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Hey everyone!

just a small reminder that 0.8.5 (the old early access)went public back when we released the new early access version(0.8.6) so if you haven't updated to that version you can get the links from the public page.

Okay, so with FET 0.8.6 released we've finally reached the point where one more build will end the slave route! I say finally because this route has been a rocky ride with all the stuff going on in the background. Feels a lot like a cup of poison which we had to empty and in a lot of ways still are.

I've already mentioned this in the art update of last month, but about two weeks ago I had to put my dog to sleep which cut me pretty deep at the time. Considering I'm pretty much a recluse, my dog has always been a large part of my "daily social interactions". Especially during all of this corona business. First couple of days after were very rough. I'm still sad at times when I remember her but I try to remember the good times.

"Of course" a few days after that happened my hdd had a "panic attack" or whatever it was which had me needing to fix things... but that wasn't really all that problematic. It was honestly more of a good diversion than anything else.

I'm starting to get acclimatized to the "new real" as sucky as it sometimes feels. You build up a lot of habits throughout the years with a pet which keep reminding you throughout the day when she's not there anymore.

I'm just happy I can keep busy. Too much time to mull things over is not good.

And staying busy is what I've been doing.  I changed a couple of things for the final scenes in the final build for the slave route. There's ALWAYS a couple of things which need more attention and I've been happy to be able and do that. 

If you've finished 0.8.6 already you'll know we ended that one on a big fat ol' cliffhanger! For anyone wondering, the next build isn't just going to be the showdown between Amon/you/Korra immediately followed by the final goodbye of the player. There will be  a couple of new sex scenes which will be more  reflecting of Korra's newfound respect for Tenzin and threesome(-ish?) scenes with other characters too! Some of it perverted enough I'm slightly surprised Rob hasn't told me yet to tone it down a bit!  I'm kidding, but damn it, if the last build of a route isn't when you let it all out, then when?

The scenes were packaged and sent to Rob a couple of days ago. He can work his magic and turn it all into a coherent thing.  

ps. as I was typing this I got a message from Rob (speak of the devil!) and he does think some of the scenes are risque, but he agrees on going all out on pervyness.... and also has some extra requests... oh boy... !   

I can  at least spoil one thing, next build will have Amon getting some payback!

Btw. some people had problems saving their game in 0.8.6b.  We don't think our little test with smaller update files had something to do with that, but we reverted back to our old way of creating the builds just to minimize possible causes for problems in 0.8.6d etc.  We might give it(update files) another try for the next build again though.

Anyway, images for book 4 slave route are/were done and I've started working on idles for the love route! YEEESSS! Some new characters to work on!! Finally! I'm actually liking what I've done so far(six different characters!) which is highly unusual when it comes to idles for characters. Up until now I'm pretty much always unsatisfied with those so I'm still sorta expecting to all of a sudden start hating them again. I've also started to do some work on new scenes etc, but those are veeeery much at the beginning stages and will stay there now that Rob is starting to feel "requesty" again.  I like Rob being "requesty", that's a good sign.

Love route will have some characters you already met during the slave route, but there will be a lot of new ones. It's pretty much going to be a thing where if you've seen a female in the cartoon but not yet in the slave route, you'll see her during the love route. Well not literally, but it's at least sort of what we're aiming for.

I've mentioned that (splitting characters between love and slave route) before, but we still got some questions in the pm's about that.  And yes, not the perfect option, but sacrifices have to be made considering the large amount of female characters throughout the cartoon. This seems like the only truly do-able way to go.

Anyway Rob is working on the final build for the current route and I'll just go and ask him what he exactly meant by extra's. Till next time!




When out the new update ???


I really look forward to the love route. Slave route is fine and all but I for myself like a good hard pounding more when there is something behind it. Just not that much of a fan seeing woman mistreated. (The art is still damn hot don't get me wrong there) Also the Sauna scene in the love route damn I want that.


As much as I don't want this to come to an end for this route, I completely understand that after working on this for so long you're happy to finally give it a conclusion. I can't wait for the great (and hopefully very large) final update. And I'll be looking forward to your next project, after I see to the end of this love route for the last book of course.


