdBhuLHCO2O8VRv-V0c