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Hey guys! Anyone getting stir crazy yet? I'm one of those least affected persons when it comes to all of this but I can't help starting to feel a bit restless myself. Hope all of you extroverts out there (who actually like socializing and going out) aren't too much worse off, but I could certainly understand if you are.

To rip off the band-aid immediately, next build is most likely gonna be the end of May. And that's... pretty damn long when there's an airship hanging above you and nothing you can do about it. 

It's not the first time we're taking this long when it comes to a route closer, but that doesn't make the wait easier. I talked it over with the coder and his wish list for the extra stuff he'd like  is very fitting and fun for this route to end on, but also taking lots of time.

I think I can finish the extra's within a week after which he can start putting it in. He'll probably have to be content with some temp art, but the sooner he has something to work with, the better.  I did tell him to just keep working on the build for now as if I'm not going to do any extra's in the meantime. 

I also asked him to say hi and write a short blurb for this art update instead of doing an update himself.

Hi everyone, we're going to invest two months into this route's final build for a proper  quality send off. That means end of May. We're buckling down on making sure Korra  ends up as an absolutely broken sub slave puppet, and providing some fun and choice  character end scenes. It's a strange line sometimes, creating a broken person and yet  a happy ending, but it's an interesting challenge every time. Besides there are other  questions that have to be answered: What's up with the airship? What's happening with  the spirit ladies? Will there ever be a purpose for the watch Shady sells? Will Tom the equalist find love? Answers and wet sloppy bitches are in the works! 

I've been wondering about that watch(and tom) myself! Mostly the watch though.  I almost thought he had forgotten he had put that in! Yes we do sometimes add stuff we don't tell each other about just so we can surprise the other later on.

But putting aside all of that and any possible disappointment over the time it'll take us,  I do think we'll be able to put together a very satisfying end to this route. I only wish we could do it faster.

 I also started working on some files/scenes for the love route before Rob had send me his wish list for extra slave route scenes and if you think the Desna scene was slightly pushing it...  (as in that's not what we normally do)...    Hahaha! that's peanuts compared to what I've got in mind for one of the  love route scenes :D ! 

I've been adding a variation to a normal scene which Rob will quite possibly straight out refuse to put in when he'll see it! It's THAT horrible! I mean... don't get me wrong it makes sense, and I think it's funny, but in a horrible way. I'm certain some of you would be pleasantly surprised... but damn is it a niche fetish...

My only regret is I can't show it to you right now. If Rob will agree we'll give you plenty of warning like with the Desna scene, but man... my inner troll is being awfully happy with himself.

Something entirely different now. You might remember me talking about mouse wheels and the intensive usage of mine. I constantly use it to zoom in and out while I'm drawing.  So much in fact that the skin on my index finger got very sensitive to any sort of pressure. I did find an alternative (rubber concave wheel instead of a convex hard plastic one) which helped immensely, but I stumbled upon an even better alternative this week.

Even the concave rubber mouse wheel wasn't entirely what I wanted, but it was the best of my options until I saw a Doom eternal speedrun explanation...  How the hell can that be of any help? It showed me something I never knew existed. 

You see, they did something using a mouse wheel. They made it go insanely fast. Even blowing against it through a straw could move it... I'm not certain whether I was having a major hole in my general knowledge about mice and everyone else already knows about those existing, but I certainly didn't!

When I saw  that youtube video I remembered I had a mouse just like it lying around somewhere!  I'm pretty much known as the local dumping grounds for old/broken pc's and their peripherals when it comes to family. That means I have a small collection of mice too. I enjoy messing around with old/broken hardware. It simply scratches a mental itch whenever I can muck about with it. 

The mouse I remembered had it's wire cut off (don't know why or how that happened) and the mouse wheel would spin without any friction. I had no way of trying it out easily and always assumed the mouse wheel was broken! 

Soooo I dug up another "normal" mouse whose wire wasn't cut off, but had it's plastic jacket frayed in one place, exposing it's internal  wiring and causing a short circuit. After finding a screwdriver, scissors,  a lighter  and electrical duct tape I got to work and made my own Frankenstein mouse.

The wires in a mouse are really thin so instead of trying to unearth my solder equipment I just twisted the wires together after removing part of the plastic jacket by melting/burning  the ends. That's what the lighter is for! I prevented short circuiting the result by slapping on some electrical duct tape.

Hooking it up to my pc after I connected the wires it got recognized and it works perfectly.

I now have a mouse whose wheel has close to zero friction when turning it and it is awesome. It even has a button to switch to a normal mode where it's friction is "normal". It's pretty damn nice to use. I've never played doom eternal and I don't know why youtube suggested it to me, but I'm happy it did!

And that's pretty much the extent of what I have to say. I'll try and keep you guys informed until we can finish the current build and in the meantime, here are some girls checking their bikini line... or something.. I was trying to keep in line with the mirror theme for this post. If there's not enough bare skin to  your liking, try the version in the attachment. 

Till next time!

Mirror mirror on the wall who has the best bikini line of them all?




Ty Lee has the best Bikini


Ty Lee definitely. 😁


Am I reading this right? You're more of a love route guy, and Rob is more for the slave route?

Peter Vanusanik

I've been on mx ergo for like two years, best mouse switch ever!


Hope we get more Jinora before the route ends


Out of all of the girls i think Korra is the only one not gonna romance, she is just unlikable and deserves to be slave routed and thank you for going all out with it XD. E;R would be proud for your work (Cookie for anyone who gets the reference.)