Hopefully all the girls will get a chance to shine for the finale. Id have liked more scenes with side characters personally. Ig its just because i dont find korra particularly attractive.


1. I've been replaying the slave route so much I forgot there'd be love route coming up 😂 gotta say tho, can't see myself doing a love route with korra at the start. 2. When you say Amon getting payback, do you mean the REAL Amon or the hornhole(Horny asshole)-in-a-mask Tenzin? 3. Can't wait to see the fuck fest of fan service at the end of this book for both routes! The previous books' endings have been glorious! Both of you are doing the dick God's work and much love for that, but please also stay healthy and safe!


Our estimations have been horribly wrong lately so I don't dare give you one now. All I can say is I very much doubt it will be in April. Especially if the coder's requests will be more than a few tidbits here and there.


I'm very much looking forward to the Love Route, but I hoping to play as a different character instead of Tenzin, and I'm hoping the choices we made in the previous books will show in Book 4 in terms on who we ended up with. Maybe add a setting were you remind yourself on who you ended up with and the offsprings that would come out of it and the changes that are brought. But other then that 'm happy for you. The end is near for you all and I'll be looking forward to how it all concludes and what you would do next

Peter Vanusanik

It's hilarious that Korra still haven't sucked our dick, even once.


I guess I can also spoil that's one of those things she will start doing in the last build now that she has a new found respect for Tenzin. On more than one occasion even!


Can't say I disagree with you when it comes to love route > slave route. Love route is just more my thing even though Korra as a character made it a lot easier for me to draw her in less than wholesome situations.


It's mostly because of the months we couldn't work on it(when rob shattered his ankle etc) I feel I could really use a change of scenery. Besides, I didn't dislike being mean towards Korra during certain scenes, but deep down I'm still mostly a love route person at heart.


There are a lot of characters I find more attractive than Korra, but I'm not certain if that's because of her attitude or her appearance.


1. That'll be quite a challenge for us too, but one we welcome. 2. The real Amon. He's a wonderful scapegoat for all of the player's hornholery. 3. It'll be nice if we can keep that going with this end too. It won't be for lack of sperm finding it's way in and on a variety of girls!


The player won't possess Tenzin during the love route. That much I can already tell you. We do want him to show his face as a side character this time, but that's because I always liked him during the cartoon. Love route with Tenzin would be fairly difficult even if we wanted to since he's married with kids.

Noah Greed

thats awesome i cant wait!


ooh only one more update away from the conclusion? Awesome, although I think that means I'll skip this update


Sorry about your dog, man, it's always an epic bummer when friends like that are no more. On a related note, like the bewb size potions, have you considered optional genderbender potions?


So are we getting more You know who?


I am in the middle of the current build. I actually haven't completed it yet, but I look forward to it. I think you guys did a bang up job. I hope you guys have enjoyed creating it too. Also, that picture with Korra doing reps reminds me of the end of the Rick and Morty episode with Summer and Rick buffed up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DO7eQGSvqE ^That should be Korra and Tenzin ;D


Is 0.8.6 for a higher tier I'm confused


i'd love to see more of jinora... also an asami footjob with some painted nails :D


How do I see the latest game link to download the new content?


I hope we can still have Pema in the love route. I love to steal her from Tenzin :D


Thanks and yeah, shit really sucks hard for awhile after, but such is the fate of any pet owner and I made certain she had a good life. Anyway, we already had a potion for growing a dick during book 3 with Ajala's two idiot lackeys in one scene, Optional stuff usually means twice the amount so we're usually very careful with more adventurous stuff like that.


0.8.6 is the early access version available to everyone in the "Sokka" tier or higher. The old early access version (0.8.5) is the one we made publicly available.


One of those moments which stuck with me more than others, just as "getting swifty", but I always like animation combined with music. I'm imagining a buff Tenzin and Korra replacing Summer and Rick... and it's glorious : )


eehhhhhh... probably not. But don't consider anything we say 100% trustworthy until we release it.


https://www.patreon.com/mity?fan_landing=true in the "about" blurb of text there's a "show more" link. If you click that it'll show the entire post plus the links in big red letters.


Lol, I'm going to pull a veto on that! No netorare during the love route! We've already done that (sorta?) during the slave route : )

Dominic J Wiltse

2 things 1 for the love route katara should somehow be able to be made young again and Powell that its her son XD (for me the only love route I thought appropriate was for katara) 2 we never seen that moon girl soka fell in love with she got turned into fish or something her ive wanted to see for awhile

Dominic J Wiltse

Only reason I say love route with katara and noone else is because out of all the characters it feels like katara was the only one who truely fell in love with the main character

Cliff Hanger

Sorry to hear about your dog. But I'm looking forward to the end of the slave route of Book 4 and the upcoming love route. This is one of the best of these types of games I've played.


Glad to see you're looking forward to it. The end of a route is always a special moment so we are pretty excited too.


thanks, she had a good life. I just wish it could've lasted a bit longer. Anyway, the end of a route is always special, so we're trying to make it extra interesting and hope it'll show.


for future updates could you put more prominence to jinora ?? even she is next to the room of the statue you could invent something interesting. yes?


I kinda wish there were more things we could do with Korra in meditation unlocked after You start getting her to do the naughtier stuff


She isn't getting a whole lot of attention during the slave route, but if you manage to unlock it she'll have another scene during the (next) build which ends the current route.


im sorry about your dog. love how the game developed with the twins & jinora


Looks like I need to become a bughunter. Time to loosen my wallet.

Ryan Bidwell

I cant seem to get Jinora, is it possible? maybe i fucked up somewhere?

Dominic J Wiltse

basically when you "talked" to her if u said anything but its opk that she wants/has feelings for you you wont get jinora


I'm not seriously expecting it to be ready this month so if you're only motivation is to test the bughunt version I'd say hold off on that until we actually have something ready.


My motivation is content. The quicker and more I can get, the better.


Hinting at possible Jinora options in the love route??? 🤔🤔🤔🤞🤞🤞


Hi just wanted to say I recently found the game and I love it ,it’s funny as hell =w= Really cool game .


can you send me one too? I'm at a bit of a loss as well.


Always encouraging to hear people have been enjoying our handywork/insanity : ) Thanks!


I have four Goblin respect but it says I don't have enough to exchange for an equalist mask.


Wait, I just spammed the dice game and got 6 respect and was able to exchange for the equalist mask. The price is listed as 3 respect but it actually cost me 5.


That should've been one of those bugs which was solved in 0.8.6d I downloaded that version from the same links we provided everyone else (to be super certain) just now and played it. The respect/mask ratio was 3 as intended so unless you used an older version it might just be one of those bugs which sneak in through making a save game at just the wrong moment. It's one of those things which sometimes happens when you play and update a game. Not much we can do about that. Still thanks for mentioning it and sorry for any frustrations it caused.


Hi are you considering creating the option to make Desna a Futa? I think it would be a nice addition to that scene :) Edit: If I haven't missed something I think Desna also doesn't cum. It would be nice if he could also finish :D


Creating the scene with Desna and it's alternative was already quite the challenge so I'd rather not mess around too much with it. But I will try and add something to make Desna cum. that was indeed an oversight of me while creating it.


Hey there! I'm still running 0.8.4C. I can't find the post for 0.8.5, could someone help me out? Thanks!

douledamn (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:05:20 Hi, I'm on 8.4b at the moment, Trying to get to 8.6, but the latest update under the Public tab is the Halloween special followed by 8.3c, please help?
2021-07-07 19:05:20 Hi, I'm on 8.4b at the moment, Trying to get to 8.6, but the latest update under the Public tab is the Halloween special followed by 8.3c, please help?
2021-07-07 19:05:20 Hi, I'm on 8.4b at the moment, Trying to get to 8.6, but the latest update under the Public tab is the Halloween special followed by 8.3c, please help?
2021-07-07 19:05:20 Hi, I'm on 8.4b at the moment, Trying to get to 8.6, but the latest update under the Public tab is the Halloween special followed by 8.3c, please help?
2020-05-10 21:28:18 Hi, I'm on 8.4b at the moment, Trying to get to 8.6, but the latest update under the Public tab is the Halloween special followed by 8.3c, please help?

Hi, I'm on 8.4b at the moment, Trying to get to 8.6, but the latest update under the Public tab is the Halloween special followed by 8.3c, please help?