Toph is prettiest p**** hands down in my book! No doubt about it. Oooh sounds like we doin another Azula for this route end! I'm liking what I'm hearing! And let's hope poor ol' Tom finds love, even if it's for just an hour a day after Tension whores Korra out to whomever's willing to pay. It's been quite a while since a really engaging game has had a good WTF scene,so I'm really looking forward to it! Please don't bitch out dear coder! I'm sure I'm not the only one who's eager to find it, however traumatising and horrible it may be. I might just regret saying this but what's said is said! I REGRET NOTHING... yet... Looking forward to seeing what comes up with the next build in time! Thanks for the hard work y'all 👍🏾


Desna scene was fire. I wish it was more futa, than straight gay though


Definitely want to see more jinora

Noah Greed

Ty lee is the best!


Aw, sooooo long

morris ridgeway

Thank you. Be safe and be well.


But what about the telescope? Best pussy? I think we have to test some more. Lots more. And please don't rush or give out estimates. If you enjoy what you're doing, we'll enjoy it too.


So the goblin mask says it is 3 goblin respect, but when i click on it for 3 respect, it says i don't have enough. What is the real number?


The real number is 5 an earlier post said it was an error


Let's just say when I play other games I find it neigh impossible to be mean towards other characters unless they're really evil.


As much as I like my current frankenstein creation, I think I'll start to look out for something a bit less taped together. It's just too bad trying a bunch out in the same place is slightly bothersome at the moment.


Hahaha! Yeah I deserve that cookie : ) and I didn't even have to look it up. Anyway, a Korra love route will be very challenging but we're gonna try anyway.


Lol, when we're going by votes Ty Lee would win, but to each his own right? A good WTF scenes needs to be accompanied by sheer ignorance until you see it and we can't do that. BUuut I think a lot of players won't be able to restrain themselves and will want to see it at least once. ... and then the nightmares will start :D


Until Desna we didn't have a straight gay scene and Desna just fits the bill perfectly.... though I can understand the allure of futa.


Crazy shit will happen. Jinora will be there... and instigate it.


I'll do my best to make those extra days worth it, but yeah it's going to be quite the long wait.


Maybe Tom can use the telescope to discover his true love is astronomy! And yes, testing is always good. I'd test them all day long! As for our estimate... I think this should give us a good amount of time and we also don't just want to leave the players in the dark. "When it's done" is fine to hear when it's a game which will release in it's entirety, but we did leave people on a cliffhanger so a bit of a pointer to when they can expect the next installment is the more humane way of things.


This is the strangest bug ever, but in an earlier version it was 5. We lowered it to 3 to make it easier and I've tested it more than once using 0.8.6d but there's still people who'll need five. Quite frankly I'm stumped when it comes to this.

Dominic J Wiltse

i truely hope om...or todd... whoever the equalisty is finds the love of his life and becomes a man of true power!!! after typing this just realized tom can be president raiko...

Dominic J Wiltse

i literally wasted hundreds of gold into the telescope hoping something would eventually show XD


This might be because of my love of exhibitionism but will we get to degrade Korra in public? I think it would be fun or at least interesting if she went into her giant spirit form and had to pleasure herself in front of republic city, I think its a great way to end the slave route her pleasuring herself in her giant spirit form and then having tenzin fuck her. I do not see it getting in the love route due to it feeling like a better fit in the slave route and fits the time line. or could even have Tenzin get big and fuck her Vaatu fusing with him or something as like a finale for the slave route of the series end on a BIG finale. Also Pema seems to like doing it in public so I hope we get one more with her, she is best wife hands down even if I do not like her being pregnant.


Tom is the true hero of this story : ) May his political career be long and fruitful!


That's actually a nice idea, korra in her giant spirit form! I never considered doing something like that honestly. We'd totally have added that if Unalaq was the main adversary. I can however let you know we will be including a more public sort of degrading for Korra. It was one of those things the coder requested and which I've been working on for the past week. In fact I sent him the stuff only an hour ago! Pema will also see some more/new action, but not as public as you'd like.... though there wil be feelings of shame involved : ) (not from her though)


If you can find a way to add in her spirit form even if its just her standing nude in republic city it would be awesome, I know your trying to get everything you already have planned in so I won't get my hopes to high but if there is time or if you can add it later while working on the love route similar to the scene with Tophs mom recently? It is literally the only thing I thought was cool that Korra did. glad she will get a public scene though, I think its a staple for every book to have the main girl fucked in public now and I do feel is a great finale to each book. Sad Pema's won't be as public, I guess I was misreading your intentions foe her lol.


Thanks for the time and effort you guys put into this game. This is hands-down the best game I've played so far. The dialogue is very well done and I found myself laughing several times. The fire nation guards are the best :D And what's up with the female activist guard? I went back and the tunnels were collapsed - will she make another appearance? O.O Staying tuned.


Impossible, Kuvira is the rightful ruler of the Earth Empire.


After the story is done, is there any chance of a voyeur scene for book two where you watch futa!Azula knock up the prisoners?


Prince Wu might disagree! Oooor he might want to focus on his singing career...


I don't know where I'm suppose to ask this, but is there a current walkthrough?


Nothing official, you could search online, but if you really feel you suffered enough frustration with a particularly difficult part you could always just send us a pm and ask.


The fire nation guards are our favorite henchmen too : ) Not certain if the coder will make it able to revisit the female equalist after the tunnel collapsed, but if he finishes things up early and hasn't, I'll ask him about it.